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0524 Serindia : vol.2
Serindia : vol.2 / Page 524 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000183
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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Subject : Mailjuiri on white lion ; the whole I to L. For other examples see Ch. 0036. M. sits cross-legged on blue lotus, which is raised on pedestal on lion's back, hands clasped before breast and eyes looking down. Dress and features of type *Ch. 002 ; nose aquiline, eyes extremely oblique.

Lion same in general attitude, type, and colour as in Ch. 0036, but L. forefoot lifted ; mane, beard, tail, etc., green. Colouring gay, comprising bright tomato-red (on M.'s skirt), purple and green (on stole), vivid crimson (on under-robe) ; slate-blue, purple, scarlet, and green (on lion's trappings and lotus underfoot).

Large circular halo of variegated rings behind M.'s fig., and smaller one behind head. Yellow cartouche for inscr. to L. of head, blank.

Painting 1' 44" x 5}", length with streamers 4'.

Ch. xxii. ooi. a. Fr. of painted wooden panel (strip from centre) showing Buddha seated in meditation on lotus. Finished at top and bottom with bands of black and red. Rough work. On the cut-down sides are carelessly written Chin. inscriptions, illegible. 1' II" x 21" x A".

Ch. xxii. 002. Silk painting representing Six-armed Avalokilesvara (tivan-yin), seated, with attendants and donors. Complete border of coarse grey lines with suspension loops preserved ; painting badly broken and worn. Dress, pose, and accessories of chief fig. generally as in *Ch. 00102 ; lotus rising from small tank with altar in front. Upper hands hold up discs of Sun and Moon ; Sun in L. hand containing three-legged bird, Moon in R. showing roughly drawn tree, hare and mortar, and frog. Middle hands in vitarka-mudrd on either side of breast ; lower on knees, R. hand with fingers closed as though grasping rosary, L. hand in bhùmisparsa-mudrd.

A. has one head only, and wears Dhyâni-buddha on tiara. Attendants consist of Bodhisattvas only,kneeling one above the other, two a side, with hands in adoration, on lotuses which rise also on long stems from tank. They have no distinctive attributes; all, like Avalok., wear ' Indian ' type of dress. Drawing hasty ; colouring throughout of dress, haloes, vesicas, and lotuses restricted to dull crimson, dark green, and grey on greenish ground, with red-brown for altar-vessels and jewellery.

Lower end of painting contains central panel (blank) for dedicatory inscr. and donors—two women kneeling on L. and two men on R.—with narrow cartouche, also blank, before each. Two women 'and second man have same costumes and head-gear as in *Ch. 0o10z, and of same colours. Other man's dress seems to be of same fashion, but with colours reversed. On his head a tall mitre-shaped black cap with deep depression across middle of crown from side to side ; details'however are indistinguishable. Workmanship originally indifferent. 3' 9' X 2' 4'.

Ch. xxii. oog. Painted silk banner with Chin. inscr. Complete except for weighting-board, but interior of headpiece has perished, and border, of faded pink silk, has been roughly sewn down on to cane stiffener. Streamers of dis-


coloured dark green silk. Upper decorative end of painting much broken and repaired.

Subject : ' The Bodhisattva who joins the hands.' Stands slightly to L. on dull pink lotus, hands at breast in adoration. In style, clumsy imitation of *Ch. ooz type ; dress, coiffure, and jewels same, but fig. short and very stiff, tilted back in one straight line from feet to head, and drapery cumbrous, concealing instead of suggesting form. Jewellery simple, and set with disproportionately large round stones. Face ill-drawn with semicircular outline from R. eye to base of L. ear, almost straight eyes down-dropped, and very small pursed-up mouth set immediately under nose.

Colouring poor and muddy, consisting of slate-grey (on stole and border of skirt), thin pink (on skirt itself), olive green (on jewels and reverse of stole), and dull red (on streamers, edge of girdle, and drapery on breast). No canopy, but straight draped valance hung with bells above circular halo. Cartouche with inscr., yellow, on L. upper edge.

Painting I' r i" x 7', length of whole 5'5'.

Ch. xxii. 004. Painted silk banner ; on light grey gauze of exceptionally open weave. Considerably broken and all accessories lost except head-piece, which is one with main part of banner. Head-piece has raw edges, and is painted on background of Indian red with slate-blue lotus supporting orange jewel (1), and surrounded by dark green leaves. Below are remains of orange valance with large rosette pattern, hanging from vandyked band of blue and green. There is no canopy.

Subject : Manjuiri. Stands facing spectator on single lotus, weight thrown on projecting L. hip, body aslant to R. shoulder, and head inclined again over L. R. hand carries sword over shoulder, L. is at breast in vilarka-mudrd. Fig. tall, with small hands and feet and disproportionately slim waist.

Dress a variation of the Bodhisattva dress seen in *Ch. oo88 and many of linen paintings. Plain tight over-fall or short skirt covers long skirt or under-robe almost to knees. Upper half of body nude except for narrow brown scarf crossing it from R. shoulder, and short orange draperies falling from behind shoulders to elbows. The long skirt is orange and red, of very light material gathered up in billowy masses about lower leg, and clearing feet ; over-skirt Indian red, with plain blue border and stiff green frill ; girdle draped over it, dark green and blue ; stole festooned across forearms, deep dull blue spotted with white ; jewels mostly dull green, blue and brown in pale yellow settings.

Face a large oval, with very oblique downcast eyes. Hair is done in high black cone on top, and frames forehead and ears, but does not appear below. Tiara three-leaved, but has red head-piece within circlet covering hair to base of top-knot, where other upstanding gold orns. appear. Flesh shaded pink on whitish grey of gauze ; all outlines black. Halo circular, in narrow rings of dull blue, orange, Indian red, and green.

In style of work, features of face, and detail of much of orn., the banner is of ' Chinese Buddhist ' style; but pose,