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Memoir on Maps of Chinese Turkistan and Kansu : vol.1 |
Kua-chou, ancient name of An-hsi, q.v. Kua-chou-k'ou, astronom. latitude of, 96. Kuchà, town and oasis, 19, 38 sq., 41, 44, 72
sq., 75 sq., 79 sq. ; astronom. latitude of
town, 76.
Kuchà river, 38, 75 sq., 80.
Kuchkach-bulaki,loc.,astro nom .latitudeof, 78: Kum-arik river, 69.
Kum-kuduk, loc., 30, 87 sqq., 91 ; height of, 89, 154. •
Kum-tagh, sand hills, .18, 84.
Kumul, oasis,, .see Hàmi.
Kumush, loc., 81.
K'un-lnn, range, 1, 3 sqq., 6 sqq., 9, 4.1 ; glacis of, 42 sq., 45, 97 ; westernmost range of, 63 ; surveys of, S.V. of Khotan, 11 sq., 20 ; S. of Khotan, 6 sqq., 12 sqq., 20, 70 sq. ; S. of Keriya, 14, 21 sqq., 75 ; S. of Niya, 77 sq. ; from Kapa eastwards, 25, 28 ; S. of Charchan, 15, 80 ; S. of Vàshshahri, 82 sq. ; S. of Lop-nor, 86 ; sighted from near Charchan, 27; from Astin-bulak, 35 sq.; triangulation of range, 79 sq., 110 sqq.
Kun-tigmaz, loc., 40.
Kunat, pass, 8 ; astronom. latitude of, 71.
Kungurche, loc., 32, 105. •
Kurat-jilga, 71.
Kurghan-tim, astronom. latitude of, 65.
Kuruk-daryà, ancient river-bed, 16, 28 sqq., 37, 42, 82, 86 sq.; ancient delta of, 29, 37, 47; connexion with Konche-darya, 38.
Kuruk-tagh, ranges, 35, 37, 42 sq., 44, 46 sq., 52, 95; southernmost, 16, 30, 85, 92; westernmost, 81 sq., 83 sq., 89; surveys of, S. of Turfàn, 19, 35 ; triangulation in, 79, 81 sq., 85, 113 sq.
Lachin-atà-mazar, astronom. latitude of, 74. Ladàk, Hàji Habibullah's route to, 22.
LAL SINGH, R. B., his work on second expedition, 18 sqq., 21 sq, 63; his surveys on third expedition, 4, 24 sq., 28, 30 sqq., 32 sqq., 35 sq., 38 sqq., 64, 66, 68, 72,75 sq., 78, 88, 92, 96, 101 ; his triangulation along northernmost K'un-lun, 80, 82 sq., 87, 111 sqq.; his triangulation in western Kuruk-tagh, 79, 81, 63 sq., 85 sq., 95 ; receives title R•: B., also Back Grant from It. G. S., 23 ; awarded Cuthbert Peak Grant by R. G. S. and Jàgir by G. of I., 40 ; assists in compilation of maps, 55 ; retirement, 55, 61.
Lab-tàgh, hill, 26.
Lamjin, springs; 48. n.
Lanak-là, pass, 21 sq , 75.
langar, roadside station, representation of, in maps, 60.
Lànghru, viii., astrouom. latitude 471. Lapchuk, oasis, 34., 90 sq.; site 19.
I ashkar-satma, loc., 15, 27, 80; latitude of, 82.
Leh, town, 7, 23; meteorological base.station, 152.
help rendered by, viii, 1. •
Li-yiian-ho, river, 18,.33, 101, 104. Liang-chou, city, 33.
Linger, ancient Chinese border wall, surveys along, 16 sq., 18, 49, 97 sq., 100.
Little Kara-kul, lake, 5 sq. ; astronom. lati-
tude of, 75 ; triangulation near, 109. Lo-t'o-thing, well, 98 ; astronom. latitude
of, 99.
Lo-t'o-ch'êng, astronom. latitude of, 102. LONGE, Cor,. F. B., R.E., help of, vii, 10. Lop, district, 27, 45 ; hamlet, 16, 87; fermi-,
nal basin, 34, 36; general account of 46
Lop desert, 35, 82, 85 sqq. .
Lop, ancient lake-bed of, 16, 30, 36 sq., 41 43, 46 sq., 53, 86 -sq., 88 sqq., 91 sq.; its connexion with Su-to-ho, 31; levelling at E. end of, 28, 30:
Lop (of Khotan), vill. tract, 74.
Lop-nor, marshes, 28, 41, 43, 46, 86 sq.
Lou-lan, desert area of ancient, 42, '1.7, 51, 85 sqq. ; ruined sites of, 15 sq., 28 sqq., 36 sq., 85 sqq., 88 sq.; L. A. site, 86; longitude of, 85.
Lowaza, springs, 89 ; astronom. latitude of, 90 ; corrected height of, 154.
Lukchun, town, 83.
Ma-lieu-thing-tru, astronom. latitude of, 96. Ma-tsun-shan, 98 n.
Ma-yang-ho valley, 101.
MACARTNEY, SIR GEORGE, K. C. I. E., help at Kàshgar, 11, 25.
llakhai plateau, 97.
Malghun, loc., astronom. latitude of, 73. Malghun, viii., astronom. latitude of, 78. Mandàr-k61-dawàn, pass, 21.
_Mao-mei, oasis, 32 sq., 51 sq., 94, 97 sq., 100 sqq., 104.; astronom. latitude of, 101.
Maps : scope of maps treated in Memoir, 1; their cômpilation, 55 sq. ; graphic methods used, 56 sqq.; map of first expedition, in Sand-buried Ruins, 10 ; in Ancient Motu'', 10; maps illustrating Desert Cathay, 23; map of Ancient Chinese Limes W. of Tunhuang, 17 ; map of Darél and Tangir, 25 ; detailed map of 'l'urfàn district, 35; map of Muz-tàgh-atà and Lake Little Kara-kul, 64.
llaral-ltshi, town and oasis, 20, 26, 39, 67, 69 sq.
\fARco POLO, on route through Lop desert, 16, 48, 89 ; on 'City of Etzina', 32, 103.
MASON, Major K., R. E., help of, viii sq.; furnishes ' Summary and discussion of triangulation', 55, 14)7-153; on Lai Singh's work in K'un-lun range, 28, 111 sqq. ; on triangulation near Muz-tàgh-atà, 63, 109 ; on triangulation in Kuruk-tàgh, 36, 79, 85 sq., 113 sq.; on geodetic work on Pamir, 108.
Mastnj, territory, 10.
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