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0233 Results of a Scientific Mission to India and High Asia : vol.3
Results of a Scientific Mission to India and High Asia : vol.3 / Page 233 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000041
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I m â m g , r h, in Sindh, Lat. 26°, Long. 69°     _œ S rt.41 Arab. Hind.

"Priest's fort."

I n am p é t, in the Dékhan, Lat. 17°, Long. 78°     j, 4.0 Arab. Tam.

"Village of charity."   •

Indarg ,rh, in Bândelkhdnd, Lat. 25°, Long. 78°    ATSS c~t Hind.

"In d r a's fort." (in d r a is the first of the secondary deities of Hindu mythology and presides over paradise. Wilson.) The same name in Bândelkhdnd, Lat. 25°, Long. 76°, Lat. 26°, Long. 79°, &c.

Anal. Indar-par, in Hindostan, Lat. 28°, Long. 79°; Indra-than, in Nepal, Lat. 27°, Long. 85°.

Indus, see Sénge Khabâb.

Iradatnâga.r, in Hindostan, Lat. 26°, Long. 77°     ,. votes Arab. Hind.

"Town of desire."

Iravadi, properly Airavati, a river in Birma,

Lat. 16-29°, Long. 96-98°fi1 yt properly   Sanskr.
"Water having."

Another interpretation is:

"Indra's elephant, or the river of Îndra's elephant,"

Air a va ta being the name of indra's elephant. Lassen considers it very probable, that, as it is generally assumed, the name was transferred to the river. Lassen, Ind. Alt., Vol.I., p. 336. The pronunciation Iravadi is an arbitrary European modification.

Is a g A r h , in Bândelkhdnd, Lat. 24°, Long. 77°     .sa LW ( Hind.

"Si v a's town." i s a, lord, ruler, is a surname of Siva. Anal. Isa-par, in the Dékhan, Lat. 17°, Long. 74°. •

I sa Khan ka KO t, in the Pânjab, Lat. 30°, Long. 75° ü/ IS 01   a Arab. Turk. Hind.

"Isa Khan's castle." isa is here the Arabic and Hindostâni form of Jesus; Khan, regent, king.

Iskârdo, see Skârdo.

Islamabad, in Kashmir, Lat. 33°, Long. 75°     4)0 rJL.wt Arab. Pers.

"Islam's town." The same name in M6,1va, Lat. 23°, Long. 77°, see also Chittagong.

Anal: Islam- gar h, in Malva, Lat. 23°, Long. 77°; in Rajvara, Lat. 27°, Long. 70°; Islam k é t, in Sindh, Lat. 24°, Long. 70*; I s lam- n â g a r, in Hindostan, Lat. 28°, Long. 78°; in Bândelkhdnd, Lat. 25°, Long. 85°, &c.; Islam-par, in Bengal, Lat. 23°, bong. 90°, in the

Pânjab, Lat. 30°, Long. 72°, &c.