the light of Thy countenance path shone upon us, 0 Lord !) is accepted of Him, and is taught the way of salvation.
But I did not fail to inquire whether this man, who had for two years been sailing about the unexplored seas and islands of the Indies, had seen or even heard anything of those monsters of which we have been speaking ; but he knew nothing whatever about them. Nor could I learn more when I was with the Queen of Saba ; though there the sun rises just the opposite of here, and at noon the shadow of a man passes from left to right, instead of from right to left, as it does here.' The north pole there was six degrees below the horizon, and the south pole as much elevated above it, as has been pointed out to me by Master Lemon of Genoa, a very noble astronomer, besides many other wonderful things in regard to the stars.
Giants do exist, undoubtedly ; and I have seen one so tall that my head did not reach above his girdle ; he had a hideous and disgusting countenance. There are also wild men, naked and hairy, who have wives and children, but abide in the woods. They do not show themselves among men, and I was seldom able to catch sight of one ; for they hide themselves in the forest when they perceive any one coming. Yet they do a great deal of work, sowing and reaping corn and other things ; and when traders go to them, as I have myself witnessed, they put out what they have to sell in the middle of the' path, and run and hide. Then the purchasers go forward and deposit the price, and take what has been set down.2
1 " Oritur sol modo opposito nobis, et in meridie transit umbra viri ad dextrum sicut hic ad sinistrum, et occultatur ibi Polus Arcticus nobis gradibus sex, et antarcticus totidem elevatur." I presume the man is supposed to be looking at his shadow with his back to the sun. The account is then intelligible.
2 He may here refer either to the Veddahs of Ceylon (see ante, p. 371), or to the Poliars and like tribes of the continent, whom he may have seen during his long stay at Colizmbum, for both practise this dumb trade. Regarding the Veddahs, and the many authorities for their trading in this