National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Serindia : vol.2 |
discoloured. Thick soft yarn. Ground plain, pattern in large twill. Large design containing curved masses of foliage or feathers (?), unintelligible from these frs. (a) suggests necks and breasts of two confronting birds ; cf. Ch. 00293. b. Gr. fr. 93" x 2r.
Ch. 00487. a—b. Two frs. of figured silk (broken suspension loop) with damask lining. Frayed and rotten. Weave, a fine satin twill. Pattern of small floral types voven in stripes of different colours ; central one only preserving design and showing small four-leaved plant (light green) repeating lengthways on dark brown ground. Side-stripes have cream ground, and pattern resp. in bright blue and orange, and orange and yellow ; but edges of pattern preserved. Damask of brownish grey shows part of floral pattern. Each fr. c. 3"x
Ch. 00488. Fr. of silk damask, brilliant reddish-pink, glazed. Ground woven in small, pattern in larger twill, running in opposite directions. Design : circular four-petalled rosettes and lozenges (formed of four small lozenges), repeating in alternate rows. 4" X
Ch. 00489. Fr. of silk damask (forming suspension loop). Light pink, faded ; fine soft weave. Ground plain, pattern twill. Design : two lines of chevron intersecting so as to form series of lozenges, and bearing at angles on either side elliptical four-petalled rosettes. Beyond these again were other chevron lines. Round intersections of chevron lines are woven also four small lozenges, forming another type of elongated rosettes, in rows between the elliptical. 7k" X Iâ".
Ch. 0049o. Strip of silk damask, grass green, fine weave. Ground plain, pattern twill. Design : elliptical rosettes with spot centre Or x f, repeating in alternate rows with smaller four-armed crosses. Design widely spaced.
Fair condition. Io"x Ii". •
Ch. 00491. Fr. of silk damask, dull purple, very fine weave. Ground plain, pattern twill. Design : small motifs repeating in widely scattered rows set out diagonally. There remain (i) row of pointed leaves incomplete, perhaps in pairs; (ii) row of elliptical four-petalled rosettes ; (iii) row of small flying birds (?) with spray in beak ; (iv) rosettes again. I' 5" X 2"-3".
Ch. 00492. Three frs. of silk damask, bright light red. Fair condition ; soft fine weave. Plain ground; pattern, a very occasional, small flower motif, spray, rosette, or leaf with tendril in twill, set out in rows. Gr. length I~ 7.".
Ch. 00498. Misc. frs. of silk damask (remains of banner streamers) ; light terra-cotta, fine soft texture. Ground plain, pattern twill. Design : lozenge-shaped rosettes formed of four trilobate petals, repeating in rows. Least ragged fr. z' 3# x Ii".
Ch. 00494. Fr. of silk damask, light red, surface glazed. Ground plain, pattern twill. Design : small repeating lozenge-shaped rosette, four-petalled. 6" x I 1".
Ch: 00495. a—b. Two frs. of silk damask, dark blue, soft rather loose weave. Ground and pattern woven in twills running in opposite directions. Design : a small repeating circular rosette, five-petalled, somewhat irregularly executed in parts. (a) I' 2" X 5", (b) 2' 9" x 2â".
Ch. 00496. Strip of silk damask (banner streamer) ; indigo, fine close weave. Ground plain ; pattern, small repeating lozenge, woven in broken twill. 2' III"X Iâ".
Ch. 00497. Four banner streamers of silk damask with weighting-board attached. Damask bright
blue, fine weave ; ground plain, pattern twill. Design :
a, rather large semi-conventional floral pattern, somewhat on lines of Ch. 00351. Groundwork lattice of branches diversified by buds, bracts, and pairs of volute leaves, and forming at intervals rows of elongated hexagonal spaces in which are rosettes. Considerably torn. Weighting-board covered with salmon-red silk damask, of similar weave, pattern indistinguishable, stencilled on top with lotus and leaf design. Length of streamers 4' I", weighting-board I' O "X 28".
Ch. 00498. a—b. Two ragged strips of silk damask,. (a) light red, (b) wine-colour, tacked together and orig. forming part of picture ; stencilled in heavy treyishblack paste with canopy, etc. Silk too broken to show designs complete. Both woven with plain ground and pattern in large twill : (a) glazed on surface. (a) shows part of circular ' spot ', with scrolled border and rosette in centre ; (6) a smaller all-over floral design, complete arrangement of which cannot be made out. Length (mostly completely frayed) 2' 4", width c. 7".
Ch. 00499. Three banner streamers of silk damask, bluish green, faded ; fine close weave. Pattern : an all-over concentric lozenge diaper, passing at times into form of key-pattern as in Ch. 00333, 00430. Length 2' 6", width of streamers 2".
Ch. oo5oo. Three banner streamers of silk damask, blue, dirt-stained ; fine weave. Pattern : concentric lozenge diaper turning into key-pattern rather more complicated than above. Length of streamer 3' 3", width 23".
Ch. 00501. a—b. Two frs. of silk damask (one double), faded purple, very fine close weave. Pattern : diaper of concentric lozenges turning into form of key-pattern like
Ch. 00333, etc. (a) z' 3r, (b) I' 5" x (gr. width) 3k".
Ch. 00502. Fr. of printed silk damask ; very soft rather loose weave. Printed design too fragmentary to be intelligible ; but apparently had bluish-green ground leaving large circles or lozenges in light buff. Damask design, an all-over series of chevron lines, readjusted occasionally so as to form series of lozenge spaces filled with concentric lozenges. C. I' x 4" to 5".
Ch. 00503. Fr. of silk damask, golden yellow, very soft, rather loose • weave. Ground plain; pattern, small lozenge lattice-work in twill. 5r x 31".
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