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0434 Cathay and the Way Thither : vol.2
Cathay and the Way Thither : vol.2 / Page 434 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000042
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1XXViii   INDEX.

regarding, 529 ; his Journey from Agra to Cathay, 549 seqq. ; see Table of Contents

Gog and Magog, great wall of, ccxxv, 490

Gogo, ccxxx, 228, 444

Gold, knives of, in Surgery, 390 ; vast accumulations of in S. India, 217 ; great plunder of in Dekkan, ecxliii, ccl, 442 ; relative value of in 14th century, eel seqq.; 441-2

teeth, people so called ; see Zardandan

Golden gate of Byzantium, lix; Chersonese, cl

Gollas, K. of White Huns, clxxx Golobev, Col., . Russian Surveyor in Central Asia, ccxxxii

Gosju and Sabju, 273

Goths of Crimea, and their language, 200

Graduale, what, 202

Granaries, public, in China, 240, 243 Grand Can, L'Hystoire Merveilleuse du, etc. (work so styled), 35

Grand Caan, Estate and Governance of (the above, translated), 189, 238

Grand 'Trutius or Trucins (G. Lama), 241, 242

Great Gulf, clii

Great Khan (and Kaam), his palace at Cambalec, 128; the state at his court, 129 ; his banquets, 132 ; his progresses, 134 ; his great dominions, 136 ; bis hunting matches, 139; his four great feasts, 141; interview of Odoric with, 160; his favour to the Catholic Faith, 161, 208, 249 ; and Soldan of Babylon, 161; his alleged conversion and frequency of such stories, 171, 319 ; 238, 289 ; bis embassy to the Pope, 313 ; his reception of Marig• nolli's party, 339; and liberal treatment of them, 340; burial of, 507 ; see Kaan and Table of Contents

Grêat Wall; not mentioned, as sup posed, by Ammianus, xl ; 490

Greater Sea (Black Sea), 44

Greek spoken in Socotra, clxxii

  •    Church, controversy with, 337

  •    Notices of China, xlvii seqq.

  •    History of China, lost, lxxxiv

Green Mount at Peking, 128, 129 Gregory X, Pope, 166

Grimanus, Leo, companit n of Goes, 553, 557

Grueber and D'Orville's journey from China to Agra, 149, 235

Guebek (Gabak or Kapak ), Khan of

Chagatai, ccxxiv, 195

Guidotto, Friar, desires Odoric to re-

late his story, 44 ; and to attest its

truth, 159

Gujarat, clxxxiv

Gundar, Gandar, 443

Gwalian, Pass of, 594

Gwalior, 413

Gwazyar, Pass of, 594

Gybeit, Mount, in Saba, 322, 391 Gyon applied to the Nile, 348

HABANGIA Tilah, 516

Hahank, Habang, city of, 274, 464,

515 seqq.

Hagabateth, 571

Haidar Kurkan, 548, 576

Hainan, 272, 273

Hairy women, 136 ; girl, 379

Hajaj, Viceroy of Irak, lxxxi

Hajji Mahomed's account of Cathay,


Hajjiyak, Pass of, 592, 594

Haj-Tarkhan (dstracan), 287, 401

Hakluyt's Odoric, 22, 29, 36

Halaha, ccxliv

Halwan, Halavan, a Nestorian Arch-

bishopric, ccxliv 179

Haloes round Buddhist Saints, 88

Hamadan, a Nestorian Archbishop-

ric, 179

,~iancialix (Khanchalish), 571

Hangcheu, lxxx; see Cansay,Khansa,


Hannibal's Chemistry, ccxlvi, 433

Hansi, 406

Harah ; see Herat

,iardalah, the word, 470 1

Harkand, Sea of, viii

Harraqah, the word, 499

Harmakut (Himalya), 411

Harun al Rashid's Embassy to China,


Hasam or Jessam, 272

Hashish, 154

Haunted deserts, 157

Havilah, 55

Hawking, the Great Khan's, 135

Hayton (or Hethum), King of Little

Armenia, his journey to the Court

of Mangu Khan, cxxvii, cxxviii

Prince of Gorigos, cxxix ; his

History of the Tartars, cxxxi ; Ex-

tract regarding Cathay, cxcv

Hazah (Adiabene ), ccxliv, 53

Hazrat•Imam, ccxxxvii

Head-dress of Mongol ladies, 131

Heat, great, at Hormuz, 56, 57