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0267 Serindia : vol.2
Serindia : vol.2 / Page 267 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000183
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T. xxix d Fr. of pale buff stoneware ; outside, creamy glaze giving place to light-brown ' smear ' ; inside, creamy white glaze minutely crackled. Gr. M. is".

T. xxzx. e. Fr. of hard gritty buff-coloured stoneware; glaze on convex side only, dull olive green, laid over black and giving mottled effect like later ' tea-dust' glaze. Gr. M.

T. xxix f. Fr. of thick buff gritty stoneware, with brown-black glaze on exterior and part of interior. Chinese; perhaps Tang dynasty. Gr. M. I ".

T. xxzx. g. Fr. of greyish buff stoneware ; brilliant black glaze, very thin, on external face only. Chinese ; perhaps T'ang dynasty. Gr. M. r".

T. xxix. h. Fr. of straight-sided stoneware bowl, wall and plain rim. Body of light grey clay, hard ; covered both sides with greenish-brown glaze, very thin, mottled, pale at rim and deepening below to dense brown. Chinese ; Sung dynasty. Gr. M. i".

T. xxzx i Fr. of porcelain bowl ; body warm grey, glaze (both sides) rather thick, pale celadon green. Chinese ; prob. Sung dynasty. Gr. M. I ".

T. xxzx. j. Fr. of rim of porcelain bowl, with white glaze on both sides, translucent, crackled ; rim very slightly curved outward. Chinese ; not earlier than Ming dynasty. Gr. M. zr.

T. xxix. k. Fr. of coarse porcelainous ware, with creamy white glaze on both sides, thin, translucent, and crackled. â" sq.

T. xxix. 1. Fr. of grey porcelainous ware, with pale celadon green glaze on both sides. Chinese ; Sung dynasty. Gr. M. i".

T. xxux m. Fr. of fine buff stoneware ; glaze on both sides, rather thick, opaque and very even ; an exquisite shade of greenish turquoise. Chinese ; Sung dynasty (?). Gr. M.r

T. xxzx. n. Bronze ring, cast ; surface corroded ; seems to have had some attachment at one point. Diam. xi" to r ân, thickness r.

T. xxix. I. Fr. of straight-sided stoneware bowl, wall and plain rim. Hard greyish-white body with deep greenish-brown glaze of varying thickness on both sides, partly crackled. Chinese. Gr. M. a4'.

T. xxix. a. Fr. of shallow stoneware bowl, bottom with base-ring. Hard whitish drab clay ; outside unglazed, only a blue-grey smear ; inside, dark brown glaze, with base-ring round middle. Chinese. Gr. M. 31'.

T. xxzx. 3 Fr. of stoneware bowl, wall and plain rim. Body of hard whitish buff clay with black crackled glaze on both sides, flaked off in parts. Chinese. Gr. M. 21'.

T. xxzx. 4. Fr. of buff stoneware ; exterior has rich black glaze ; interior unglazed save for casual running of glazing material from above. Chinese. Gr. M. 226.".

T. xxix. 5-6. Two frs. of straight-sided stoneware bowl, wall and plain rim; body of hard buff clay with mottled dark brown glaze inside and out. Chinese. Gr. M.a".

T. xxix. 7. Fr. of stoneware vessel, of coarse drab clay, wheel-made; outside, tea-green glaze over black, giving mottled effect ; inside unglazed except for a streak of black spilt down. Chinese. Gr. M. rg".

T. xxix. 8. Fr. of pottery from saine vessel as T. xxix. ro (q. v.). Gr. M. x,'.

T. xxix. 9. Fr. of pottery ; hand-made, badly potted, of ill-levigated pinkish-drab clay burning to cream, fired on an open hearth. Orn. by two bands of comb-drawn tvave pattern (the upper inverted), separated by double incised line. Gr. M. 3*'.

T. xxrx. zo. Fr. of straight-sided pottery bowl, wall and rim. Flanged rim, nearly flat on top but with slight groove to catch cover. Wheel-made, of well-levigated greenish-drab clay, badly potted, kiln-fired. Gr. M. 3f".

T. xxix. zz. Fr. of edge of straight-sided stoneware bowl ; plain rim, body of whitish drab clay with dark brown glaze on both sides. Chinese. Gr. M. IT.

T. xxix. 12. Fr. of base of stoneware bowl, with high base-ring ; pinkish white porcelainous aware. with creamy glaze inside, base-ring round centre. Chinese ware of coarse Ting type. Gr. M. 2'.

T. xxzx. ooz. Wooden spoon, with flat narrow pointed bowl, and curved handle sq. in section. Roughly made. Length (end to end) 61", of bowl 2', gr. width r.

T. xxix. 002. Stucco relief fr. ; two heads, one above the other, chin of upper head sunk into lower's crown. Both have lost their ears ; hair same in both, parted in centre, and drawn back and up in waved locks with semi-partings between. Crown of upper head above fringe of hair is plain and unfinished, lower head broken at neck. Upper has placid expression. Eyes are half closed and pupil shown by hole in raised eyeball. Line of bowed lips very carefully shown ; lilaka in middle of forehead. Lower has intense expression with frown, and open mouth, showing teeth ; cf. Mi. xi. 0057. Eyes wide open and eyeball solid ; double chin. Both show traces of paint all over that is now dark grey. Prob. part of a lrimürli fig., the third head missing from below. Soft clay mixed with hair. Very finely moulded, the two heads separately, faces apart from heads. H. of whole 61'; h. of each, chin to hair, 21'. Pl. CXXXIX.

T. xxzx. 003-004. Stucco frs., pair of' life-size hands, 003 R., 004 L. Hand 003 broken off at wrist ; middle finger broken close to first joint, the rest close to knuckles, and thumb just below second joint. Of 004 only back of hand with beginning of fingers remains ; remains of iron rod as core in solid part. Both painted black ; poor work. Soft clay mixed with hair. Across knuckles 3' and 3*".