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0011 Serindia : vol.4
Serindia : vol.4 / Page 11 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000183
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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  1.  Terra-cottas from Yôtkan.

  2.  Terra-cottas from Yôtkan.

  3.  Terra-cottas from Yôtkan.

  4.  Miscellaneous ceramic objects and fragments of glass ware from different Sites between Khotan and Kan-chou.

  5.  Seals in stone and metal, also clay seal impressions, mainly from Yôtkan and other Khotan Sites.

  6.  Miscellaneous objects, chiefly in stone and metal, from Khotan, Kelpin, and other Sites.

  7.  Miscellaneous objects, chiefly in metal, from Sites of Khotan, Nan-hu, Turfân, and Kelpin.

  8.  Fragments of stucco reliefs, from Ak-terek Site.

  9.  Fragments of stucco reliefs and terra-cotta figurines, mainly from Ak-terek Site.

  10.  Stucco reliefs, probably from decorative haloes, found at Kara-sai and Chalma-kazân Sites, Khotan.

  11.  Fragments of tempera paintings from walls of shrines Kha. i, ii, Khadalik.

  12.  Fragments of tempera paintings from walls of shrines at Khâdalik, Târishlak, and other Sites.

  13.  Tempera painting of Hâriti, F. xII. 004, from wall of shrine F. XII, Farhâd-Beg-yailaki.

  14.  Fragments of wood-carvings and painted panels, from Khâdalik, Niya, and Kh6ra Sites.

  15.  Plaques in stucco and other relief fragments from wall decoration of shrines Kha. i, ii, vii, Khâdalik.

  16.  Decorative fragments in stucco, with moulds, from walls of shrines Kha. i, ii, ix, Khâdalik.

  17.  Double-brackets and other wood-carvings, from Khâdalik and Farhâd-Beg-yailaki.

  18.  Carved double-brackets in wood, from dwellings N. xII, xxiv, xxvi, Niya Site.

  19.  Legs of chairs and other wood-carvings, from Niya Site.

  20.  Clay seals of Kharosthi documents on wood, Niya Site.

  21.  Kharosthi document on rectangular double tablet, N. xxiv. viii. 85, Niya Site.

  22.  Kharosthi document on rectangular double tablet, N. xxiv. viii. 8o, Niya Site.

  23.  Kharosthi documents on rectangular and Takhti-shaped tablets, Niya Site.

  24.  Kharosthi documents on double-wedge tablets from Niya Site.

  25.  Kharosthi documents on oblong and stick-like tablets, Niya Site.

  26.  Kharosthi documents on oblong and label-shaped tablets, Niya Site.

  27.  Kharosthi documents on wedge- and label-shaped tablets, also seal-cases, from Niya Site.

  28.  Implements in wood, &c., from Niya and Endere Sites.

  29.  Seals and miscellaneous small objects in stone, metal, glass, &c., from Niya, Endere, and Lou-lan Sites.

  30.  Jasper and jade implements found on eroded ground in Lop Desert.

  31.  Pieces of architectural wood-carving from ruins L.B. H and v, Lou-lan Site.

  32.  Stûpa models and decorative carvings in wood, mainly from shrine L.B. II, Lou-lan Site.

  33.  Miscellaneous wood-carvings from ruins L.B. II, Iv, and V, Lou-lan Site.

  34.  Arm-rests of chair and other wood-carvings, mainly from ruins L.B. II and Iv, Lou-lan Site.

  35.  Implements and carvings in wood from Lou-Ian Site.

  36.  Miscellaneous objects in metal, pottery, bone, &c., from Niya, Lou-lan, and other Sites.