国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Views and Custom of North China : vol.1 | |
北清大観 : vol.1 |
八達嶺ノ長城 八達嶺ハ古ノ軍都山ニシテ北京ヲ距ルコト百四十四清里著名ナル万里ノ長城ハ山ヲ越ヘ谷ヲ渡リ蜿々長蛇ノ如ク連亘シテ尽ル所ヲ知ズ之ヲ目睹ス者ハ皆秦ノ始皇帝ノ雄材大略ニシテ敢為英断ナルニ一驚ヲ喫セザルハナシA part of the the Great wall in Pa-Ta-Lin 145. Chinese ri from Peking. The Wall was built during the Period of the Emperor Ching His's reign to defend the enemies. |
Al-ttthifv,,z-AR-Nu /77:Ni 9 97 ,%0A-P-An t'Oz#,W9A/W---1A iNIAP4 -)" W.TAIN-F [tan:
9 %- zt. )1- ± wxntc 7' 3/ /
A part jo the Great wall in Pa-Ta-Linr44. Chinese ri from Peking. The Wall was built during the Period of the Emperor Ching Hsi's reign to defend the enemies.
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