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0669 Ancient Khotan : vol.1
Ancient Khotan : vol.1 / Page 669 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000182
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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(z) If the Lord God help, quickly the salary

  1. ten and twenty letters I wrote to no purpose without number

  2. Saying ' What has become of my stipend, and into the hand of whom

  3. if convenient, command him to give it to me.

  4. and buy with that ' till I stopped, desisted.

  5. to your own hurt, may the Lord God give you a reward therefor.

  6. it got delayed, till month was added to month and from decade to decade

  7. that they should buy worthless and lean sheep. The Lord God give them very

  8. God forefend that one of them should be our ... since they

(bo) when I had sold a garment, they cast it in my face

(II) had sold : there was no-one of the men of the

city PD

(12) that I should buy three petkû : and no mischief

came of it.

(r 3) since I expect this of you : first the affair

(4) to be acquainted with my profit and loss, and my


(15) to buy the six sheep of me, in order that

(i6) you said thus: ... three

(17) and it is very detrimental

  1.  try and   it from me

  2.  you yourself bought, and you yourself sold, and you yourself (2o) if I am to be successful