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0359 Ancient Khotan : vol.1
古代コータン : vol.1
Ancient Khotan : vol.1 / 359 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000182
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



Sec. viii]


D. v. 6. Chinese document on paper, dated 781 A. D. (translated in Appendix A). See Plate CXV.

D. v. 7. MS. on paper ; Brâhmi; No. 26. Six small fragments, from right side of (apparently) one leaf.—Note xiii. No. 26. All pieces belong apparently to one leaf of a MS., in non-Sanskritic (Proto-Tibetan ?) and upright Gupta characters of the seventh or eighth century. Paper and script appear to be exactly the same as those of the MS., Nos. i-19, from D. III., but the MS. of course, is different, because the language is different. [Dr. Hoernle.]

D. v. 8. MS. on paper ; Brâhmi ; No. 27. Two large fragments of one document, with Chinese signatory monogram.—Note xiv. No. 27. Both belong to one docu-

ment, size Ion" x 7k".   Language : non-Sanskritic
(Eastern Iranian). Characters : cursive Brâhmi of eighth century. Inscribed on one side only, and signed with a Chinese monogram. Contents unknown. [Dr. Hoernle.]

D. v. g. Wooden bowl. Portion of lower part of turned wood bowl or dish, lacquered (?) and painted. Probably Chinese. INSIDE : Portion of wreath of flowers and leaves, round ornamental inner border. Flowers deep crimson and geranium scarlet. Leaves green. All outlines and small diaper background in yellow. Scarlet flowers shaded by crimson lines, leaves by black. Ground green. Ornamental border, yellow tracery. Arrangement of flowers

and leaves alternate. Colours still bright, but covered by D. v. sand and dirt which it is difficult to remove without disturbing painting. OUTSIDE : Olive green at bottom and partly up side, on which traces of pattern in black. Above this, deep terra-cotta red. The marks of turning are distinctly visible, and the grain of wood where fractured shows that the bowl is turned out of the solid. Condition of wood good, but much of the virtue of lacquer perished. 7y by I ". See Plate LXV.

D. v. 1o. Wooden panel ; 'Takhti shape. Traces of scraping (from erased writing). Wood soft at edges. I3*" long, 3" high, -" thick.

D. v. ix. Shoe ; made of plaited hemp string. Sole, now very compact and almost felted by hard wear, seems to consist of an insole of coarse string, coiled flat, and an under sole similarly laid, and perhaps plaited into the other. The two are bound together by a close warp of thinner and more finely made string. Long, free ends of warp turned up at right angles to form side of shoe, which thus consists of an arrangement of parallel cords only, lying closely together. Upper ends tightly plaited round two horizontal stout cords to form upper edge or opening of the shoe. These two cords cross in a loop in front. Much broken. Front edge of sole appears to have been cut off. Adult size.

D. V. 12. Woven fabric. Fine cord silk. Dirty buff colour. 6" by 4f". See Plate LXXVI.



D.vr.1. MS. on paper ; Brâhmi ; No. 28.—Note xv. Left-hand fragment, 4" x 3", with string-hole, of a leaf numbered 7o. Full size, probably 18" x 3". Language : Sanskrit. Characters : upright Gupta of seventh or eighth century. Contents : apparently some Buddhist canonical work ; on obverse, end of section 43, the beginning of the 44th section being Smarâny-aham kalpains-alita ... , on reverse, end of section 5x. [Dr. Hoernle.]

D. VI. 2. MS. on paper ; Brâhmi ; No. 29. One very small fragment of a document, with traces of Chinese signatory monogram.—Note xvi. Nos. 29 and 3o. Fragments of two documents, in non-Sanskritic (Eastern Iranian) and cursive Brâhmi. [Dr. Hoernle.]

D. vi. 3. Painted wooden panel ; oblong. Ten seated figures (Buddhas ?) on continuous Padmâsana. Heads three-quarter to centre. Robe red. Hands crossed in lap. Behind each figure a vesica (green) and nimbus (alternate ?) red and white. Padmâsana yellow. Each figure wears a Tibetan hat (yellow). Painting fragmentary. 27" long, 4$" high, ems" thick.

D. vi. 4. Painted panel. OBVERSE : Six Buddha figures   D

seated in meditation, figures arranged vertically in three rows, two in each row. The rows seem to have been

divided by narrow lotus-petal bands running across from side to side. The pairs of figures incline heads (three-quarter) slightly towards each other. One dressed in dark saffron garment edged with white, other in pink. Flesh in both, light; eyes white. Flesh contours on both, and draperies on pink figure outlined in Indian red. Hair, eyebrows, eyelashes on both and dark garment, in black. Vesica behind dark figure, red, and outside vesica Indian red. Vesica behind pink figure, some light tint now unrecognizable ; outside vesica probably pink. In one case (pink figure) the Buddhic top-knob is clearly shown, probably it was present in all. Tilaka also present. The dark and light figure alternate vertically. Very badly defaced. REVERSE : Similar to obverse, but top pair missing. Background outside vesica of dark figure, light. That of pink figure, Indian red. Work very rough. The dark saffron figure is the similarly robed 'spectacled' figure of D. x. o1, but lacking the care in execution. Size x 3i" x 8" x i".

  • VI. 5. Stucco relief fragment (two pieces). Female head (Gandharvi). Chunam ; traces of black on hair and eyes. Nimbus. Height sk", width 3$". See Plate LVI.

  • VI. 6. MS. on paper ; Brâhmi ; No. 3o. One fragment, a long, narrow strip, of a document. (See Note xvi. above).


