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0227 Memoir on Maps of Chinese Turkistan and Kansu : vol.1
Memoir on Maps of Chinese Turkistan and Kansu : vol.1 / Page 227 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000215
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Eski, astronom. latitude of, 67.

Etsin-gol river and delta, 32, 50 sq., 52, 100, 102 sqq.; basin, 98, 102 sq.

`Etzina, City of', 32; see Khara-Khoto.

Faizabâd, town, 67.

Fang-ta-fan, astronom, latitude of, 102. FILIPPI, Sir F. De, surveys and observations

of, 6, 56, 63, 67 sq., 71 sq., 109. Forsyth Mission, surveys of, 11, 64, 67, 70. FUTTERER, Prof. K., Pei-shan surveys of, 93,

95, 98.

Great Trigonometrical Survey, peaks fixed

by, 7, 22.

Gashun-nbr, lake, 103.

Genju river, 75.

Gez, river and Valley, 6, 41, 63, sq.; .ee also

Yaman-var river.

Ghijak pass, 11.

Ghöra-ehöl, viii., 27.

Ghujak, astronom. latitude of, 65.

Ghujak-bai, loc., 65.

GILES, Dr. L., transcribes Chinese local

names, 61.

Gilgit river, 25.

GORE, Col., St. George C., R.E., help of, 5.

Great Kara-kul, lake, 40.

Guchen, town and oasis, 34, 53, 90 ; astro-

nom. latitude of, 84; .eee Ku-ch`a» g-tzu.

Gudaehe, astronom. latitude of. 80 sq. ; sire


Gulakhma, oasis, 9, 74.

Gulakhma-bazar, astronom. latitude of, 74.

Gama, oasis, 20, 59 n., 68, 70 sq.

Habibullah Haji, ruler of Khotan, 14, 22. Hitmi (Kumul), town and oasis, 18, 34, 36,

52. sq., 83, 87, 90, 93 sq. ; astronom. lati-

tude of, 91 ; highroad to An-hsi, 95 sqq. Hâtai river, terminal basin of, 88.

Hanguya, site of, 9.

HARDINGE, Lord, sanctions third expedition,' 24.

HASSENSTEIN, Dr., map of, 69 sq., 93 n.

HE DIN, Dr. Sven, locates Lou-Ian, 15, 28 ; routes of, 19, 26, 38 ; astronom. observations of, 56, 67, 69 sq., 72, 79 sq., 82, 85, 87.

Hindukush, range, 10, 41, 66. Hindu-tash-dawan, pass, 12.

Hoang-ho, river, 18, 50.

Hoang-lung-kang, viii., 90 sq.

Hsi-ning, town, 33.

Hsi-ta-span, peak, 85.

Hsi-ta-ho river, 102.

Hsiang-p`u, viii., 33.

Hsin-ch`êng-pao, astronom. latitude of, 105. Hsüan-tsang, pilgrim, on Lop desert, 89 ; on Pei-shan desert, 94.

Hua-hai-tzu (or Ying-p`an), oasis, 32, 37, sq., 50, 52, 97 sqq.

INDEX   201

Hung-lin-yuan, position of, 95.

Hung-shui, astronom. latitude of, 105.

Hung-shui-pa river, 17.

Hungatlik, viii., 74.

HUNTER, Dr. J. DE GR1APF•, his notes on

height observations, viii, 56, 151 sqq.

Hunza, territory, 5, 25.

Hunza river, 66.

Huo-ning-to pass, 17.

hypsometer, readings of, 151 sqq. ; method

of reduction of, 152, 154.

ice, taken for water-supply, 15, 27, 29 sq.,.

35 sq., 37, 90.

Ighiz-yar, viii., 11, 25 ; astronom. latitude.

of, 68.

Igin-dawan, pass, 8.

Ilchi, i.e. Khotan town, 14.

Ile-dong h.s., see Kapa.

Ilek river, 16.

Imam-Jafar-Sadik-mazar, astronom. latitude-

of, 78.

Imamlar, vill., 8, 14; see Tört-Imâm.

Imaos range, 41.

Inchike river, 19, 38, 47, 79, 82 ; see also

_Muz-art river.

Inchike-gumbaz, astronom. latitude of, 80.

lndo-Russian triangulation, 108 sqq.

Indus river, 24 sq.

Ishtala, astronom. latitude of, 76.

Jani, vill., 72.

`Jade Gate' (YU-man), site, 98.

Jam-bulak, cultiv., 34 ; astronorn. latitude

of, 88.

Jesuit surveyors, 18.

Jiga-tal, astronom. latitude of, 74.

Jigda-sala, astronom. latitude of, 80.

Jimasa (or Fu-yen), town, 34.

JOHNSON, Mr. W. H., sketch-map of his-

route, 7; K'un-lun surveys of, 13 sq., 22,.

72, 75.

Man-karêz, astronom. latitude of, 88.

Jnma Khan, Khotan envoy, 14.

Kalasti, loc., 77, 80.

Kalta-yailak, oasis, 26, 39, 66.

Kan-chou, city, 17 sq., 32 sq., 101 sq., 103.

sq.; astronom. latitude of, 105.

Kan-chou river, 17 sq., 32 sq., 50 sq., 100 sqq..

Kan-su, N. W. marches of, 33, 51.

Kao-t'ai, town, 32, 102, 104.

Kapa, gold-pits, 15, 25, 28, 80; astronom.

latitude of, 81; triangulation near and

from, 111 sq.

Kara-bagh, oasis, 73.

Kara-bulak, astronom. latitude of, 78.

Kara-dawàn, pass, 38, 78 sq.

Kara-döbe, oasis, 53, 90.

Kara-dong, site, 9, 19, 73; astronom. lati-

tude of, 73.

Kara-jol, grazing grounds, 39.