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Memoir on Maps of Chinese Turkistan and Kansu : vol.1 |
metrical stations and intersected points the tables in Appendix A (International Sheet N.K-45, x, o, s) indicate the correct positions, based upon Clementi's chronometrically determined value of Korla. A list of the positions which have been shown in accordance with their astronomically observed latitudes is given below.
For a description of the ground near the interesting ruined site of Shôrchuk, shown in the N.W. corner of the sheet, see Desert Cathay, ii. pp. 365 sqq.; Serindia, iii. pp. 1182 sqq.; for a brief account of the Ying-Van site (D.3), at the head of the ancient river-bed of the Kuruk-darya, and of the early Chinese route thence traced along the foot of the Kuruk-tagh glacis towards Korla, cf. Geograpk. Journal, xlviii. pp. 208 sq. The historical topography of the tract along the Konche-darya below Korla is discussed in Serindia, iii. p. 1231.
Apart from the south-western corner of the Kara-shahr basin (A, B. 1) this sheet comprises portions of two very distinct areas. To the north-east it shows barren much-eroded hill-ranges of the Kuruk-tagh and to the south of them the wide belt of riverine
Astronomically observed latitudes.
scrub and jungle watered by the interlacing beds of the Inehike-daryâ, Tarim and Konche-darya. On the west this belt is bordered by the sands of the Taklamakan.
From the east it is approached by the Lop desert. An outlier of the last-named divides the ancient continuation of the Konche-darya course towards Lou-lan, re- prèsented by the dry bed of the Kuruk. darya, from the present course of the Konche-daryà (C, D. 3).
The small oases of Kara-kum and Tikenlik and those further south owe their existence to attempts of the present Chinese administration to facilitate communication between the routes leading along the northern and southern sides of the Tarim basin. The great difficulties with which irrigation has to contend here, mainly owing to the frequent shifts of the river-beds, account for the very limited extent and quasi-peripatetic character of cultivation in this riverine zone.
Corrections. B. 3. Uliigh-köl should
be in black. •
C. 1. Red line of path to be extended north to Camp Altun-ghol and beyond.
1906-08. Dasokho-bulak, Camp 281 (D.1) | 41° | 32' | 18" |
Ming-oi Site, N. of Shôrchuk, Camp 288 (A. 1; for position, see Serindia, iii. Plan 51) | 41° | | 48" |
1913-15. Tikenlik, Camp 71 ( near mosque; C. 3 ) | 40° | 38' | 26" |
Ying-Van, Camp 73 (near ruin of Chinese rest-house; D. 3 ) | 40° | | 59~ |
Shindi, Camp 295 (on hillock, north of huts; D. 2) • | 41° | 14' | 34" |
Hill-station N.W. of Suget-bulak, Camp 298 (C. 2) | 41°26'41' | ||
Hill-Station S. of Yetim-bulak, Camp 301. *(B. 2) | 41° | 26' 10" |
The surveys shown in this sheet were made from routes followed on the second and third expeditions. The delineation of the mountainous ground in the south is. based on R. B. Lai Singh's triangulation of 1913 ( see Appendix d, Stations and Intersected Points in 69 s, 69 x ), the details of his plane-table work being supplemented by Rai Ram Singh's survey of 1906. The traverses along the Charchan—Charkhlik route, surveyed by myself in 1906 and again under my immediate supervision in 1913, were adjusted to the position adopted for Charkhlik, as indicated in Notes on
Sheet No. 30. Apart from the latitude observations recorded below, use was made also of Dr. Hedin's latitude value for Lashkar-satma (B. 3) and that of Roborovsky for Vash-shahri. lsa
The ground seen by me along my route of 1906 is described in Desert Cathay, i. pp. 329 sqq.; the historical topography of the route is discussed in Serindia, i. pp. 306 sqq.
The southern portion of the sheet shows the outer spurs of the northernmost Kunlun range, separated by extremely barren valleys. None of the streams which bring down water from the snowy main range
" sea Scientific Results of Roborovsky's Expedition (Russian), astronomical observations, p. '7.
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