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0468 Serindia : vol.2
Serindia : vol.2 / Page 468 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000183
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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Subject : Bodhisattva; standing facing spectator ; R. hand in vilarka-mudrà at breast, L. below it, horizontal, palm downwards. Dress, coiffure, etc., of ` Chinese Buddhist ' type as in *Ch. 002. Colouring red and yellowish brown. For replica, see Ch. xxiii. 007 ; for workmanship generally, see note under *Ch. i. 0016. 3' r" (with head-piece) x 6".

Ch. ooz40. Painted linen banner, with head-piece border and remains of streamers of light buff linen. Painting worn and faded, but practically intact.

Subject : Bodhisattva, standing   L. ; R. hand raised
holding up lotus; L. horizontal at breast, back uppermost, fingers half curled up. Dress, coiffure, etc., in ' Chinese Buddhist ' style of *Ch. 002 ; but banner a companion to the more ' Indian ' Ch. xxiii. oo6. Same drawing and colour; similar material, accessories, decorative halo, and valance bands over head. Painting • 2' 2" x 64", length of whole ?' 3".

Ch. 00141. Painted linen banner, with separate head-piece of close-woven cream-coloured linen edged with brown linen, and remains of brown linen streamers. Linen forming latter and main part of banner is of exceptionally thin open texture. Painting dirty and in poor condition.

Subject : Avalokilesvara (?), standing R. with hands in adoration. Long body, and short legs. Dingy colouring of dark red, green, and grey. Lotus underfoot grows on top of long straight stalk, which fills up miscalculated space to bottom of picture. Poor workmanship. For descr. of type of fig., and list of similar banners, sec ender *Ch. i. 0016. Painting 2' I I" X 82", length of whole 4' 4".

Ch. 00142. Part of painted silk banner, darkened in colour but almost intact, showing upper half of Bodhisattva in mantle, with hands clasped, â L. Replica of Ch. lv. oo6, in colour and line, except for minor details of jewellery and canopy. 11-?," x 6â". Pl. LXXXI.

Ch. 00143. Paper scroll containing drawings of pairs of hands in mystic poses and some Bodhisattvas illustrating attitudes of arms. Pairs of hands number thirty-eight, Bodhisattvas eleven ; drawing of figs. fo11owingxndian tradition, but rude. Poses of hands all different, without explanatory inscriptions. Six most usual mudràs : dharmacakra, vilarka, z•ara, abhaya, dhydna, and bhimisparsa, not represented.

Poses also of arms of some of Bodhisattvas are curious ; one stands with L. arm raised and hand drooping by head ; another holds a flask in L. hand and touches top of head with R. ; another holds both forefingers level along eyebrows ; fourth holds both his hands almost touching above his head,_in attitude found in many of Thousand-armed Avalokite§varas and sometimes supporting Dhyâni-buddha (see Ch. xl. oo7). Eleven inches at one end of scroll are blank ; paper ruled with faint borders and cross-lines at intervals of e", as for MS. 4' 8° x 6k". PI. XCVIII.

Ch. 00144. Paper scroll covered with rough sketches of Buddhist subjects, prob. designs for larger compositions. Scroll consists of three sheets pasted end to end and covered each side with sketches or with Chin. writing; but

Ch. 00105. Colouring crimson, olive-green, and black. Donors : two men and child on R., two women on L. Inscr. (two chars. only) on cartouches above child ; other cartouches and panel for dedication, blank. 4' 3" x 2' 7".

Ch. 00132. Large painting on fine linen, representing Buddha and attendants. Almost completely effaced ; traces of central Buddha still distinguishable, and of large Bodhisattva standing on either side. 5' I" x 3' 8°.

Ch. 00188. Painted linen banner, with streamers and head-piece border of brown linen, showing Az'alokitesvara standing â R., with hands in adoration. See descr. of type, and list of similar banners, under *Ch. i. 0016. Poor drawing and workmanship. Painting 1' 9i" x tor, length of whole 4' 3".

Ch. 00134. Painted linen banner, with head-piece border of bright pink linen, and streamers of dark green ; good condition and colouring fresh.

Subject : Avalokilesvara (?) standing â L. with hands in adoration; crude style. For descr. of type, and similar banners, see *Ch. i. oor6. Painting 3' I2"x ro", length of whole 7' 7".

Ch. 00135. Linen banner ; large size, of bright pink linen, with head-piece of cream-coloured linen bordered with pink, and bottom streamers of dull blue. Side streamers lost ; good condition.

Subject, drawn only, not painted : Bodhisattva, standing facing spectator; R. hand in vilarka-mudrà at breast, L. below it holding stemless lotus bud in palm. Dress, coiffure, and type of fig. as in linen painting *Ch. 0052, etc. Short-legged ill-proportioned fig., but fair workmanship. Hair painted in black, and eyeballs white. Picture 3' 1 " x roi", length of whole 6' 4°

Ch. 00136. Painted linen banner, with Chin. inscr., retaining head-piece border of pink linen ; streamers lost ; good condition and colouring fresh.

Subject : Avalokilesvara (on authority of inscr. which consists of salutation to Kuan-yin). Practically replica of *Ch. i. 0016, q.v. for description of type and list of similar paintings. Colouring dark pink, dark grey, and greenish brown. Painting 3' 31" x 7", length with head-piece 3' 10".

Ch. 00137. Painted linen banner, with head-piece border of pink linen ; streamers lost ; fair condition.

Subject : Avalokiksvara (?), standing R. with hands in adoration. For description of type, and list of similar banners, see *Ch. i. 0016. Poor workmanship. .Colouring red, dark grey, and dull green, clean and fresh. Painting 2' 3" x 64", length with head-piece 2' 10'.

Ch. 00138. Miniature painted linen canopy. Square of buff linen with red linen loop in middle of top side; on under side are painted two Buddhas seated in meditation on lotuses, each occupying one half (diagonally) of square. For others, see Ch. 00381. III" sq.

Ch. 00139. Painted linen banner, with head-piece border, and side streamers of brown linen. Torn.