National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Serindia : vol.2 |
and round waist and upper part of skirt. Body and arms otherwise covered by a close-fitting embroidered scarlet jacket ; skirt finished off by leopard-skin fringe. Legs bare except for greaves.
The remaining four attendants, clearly individualized, evidently represent definite personages (not identified). Foremost is an aged man, clad only in short white dhôti or skirt, with white scarf across breast ; sandals, armlets, and earrings. His white hair tied in top-knot on head, and he has long white eyebrows and beard and sunken features. Eyes, level, turn with sidelong glance to rear. In R. hand he carries gilded cup (or vajra ?).
Next to him portly male fig. in green robe and black-andwhite patterned under-tunic, with high three-leaved (?) headdress from which drapery falls behind neck, full clean-shaven face and calm expression. He carries flaming jewel on gilded stand.
In rear a bearded archer, bending down with a vigorous movement to fit arrow to his bow while his gaze follows the demon in the sky. An air of purpose inspires whole fig., and the drawing is particularly firm and vigorous. His dress seems to consist of blue tunic which leaves R. arm and breast bare; white breeches, and top-boots (1). On his head is curved conical cap, white with metal veining and metal boss at top, and upstanding brim round back and sides rising in a high point at back. Last is a man with oblique eyes, black hair, in long white under-robe and full-sleeved maroon jacket, with hands in adoration. On his head is the 11R-shaped head-dress, gilded.
The fabrics throughout gaily patterned, chiefly with rosettes in hexagonal diaper. Colouring consists of brilliant scarlet, copper-green, cobalt, white, and gilding against maroon cloud and greenish brown of the sea ; for the sea is not otherwise coloured. The drawing masterly in its cleanness of touch and range of expression, and the workmanship throughout very highly finished in the somewhat precise ` calligraphic' style of illumination. Painting i' 2-'s" x roi", with border I' IOC" X I' Ii". Pl. LXXII.
Ch. 0019. Fr. of painted silk banner, representing the Desceni of Buddha. To R., Maya, in red robe, lies on L. side asleep upon couch ; to L. appears white elephant, at gallop, in whirlwind of red and blue cloud which covers Maya's feet. Astride its back, on blue cloth, rides infant Buddha, naked except for loin-cloth, hands joined as in prayer; orange-red halo behind him. Dress, couch, and style of work Chinese, as in Ch. lv. 009, etc. For other representations, see Ch. 0089 and lv. 009. 4r x 2i".
Ch. 0020. Three wood-cuts on paper, from same block ; showing small oblong panel divided into four compartments, each containing demonic Vajrapä d. Poor design, roughly cut and printed. 4rx 2r.
*Ch. 0021. Silk painting with Chin. inscr. (illegible), representing Ksitigarbha as Patron of Travellers and Protector of Souls in Hell, with attendants and donors. Complete with border of faded dark purple linen ; in good condition.
Ksitigarbha is seated facing spectator on rock covered with
figured cloth ; R. leg pendant and resting on lotus, L. bent across ; L. hand holding beggar's staff over shoulder, and R. ball of crystal on knee. He wears green under-robe ending in scarlet and white folds over L. arm, and mantle of grey mottled with black, red, and green, and barred with yellow. Traveller's shawl, grey orn. with spot pattern in yellow, is bound round his head and falls on his shoulders ; only jewellery necklace and bracelets. Flesh painted white outlined with red ; oval halo and round vesica, green, red, and white, bordered with flame, make background to fig. Above as canopy, conventional flower spray hung with strings of jewels.
Down either side are ranged five Infernal Judges, sitting at draped tables on which scrolls of judgement are spread. Attendants in secular Chinese dress wait on them, holding fans, taking instructions, or delivering reports. In one case attendant holding fan is a demon. All judges but one wear magisterial Chinese dress: long under-robes, voluminous wide-sleeved coats (scarlet and white, grey-bordered), and official head-dresses. One of these is trencher-shaped oblong, with fringe hanging from ends ; others are white folded caps with wings curling upwards crescent-wise at sides, or tall narrow hats in black and yellow with square piece rising from forehead and stiff brim standing up high all round rest of head and hiding the head-piece. The tenth judge is clad in full armour, helmet and coat of mail with tiger-skin fringe reaching almost to ankles.
In front of Ksitigarbha is seated white lion (symbolic of Buddhist preaching ?) with a priest and a man on one side raising their hands in adoration to K. The only two cartouches bearing inscriptions, of the many in yellow, green, and purple scattered about, relate to these figs. and are illegible. On other side is a condemned soul, naked except for loin-cloth, led by an ox-headed demon and wearing the cangue, regarding in magic looking-glass the crime for which he has been condemned—the murder of an ox. Cloud above glass indicates that scene is a vision. Beside it stands an attendant, prob. of one of the judges, holding brush and scroll.
Foremost of donors on either side is a monk holding a censer. Behind the one stands a boy attendant holding the ju-i, or fungus, sceptre ; behind the boy again kneels a man, and behind the other monk two women, in civilian dress of *Ch. 00IO2. It is unusual to find monks and women on same side ; but the strongly marked features of religious personage on L. seem meant for a man's, and there is no sign of usual blue hair, white skin, and pink cheeks of nun.
For other silk paintings of Ksitigarbha in this guise, see Ch. 0084, 00225, 00355; i. 0012; xxviii. 003 ; Ivi. 0017 ; lviii. 003 ; and lxi. 009 ; (linen paintings) Ch. oo6o, and (paper) Ch. lxiii. 002. 3' X 2' 21". PI. LXVII ; Thousand Buddhas, Pl. XXV.
Ch. 0021. a. Fr. of painted wooden vesica and halo, cut in one piece. Field of both green outlined with bands of pink and white ; outer border of creeping flames, successively of shaded pink, green, orange, and blue. Length 9i".
Ch. 0022. Painted silk banner, with fr. of Chin. inscr. Upper end of painting lost ; otherwise in good condition and all accessories preserved. Colours fresh.
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