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Memoir on Maps of Chinese Turkistan and Kansu : vol.1 |
ground visited by me in 1900 along the slopes of the Muz-tàgh-atn range and on the way down to Kashgar, see Ruins of Khotan, pp. 77 sqq., and for that crossed in 1906 on the journey from Tàsh-kurghan to Yangi-hissar via the Chichiklik pass, Desert !Cathay, i. pp. 97 sqq. The historical topography of the latter route, as well as the legendary tradition attaching to the great snowy dome of Muz-tàgh-ati, have been discussed in my Ancient Khotnn, i. pp. 40 sqq.; see also Serindia, i, pp. 76 sqq.
SHEET No. 2 65
For a preliminary account of the route ,followed by me in 1913 across the BuramsaI pass and down the extremely difficult gorges -passed by the lower Kara-tash river which
drains the eastern slopes of Muz-tagh-atà
and Shiwikte (D. 3, 4), see Geographical Journal, xlviii, p. 110. There, too, p. 211 brief reference has been made to the journey which in 1915 took me from Kàshgar. via Opal and over the Ulûgh-art pass to Russian territory at the southern headwaters of the Kizil-dar's-a and on the Alai.
Astronomically observed latitudes. |
1900-01. Ghujak, Camp 5 (B. 4) |
| 38° | 2' | 55" |
Kara-su-karaul, Camp 6 (B. 4) |
| 38° | 11' | 44" |
Su-bishi-karaul, Camp 9 (C. 4) |
| 38° | | 34" |
Keng-shewar, Camp 10 (C. 4) |
| 38° | | 40" |
Camp below Ak-tiken pass, Camp | 16 (D. 3) | 38° | 51' | 59" |
Dish-malik, Camp 18 (D. 2) |
| 390 | 7' | 5" |
Kurghàn-tim, Camp 21 (D.1) |
| 39° | 28' | 32" |
1906-08.- Toile-bulung, Camp 7 (D. 4) |
| 38° | 5' | 42" |
Karghai-aghzi, Camp 11 (D. 3) |
| 38° | 30' | 42" |
This sheet comprises the Taghdum-bash Pamir and the southern and main portion of Sarikol. The delineation of the ground shown in it is based on numerous triangulated points which the work of the Pamir Boundary Commission (1905) and Captain Deasy (1896-98) had furnished. They are mostly high peaks and the open character of the large Sarikol valley renders them easily recognizable from the main route followed. These fixed points taken from the available triangulation charts were used throughout for the plane-table surveys of 1900 and 1913 south of the latitude of Tash-kurghan. To the north of this place, the triangulation which Rai Ram Singh effected in 1906 from a base measured near Chushman (see Appendix A) supplied an additional number of fixed points, and these, being visible at different places of the difficult route followed by him down the Tash-kurghan river valley, permitted the details of this route to be adopted as shown in the original plane-table. An astronomical value of latitude obtained at Udurghuk (D. 1) helps to confirm them.
Topographical details at the head of the Taghdum-bash Pamir (from the Wakhjir pass in the west to the junction of the main valley at Ming-taka-aghzi with that coming
from the Ming-taka pass) are taken from the plane-table survey of 1900. From Ming-taka-aghzi down to Ghujak-bai (lat. 37' 15' 0", long. 75°23') details were added to the 1900 work from the plane-table survey of 1913 done on double the scale. Further down as far as Tàsh-kurghan, the topography is shown from the latter survey only, this having been done under my direct supervision. There are also a number of astronomically fixed latitudes available in the main valley, and these agree with the positions shown by the plane-table for the corresponding camps.
Besides the route followed down the Tash-kurghan R. by Rai Ram Singh and already referred to, two routes diverging north of Tash-kurghan are shown within this sheet. The one leading north-westwards to Tagharma and past the western flanks of the Muz-tigh-ata range was surveyed in 1900 by Rai Rim Singh. As astronomical values for three camps and a number of triangulated peaks were available here for the plane-table work, the representation of the adjoining ground could be taken over without change from the 1900-01 map.
The third route leading north-eastwards to Yarkand and Kashgar was surveyed in
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