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Memoir on Maps of Chinese Turkistan and Kansu : vol.1 |
NOTE.—Owing to want of the requisite peculiar' types a few transcriptional characters in Chinese and other names have been printed here as well as in the text and the preceding ' Index of local names' without their proper diacritical marks.
Errors of spelling and misprints have been rectified in the Index.
Ab-i-Panja river, source of, 66.
Aba-baler, King of Yarkand, 14.
Abad (of Yarkand), oasis, 20, 38, 67. Abdal, hamlet, 15 sq.; longitude of, 87. Abdurrahim, guide in Kuruk-tagh, 28, 35,
sq.; brothers of, 37.
Achchan, village, 14, 80; astronom. latitude of, 75; . near 111.
Achehik-bazar, astronom. latitude of, 67. Achchik-bulak, height of, 89.
Achi-tagh, astronom. latitude of, 89.
ADDISON, Mr. J.W., his map for Anciens Kkotan, 10; of 1906-08 surveys, 24.
AIRAZ-GUL, Man, Khan Sahib, joins third expedition, 24 ; his survey work, 25, 29 sq., 36 sq., 38 sq., 61, 72, 76, 88 ; awarded Macgregor Medal and appointed Sub-Assistant Supdt., 37, 40.
Aidin-köl (of Turfan), march, 84.
Ak-chigh, astronom. latitude of, 74.
Ak-köl, cultivation of, 74.
Ak-rabat, astronom. latitude of, 67. `Ak-sai-chin', plateau, 21.
Ak-su, oasis. 27, 44, 68 sq.; town, 20, 39, 42; latitude and longitude of Yangi-shahr, 69 ; routes to, 72 sq.
Ak-su river, 42, 68, 72 sqq.
ale-su ("white water"), 45.
Ak-tagh, ,a station, 113.
Ak-tash river, 78.
Ak-tâsh-dawàn, pass, 12.
Ak-tiken pass, astronom. latitude of, 65. Ala-shan, range, :32, 50 sq., 98, 102 sq. Alai, range, 9, 40, 42.
Alai river, 65.
Alexander III Range, 17, 100.
Altai, mountain system, 103, 105; ` Gobi' of, 52.
Altin-tagh, range, 46, 48, 90, 92 sq., 96. Àltmish-bulak, springs, 30, 35, 37, 91; posi-
tion of, 81, 83, 85, 88 ; astronom. latitude
of, 86.
Àltun-ghol, valley, 82.
Altun-mazar, shrine, 35.
An-hsi, town, 16 sqq., 31, 34, 50, 52 sq.,
88 sq., 90 sq., 93 sq., 97, 99 sqq.; position
of, 94 sq.; astronom. latitude of, 96. Anambar, see Khanambal.
Anâr-k61, reservoirs, 70.
aneroid readings, method of reduction of, 152, 154; results of, 151 sqq.
Ara-tam, site, 19, 90 sq.
Arpalik, loe., 11.
Arpalik-chakil, hill, 81.
Ashpak, astronom. latitude of, 71.
Àrpishme-bulak, spring, 35.
`aspiration', 47 sq., 49.
Astin-artush, oasis, 26.
Àstin-bulak, salt spring, 35, 85 ; astronom.
latitude of, 86; triangulation from, 111
sq.; A base at, 113.
Atik-tsagan, astronom. latitude of, 103.
Ayak-tar river, 80.
Ayak-üstang-aghzi, astronom. latitude of, 73.
Azghan-bulak, spring, 36; astronom. lati-
tude of, 86.
Baba-Hatim pass, 21, 75.
Bagh-jigda, vile., astronom. latitude of, 68.
Bagh-suget, `peak', 61 n.
Baghrash Lake, 38, 42, 44, 80 sq.
Bai (of }lirai), will., 34, 53 ; astronom. lati-
tude of, 94.
Bai, district, 39, 72, 75 sq.
Barkul, town and oasis, 34, 53, 87, 90, 93,
97, 100; astronom. latitude of, 91.
Barkul Lake, 91.
Barkul-dawan, 90.
Barkul-tagh, range, 91.
barometer (mercurial) readings, reduction
of, 152, 154.
Bash-loyumal, site, 87.
Basle-kurghan, loc., 28, 36, 89.
Bayin-bogdo, hills, 103.
`bazars', market-towns, representation of, 60.
BEAZELEY, COl. G.A., R.E., help of, 55.
Bejan-tura, depth below sea-level, 84.
1351-kum, loc., 71.
Bel-tagh, hill, 26.
Bosh-balik, `Pive Towns', 54 n.
Besh-kan, see Kara-task river.
Besh-terek-langar, loc., 68.
Bésh-toghrak, lee., 30 sq., 91 sq., 103 ; astro-
nom. latitude of, 92 ; corrected height of,
Bilôti-dawan, pass, 66.
Bir-atai-bulak, spring, 89.
Bizil, viii., astronom. latitude of, 71.
Bogdo-ula range, 34.
Boinak-dawan, pass, 13.
Bostan-arche, loc., 40, 64.
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