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0364 Ancient Khotan : vol.1
Ancient Khotan : vol.1 / Page 364 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000182
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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D. xu. D. xu. x. Stucco relief fragment. Gandharvi. Chunam, traces of colour. Flying figure, head, upper portion of body and arms as D. xii. 5. From waist downwards figure curves towards R. p., the legs being extended horizontally. Supported in outstretched hands a festoon of cloth, doubled end blowing freely out from R. p. hand. Red on background, traces of pink on flesh, and red contour lines. 61" long, 3â" wide. See Plate LVI.

D. xu. 2. Stucco relief fragment. Gandharvi. Replica D. xii. 5. L. p. arm missing below amulet. Lotus missing.

D. xii. 3. Stucco relief fragment. Gandharvi. Replica D. xii. 5. Head, R. p. hand missing. Lotus complete ; coloured pink.

D. xu. 5. Stucco relief fragment. Gandharvi. Chunam,

coloured. Female figure, rising from large-petalled lotus. Body rather gross and masculine. Hair tied in high, loose knob, divided over forehead and carried behind ears to shoulders; large rings in ears ; necklet of flat beads; large bead pendant ; bead amulets on upper arms ; bracelets at wrists ; girdle of beads attached apparently to a band which falls from armpit. Both hands clenched and raised to level of shoulders. Nimbus. Hair, eyebrows, eyelashes and pupils, black ; flesh, pink ; contour lines and halo, red. Height, from girdle to halo, 34". Width, hand to hand, 34". See Plate LVI.

D. xu. 6. Fragment of wooden vessel, to which are adhering, both inside and outside, portions of paper with upright Gupta characters, very black. The paper, in some cases several layers thick, is wrapped over broken edges. Length 74", width 3", thickness s".


D. xiu. D. 001. Judaeo•Persian document on paper,brought to Rawak on Jan. 5, 1901 (see below, pp. 306 sqq.). Fragment of a sheet 16" high; sides badly torn. See Plate CXIX.

D. 002. Stucco fragment, with Chinese inscription in

three columns, enclosed in rectangle. Painted in black on white or tint wash ground. Much deleted. Grey clay, very brittle and friable. Brought to Rawak on Jan. 5, 1901 (see below, p. 309). 6" x 5" x Ig".


D. (T.) D. (T.) oi. Stucco relief fragment. Gandharvi. Chunam, traces of pink colour. Replica D. 1.014.

D. (T.) 02. Stucco relief fragment. Gandharvi. Chunam, traces of colour. For detail of head, cf. D. 1. 43 ; for detail of body cf. D. r. o14. Height 5h", width at elbows 3iß". See Plate LVI.

D. (T.) 03. Stucco relief fragment. Gandharvi. Chunam, traces of colour. Lower half, L. p. wrist and top of nimbus missing. Replica D. 1. oz. Height 31", width 31".

D. (T.) 04. Stucco relief fragment. Head, Buddha (?). Chunam, traces of colour. Replica D. 1. 55. Height

D. (T.) 05. Stucco relief fragment. Head of Buddha (?). Chunam, traces of colour. Replica D. 1. 55. Height r.

D. (T.) 07. Stucco relief fragment. Ornament. Chunam, traces of colour. Replica D. 1. 44•

D. (T.) o8. Stucco relief fragment. Figure of Buddha. Chunam, 'coloured. Replica D. 1. o8. Waist upwards missing, feet missing. Height

D. (T.) og. Stucco relief fragment. Standing Buddha; upper half; head missing. Chunam, no colour. Sharp tool marks. Replica D. 1. 11.

D. (T.) oxo. Stucco relief fragment. Standing Buddha ; torso. Chunam, no colour. Replica D. r. 1 r.

D. (T.) ou. Stucco relief fragment. Ornament. Chunam, no colour. Replica D. i. 95. See Plate LVII.

D. (T.) 012. Stucco relief fragment (two pieces). Hand grasping object ; colossal. Red clay, traces of colour. L. p. hand grasping billet, palm upward (?); all fingers and thumb broken off; fractures show thin wooden cores. Traces of pink colour. Billet measures 54," length, 14" width, 1" thickness, and is rectangular. An incised line runs round upper surface about i" from edges (suggesting movable panel). 1 r from upper end four incised lines are drawn round three sides (fourth left rough), suggesting a ligature of cord, under which midway between long edges of top surface lies a raised circular disc " diam. (suggesting a seal). I" from lower end three incised lines are drawn round billet. These two ligatures are connected on upper surface of billet by two incised lines running diagonally from edge to edge. (The purpose of these ligatures would appear to be to keep the movable panel secure, and the seal to prevent tampering with fastening). Billet broken near centre, exposing remains of wooden core. Billet coloured white, with i" black edge to all surfaces (except under, which is unfinished). Very friable. See Plate LXXXVIII.