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0478 Serindia : vol.2
Serindia : vol.2 / Page 478 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000183
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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00199. Same as 00198. Paint considerably flaked off. Inscr. on L. Bottom torn off, but long projecting corner on L. shows part of halo of fig. below. 13" x 8r.

00200. Legs in adamantine pose ; R. arm bent up at elbow and hand held towards spectator, palm up, with first-third fingers bent ; L. hand open in lap. Robe red with lining and under-robe of turquoise ; R. shoulder bare. Inscr. on L. Dark stain in R. lower corner. 9i" X 8 ".

0020r. R. upper half lost, and with it Buddha's R. hand; L. hand hangs over knee ; legs in adamantine pose. Robe red lined with buff, leaving R. shoulder bare, and caught up by cord on L.; under-robe turquoise. Inscr. on R. 'or X


00202. Upper part only, showing halo and head to level of eyes. Inscr. on R. (illegible). 4" (incomplete) x 8*".

For other paintings of same or like series, see Ch. 00392, 00402, and 00413.

Ch. 00203. a-e. Woodctit on paper, with Chin. text and fig. of AmiIâbha Buddha. Arranged exactly as in Ch. 00150. a-d. Buddha seated in meditation on lotus, R. shoulder partially covered by robe. Salutation on R., dedication on L. ; 13 11. Chin. below, mostly transliterated Skr., containing prayer. L. side of (c) lost. For another print of same, see Ch. xliii. 003. I o" x 68".

Ch. 00204. Four woodcuts on paper, from same design as Ch. 00151, showing Chin. text and MafjuJri on lion. Poor impressions printed together on number of small squares of thin paper, pasted together to form one sheet and bordered with stiffer paper. Down middle between impressions pasted another strip of paper, with small Buddha badly drawn and painted at top, and salutation to Amitâbha (?) below. Lower part of inscr. obscured by dirt; sheet generally in bad condition. z' 4" x I' 5h'.

Ch. 00205. Woodcut on paper, showing Chin. text and fig. of Samantabhadra on elephant with two attendants. Bad impression from rudely cut block. Design arranged as in Ch. oo150. a, upper half showing S. on the elephant, upon curling clouds, both facing spectator. S. holds sword (1) in R. hand, Vajra upright on L. Oval halo and vesica, flame-edged, from which rays stream outwards. Half-clad Indian (?) groom with goad on R. ; Bodhisattva (?) with hands in adoration on L. Central figs. smudged with red paint, obscuring detail. Cartouches on R. and L. with salutation and epithets of S.; I 1 columns Chin. below, containing name of donor, etc.; cf. Petrucci, Appendix E, II.

Impression on yellow paper, mounted Kakemono fashion on buff paper, but upper end of mount lost. Block 8" x 5"

Ch. 00206. Fr. of paper astrological chart (?), covered with Chin. writing and rectangular diagrams painted in red, grey, brown, yellow, and green. Incomplete at one end. On rev. 4 11. Chin. in different hand, and paper tag with one 1. Chin. on obv., pasted on to edge above. I I"X

I' 9".


Ch. 00207. Paper sketch showing a horse and Iwo-humped camel, with empty saddles, led L. by attendants. For the historical information and date (A. D. 966) furnished by Chinese inscriptions on this sketch, see M. Chavannes' explanations, Appendix A, V. c. Drawing of rudest description done with heavy brush ; colouring only dark red, grey, and olive-green on trappings of beasts. These trappings consist : for horse, of plain head-stall, leading rein, crupper, and saddle with high pommel back and front covered with long fringed saddle-cloth; for camel, of chequered saddle or saddlecloth through which his humps pass, and striped cloth hanging across it. First attendant carries whip ; second stick or goad; both wear long belted coats and small round black caps.

Whole is drawn over Chin. MS., columns running (except for 2 lI. in larger hand) upside down in relation to drawing. Two-thirds of back also covered with Chin, writing. On R. is torn edge of a third sheet pasted alongside and continuing subject ; a further continuation but on different paper is prob. seen in Ch. 00388. Broken in places. z' 9*' x Pl. XCVI.

Ch. 00208. a-b. Two frs. of paper roll covered with rough sketches; prob. design for larger composition as Ch. 00144. (a) shows on obv. : to R. group of women kneeling in tiers with hands in adoration, to L. group of men in same position. Narrow cartouche with Chin. inscr. between. Women's hair elaborately orn. with flower buds and large pins ; men wear official head-dress like the Judges in *Ch. 0021, etc. On rev. 16 11. Chin., badly written. (b) shows on obv. same scenes as on (a), with inscr. again between men's and women's groups ; but shows also continuation at L. end, six-armed seated Bodhisattva holding sword, axe, trident, etc., with one 1. Chin. inscr. on either side. On rev. 4 lI. Chin.

Drawing of rudest ; features of faces, etc., not filled in. Each, I I" X I'4

Ch. 00209. Paper roll with drawings of human face and fig. ; drawings covered with Chin. inscr. explaining distribution of points of beauty and their significance in Buddhist symbolism. From L. to R.: three standing figs. (two back view and one front), incomplete ; human face, front view ; fig., front view ; face, front view (incomplete). Remains of one 1. Tib. chars. on back. Fair condition, but torn each end. Ioa"X 2' 8k". Pl. XCVI.

Ch. 00210. Illuminated Chin. MS. roll, containing treatise on names of the Thousand Buddhas. Date given in colophon A.D. 9zo. Text interspersed at intervals with miniatures of small seated Buddhas. A sheet of yellower paper, containing large fig. of seated Buddha like Ch. 00396, is pasted at beginning, but most of fig. has been torn off. For others, see Ch. 00 188 ; xi. 003. 51' 3" X 1'.

Ch. 00211. Paper painting, accompanying cover of Chin. MS. book.(?). Cover consists of strip of dark purple cotton (?) fabric, closely woven in small lozenge diaper, neatly turned in round edges and measuring so 53" X IO".