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0262 Results of a Scientific Mission to India and High Asia : vol.3
Results of a Scientific Mission to India and High Asia : vol.3 / Page 262 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000041
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Nurélia (also spelt: Newera Ellia), in Ceylon, Lat. 7°, Long. 81°   Singbal.

"Town of the plain." We were told that the name refers to the environs of the town: although it is situated in the mountainous part of Ceylon, its immediate vicinity is comparatively level and plain.

O m a rg a r h, in Sindh, Lat. 31°, Long. 71°     -se,S 74.c Arab. Hind.

"0 m a i's fort." The same name in Hindostân, Lat. 28°, Long. 78°.

Anal. Omar-két, in Sindh, Lat. 25°, Long. 69°; and in the Pänjâb, Lat. 28°, Long. 70

Pitch Chilli, a group of snow-peaks in Kämâon, Lat. 30°, Long. 80° J~   , Hind.

"The five crests." Chdla, chtida, char, means in this country, head, crest, from chill, to elevate. (The word signifying fire-place would be spelt Chnlhi.) It is one of the largest glacier groups, and also celebrated as the abode of the five Pâ,ndus, or Pândava princes. See the Chiner panorama in the Atlas.

Padshahg ,nj, in Audh, Lat. 26°, Long. 81°    al.,,ol, Pers. Hind.

"King's market."

Anal. Pâdshah Mähâll (m5,h6,ll, house, place), in Hindostân, Lat. 30°, Long. 77°; P ads hahpnr, in Hindostân, Lat. 28°, Long. 77°; in the Dékhan, Lat. 16°, Long. 74°.

P dun, also found spelt Pâdum, in Zinkhar, Lat. 33°,

7ja.■=7, dpa'-bdun. Tib. ~1

"The seven champions." Dpa'-vo, a champion, hero ; b d un , seven.

Referred by the inhabitants to a legend in connection with the foundation and former importance of Pâdun. The word champion was taken, by our Lama informants at least, as signifying champion of the faith.

Pahârpur, in the Pânjâb, Lat. 30°, Long. 70     )?, )l.g, Hind.

",11fountain town." The same name in Hindostân, Lat. 27°, Long. 78°, Lat. 27°, Long. 79°, in the Pânjâb, Lat. 32°, Long. 70°.

Anal. Pahar-gârh, in Bändelkhând, Lat. 26°, Long. 77°.

Pak PAttan, in the- Pânjâb, Lat. 30°, Long. 73°    ;u 46I, Hind.

"The pure town."

Paksildmnor, see Chom Lam.


Long. 78°