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0577 Serindia : vol.2
Serindia : vol.2 / Page 577 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000183
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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carries full-blown blue flower, stemless, in hollowed palm. DAM of striped dark red, green, and yellow interwoven with white and pink, the end showing spot pattern in white ; stole dark green (reverse side red) spangled with yellow. Flesh yellow with dark red outlines. Face heavy and peculiarly irregular in features, the mouth being placed well to R. of nose. Eyes cast slightly up ; corners of mouth level. Oval halo, with remains of drapery of canopy (green spangled with yellow) behind. Underfoot single dark red lotus. Other side of painting shows great divergence from front, eyes being downcast and corners of mouth upturned, giving an entirely different expression. Details of colour and pattern in dress also different. Incomplete top and bottom, and binding gone from sides ; all accessories lost. r' 8" x 5>".

Ch. lvi. on. Subject : Mafijusri (?). Head â R., slightly bent ; R. hand by side as in vara-mudrâ, but with second finger bent ; L. raised, carrying blue lotus. Dluiti predominantly pink, with interwoven green, blue, yellow, and red ; stole, red spangled with yellow (reverse, blue spangled with white); narrow band of chequered pink material hanging on breast from shoulders. Flesh deep yellow. Irregularity of features almost grotesque, but downward cast of large eyes and extreme crookedness of upturned mouth give face an almost pathetic expression of considerable charm. Halo oval ; underfoot, double lotus, petals alternately dark blue and red ; above, canopy of red-patterned drapery with jewelled tassels and pendants. On back minor differences noticeable, including fringe of small curls on forehead in place of smooth bandeaux. All accessories lost ; silk of coarser quality than the rest. 1' g~" x 6i".

Ch. lvi. oo8. Subject : Avalokilesvara (?). Fig. small and straight-bodied, with very slender neck and long arms, giving childish appearance. R. hand in abhaya-mudrii; L. in vara-mudrâ. Dhôli red and green, divided by narrower hands of light pink and blue and interwoven with yellow and red ; stole, green spangled with yellow (reverse light pink and white). Face a full oval with downcast eyes almost closed and gentle expression. Flesh yellow shaded with light red. Oval halo, with red-spangled drapery of canopy above ; underfoot single red lotus. On back, R. hand (now L.) is not raised at breast, but held horizontally, carrying red-edged lotus flower on palm; features are placed lower on face, giving it smaller and still more youthful air. Corners and all accessories lost. I' 5" x 5f".

Ch. lvi. oog. Subject : Manjusri. Head turned slightly to R. ; R. hand carries sword over shoulder, L. hangs by side in vara-mudrâ. Dhôtz of striped pale yellow and red with floral patterns in reverse colour, divided by bands of pale pink and green ; stole, light blue spangled with-white (reverse red spangled with yellow). Jewels in ornaments left yellow like setting. Flesh brownish yellow shaded with red. Face round, with alert cheerful expression. Halo-oval. Underfoot single yellow lotus tipped with red. On back, face more serious; extra ringlets descend on each side between earrings and neck. Torn round edge, and all accessories lost. I' 8" x 5r". Pl. LXXXVII.


Ch. lvi. o010. Subject : Maï jufri. Head   R.,

slightly bent ; R. hand in vara-mudrâ ; L. raised carrying a double lotus of deep bright blue. Dhôli of striped yellow and dark green with narrow bands of blue and pink, and interwoven with blue, white, and red ; girdle dark red spangled with yellow, passed round hips and knotted on L. hip ; stole, of same blue as lotus, crosses breast from R. shoulder, long end hanging behind R. arm, short end brought over shoulder again from behind. Orns. include armlets ; all are richly jewelled, but less elaborate on back than front of painting. Long chain of gold beads, set with three large jewels, crosses fig. from R. shoulder to L. thigh. Flesh yellow, moulding of cheeks and forehead on back of picture being crudely indicated by red. Feet show touching-up and correction by more skilful hand than original artist. Halo oval ; remains of green canopy above ; underfoot single lotus of dark pink. Minor differences in colour, pattern, draperies, etc., on back. Broken at top ; remains of grey

silk bottom streamers preserved.   Painting t' 8" x 5r,length with streamers 2' I".

Ch. lvi. ooir. Wooden statuette of Buddha seated in meditation on lotus. Feet invisible, hands in lap ; no vesica or nimbus. Lotus throne painted black on outside of petals, red on edges and inside. Outer garment red with very large black check, falls over shoulders leaving chest bare, and showing black under-garment which passes from over L. shoulder under R. arm. Chest, face, and hands once yellowish white, now dull brown. Hair, eyes, and eyelashes black ; lips red. Fig. leans back slightly, and head is bowed into perpendicular. Good careful work ; tool-marks left to give sharpness to drapery, but smoothed away from flesh parts. Cracked along back. H. 3g"; across shoulders, Ii". Pl. XLVII.

Ch. lvi. 0012. Terracotta relief plaque of seated Buddha. Whole framed in oblong border having rounded top and rising flush with highest points of relief. Buddha seated in European fashion with hands folded in lap. Two horizontal beams projecting on each side at level of knees, and other two at level of footstool, represent throne. Feet rest on footstool of lotus petals (two rows, upper pointing up, lower down). Vesica, from hips upwards, and nimbus, both decorated with radiating lines in relief, show abundant traces of colour, now brown, once prob. deep red. Hair has lost colour ; robe light red ; all colour worn off face, knees, throne, and footstool. Border unpainted. Careful work and very sharp impression. 3r x 2" x". H. of fig. 2k".

PI. cxxxix.   -

Ch. lvi. 0014. Large silk painting with Chin. inscr., representing Thousand-armed and Eleven-headed Avalokileivara (Kuan-yin), seated, with attendant divinities. Complete and in good condition, with brown silk outer border and inner painted border of continuous lozenge pattern.

For general design, and treatment of central fig., cf. *Ch. 00223, and especially Ch. lvi. 0019. Background in lower half of picture here green to represent lake, from which Avalok. and his attendants rise on clouds of dark purple vapour. That of upper half is light blue for air, in which
