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0597 Ancient Khotan : vol.1
古代コータン : vol.1
Ancient Khotan : vol.1 / 597 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000182
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




of about 24 ft. Near its approximate centre a shaft, about 3 ft. in diameter, had been sunk to the natural ground, undoubtedly by ` treasure-seekers '. Owing to erosion of the surrounding ground, the ruin seems now to stand on a mound 7 to 8 ft. high. From the large quantity of broken bricks strewing the slopes of the latter and the ground close by, it appears probable that this square mass of masonry may have once served as the base of a small Sttipa. The bricks, formed of fairly hard sun-dried loess, showed the same average dimensions as at the first small ruin. On none of them could I trace any mark.

The general impression I gained was that the eroded site, which was said to cease not far to the north of this structure, was of considerable antiquity. Being on the track of the woodcutters from Yurung-kash and the neighbouring tracts, it is often searched for any small objects which the winds may lay bare on the eroded loess surface. The only small antique said to have been obtained here which I was able to acquire at Yurung-kash is a terra-cotta handle (J. ow) enriched with an excellently moulded acanthus leaf. In texture and eroded appearance it closely resembles some pieces said to have been brought from `Ak-sipil', and not much dependence can be placed on its alleged origin.

My visit to Jumbe-kum had sufficed to convince me that there were no remains there capable of excavation. Thus, when on April 19 I started from my Rawak camp back to Khotan in the midst of a violent sandstorm, soon followed by a drenching downpour of rain, I had the satisfaction of knowing that the programme of my explorations in the desert was completed.

General character of site.


R. ii. r. Stucco relief Buddha head, approx. life-size. Red clay, orig. whitewashed over ; black for eyelashes, trace of red likd ; eyes nearly closed. Hair in rich curls ; small top-knob ; small chin, ears elongated. r o" top-knob to below chin, 51" ear to ear. Well-preserved, with hollow for wood frame (rotted). See Pl. LXXXII.

R. ii. 2. Stucco relief fragments, x o pieces. Red clay, traces of white and red washes. Portion of plaque forming halo above head of figure ; curve of perfect edge elliptical. Perfect edge bordered with cloud-scroll. Within this upper portion, seated Buddha, cross-legged, hands in lap, L. p. resting in palm of R. ; face indistinct ; ears elongated and pierced ; top-knob; single robe ; nimbus at back of head ; the whole in vesica formed of lotus, centre of which is treated as rays. Top R. p. of figure a small lotus; below L. p. another. Immediately below figure double fleur-de-lis ornament, representing a Vajra; below and to L. p. of this, small lotus. All ornaments appliqué. Portion re-united on restored background. x riff high,


7 across. Very friable. See Pl. LXXXIII. R. ii. 3. Stucco relief fragments.

  1. Vesica with seated Buddha. Replica R. ii. 2.

  2. Similar to a. See Pl. LXXXVII.

R. iv. I. Stucco relief ; head of Bodhisattva, over life-size. Red clay, orig. colour-washed; white eyeballs; traces of black eyelashes, and dark colour on lips. Single long ringlet of hair in front of each ear. Ears well modelled, elongated, and slit ; eyes partly closed ; small

nose, mouth, and chin. On left of head passing over L. ear, ornamental band, with jewel; R. missing. Top of head broken away. i oi" from below chin upwards, 8" ear to ear. Hollow for wcod frame (rotted) and broken at back. Very friable. See Pl. LXXXI.

R. vi. Stucco relief head of Bodhisattva, life-size. Red clay, orig. red-washed ; white eyeballs and traces of black eyelashes, and dark colour on lips. Pink tiled ; eyes almost shut; small nose, mouth, and chin; hair rich, curled ; ears elongated (broken). Top and back of head broken. Hollow for frame. 9" from top of head to below chin, 6k" between ears. Friable. See Pl. LXXXIII.

R. xi. I. Stucco relief fragments ; 4 principal pieces. Replica of portion of R. ii. 2, but cloud-scrolls much more elaborate ; petals forming outer ray of vesica more elaborate ; vesica much broken. Vajra and small lotuses (excepting one) absent. Size of vesica 3r x 2—'g". Cloud-scroll 4" x 2h". Lotus fragment 11" X tr. Portion of

cloud-scroll r$" x i~". Very friable. See Pl. LXXXVII.

R. xii. i. Stucco relief figure of Buddha, from vesica. Red clay; traces of whitewash over red-wash all over. Standing male figure ; portion below middle of thighs

missing.   Single, flowing robe.   R. p. hand raised
(broken), L. p. hand raised to chest grasping loose drapery. Head resting against nimbus. Eyes small ; nose broad ; ears slightly elongated. Hair simple, with top-knob. Height 131". Width below shoulders 6". Friable. See Pl. LXXXVI.

R. ii-xi.