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0443 Serindia : vol.2
Serindia : vol.2 / Page 443 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000183
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gold and set with central gold boss and jewel, covering the calf. Among the Indian' Lokapâlas, however (see below), the greaves are sometimes made in three horizontal bands bound with metal (Ch. lxi. oox ). These are sometimes painted as if of scale armour (Ch. ooro6 ; xxvi. a. ooi), while in one case (Ch. 0085) they are of scale-armour from top to bottom without bands. They are finished at bottom by ankle-guards, in form of a stiff metal (?) ruff, like a ray of pointed petals. The arm-guards are of corresponding pattern.

  1. Shoes or sandals. The shoes may be black and close-fitting, either plain or orn. with gold scroll-work. These are found only in case of the Indian' figs. (see below). The more Chinese type of Lokapâla wears either plain sandals, with single toe and heel-strap exposing foot (Ch. 0040 ; lv. 0020) ; or woven shoes of cord (Ch. 0022 ; xx. ooi r ; Iv. 0046). These shoes are made with a long opening down the front, the ends of which are tied up by a string drawn close round ankle. For the same pattern found (in cloth) at the Al Ian Fort, see M. I. ü. 0025 ; also L. A. vi. ü. 0025 ; T. xiv. a. 002, etc.

  2.  The helmet or tiara. These are found indifferently in variations of both types, but tiara more common. It may be of heavy all-metal type (Ch. xlix. 007 ; lv. 005), or of white fillet variety orn. with jewels and with light streamers flying up at ears (Ch. lv. ow 8, 0020). Helmet is close-fitting with projecting rim and gorget (Ch. 0040) or sausage-shaped collar (Ch. xxvi. a. 006). Third variety seen in Ch. xxvi. a.


The halo is in all cases a plain circular disc, and the demon underfoot a thick-set half-monstrous fig. with grotesque features squatting or crouching in a contorted position. He is nude except for red loin-cloth, and simple necklace and bracelets ; he has generally glaring eyes, red or green hair, and tusks instead of teeth.

*Ch. ooio. Painted silk banner ; complete except for weighting-board and excellently preserved.

Head-piece of cream-coloured silk, with broad edging of salmon-red ; suspension loop of brocade, much worn, appa-

rently same as Ch. xlviii. 001, and strung with a bronze ring; side-streamers of thin myrtle-green silk with flower and insect motifs in paste ; bottom streamers of sage-green silk, dis-

coloured.   .

Subject : Virûpàksa, Guardian of the West. Stands facing spectator on head and knee of contorted demon ; weight

thrown on R. hip, L. foot on higher level than R., and L. knee bent. L. hand at waist holds a naked sword upwards and aslant across body, R. hand supporting blade at breast ; head turned towards R. shoulder.

The pose is that of the more Indian' Lokapâlas (see Ch. xxvi. a. 006), and the dress a variety of the same, but decoratively treated with great elaboration of detail. Drawing, though mechanical, is however less stiff than in that type, and Chinese influence is seen in cloud-like scroll behind halo, in small flowers spotting border, and in demon face of King and his supporter.

Scale-armour round-edged on shoulders, body, and skirt alike of coat of mail, painted red and white on body and arms, black, green, and white on skirts and shoulders: Skirt has a red border and pleated green edge, and is'slit up in front, showing similar flap below. Apron and flaps over hips are of blue leather cut separately, orn. with metal-work and jewels, and with small green flaps underlying between them. There is no corslet, but a breastplate as in Ch. xxvi. a. ooz, also of light blue leather elaborately orn. with metal-work, green jewels, and white beaded borders. An open metal-bound collar, also orn. with beads, is round neck, but latter exposed in front. There are no arm-guards, but lower arm is covered to elbow by frilly blue, and then by heavier red swathed draperies evidently from tunic. The latter is orange and red with blue border ; the leg-covering white, tucked into greaves.

Greaves are of red and blue leather (?), orn. with scrolled metal-work, and with appliqué discs painted in scale-pattern, green, black, and white; showing that much of painting was done unintelligently with an eye solely to decorative effect. The shoes are black, also shod and bound with metal-work. Green stole, lined with pink and white, hangs round shoulders and arms to ground ; and another, green and brown, is knotted to hip-belt.

Flesh painted a uniform light pinkish red, and hair light blue ; the latter in close festoons on forehead and bunched back behind ears in wig-like mass. Face is heavy with frowning forehead, glaring round eyes with green irises, aquiline nose, and snarling mouth showing teeth and tongue. Ears are elongated, with rings. Head-dress a solid metal tiara with wing orns. and upward white streamers at ears, and a high solid crown spreading outwards at top. All metalwork except sword (which is light blue) is painted in yellowish brown picked out with yellow, perhaps intended for bronze.

The halo is pea-green, without flames, but with dark carmine cloud curling above ; the whale upper end is strengthened by blue silk patch sewn on behind. The demon sprawls on his back, clasping Lokapâla's leg with his R. hand.

The colouring consists chiefly of orange-red, green, and blue, with accessories in white and brown, and is exceedingly clear and fresh. But the fig. is so broken up by intricate detail that no hue or line predominates and the eye is lost amongst a medley of bright-coloured patches. In this concentration on detail and ornament, and lack of spontaneity, it closely resembles Ch. xxvi. a. ooi.

Yellow cartouche for inscr. to L. of head, blank.

Painting 2' 2" x 6", length of whole 6' r". PL LXXXIV.

(N.B. The painting is described from finished side ; but has been reproduced from the other, showing fig. reversed, as position of hands makes it clear that this was intended for the front.)

Ch. oou. Painted silk banner; all accessories lost and both ends of painting including Padmasana; condition otherwise good.