National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Ancient Khotan : vol.1 |
N. x. N. x. I. Fragments of woollen carpet, 4 or 5 small pieces as shown in sketch. |
N. viii. N. viii. 6. Walking-stick of apple-wood (?), split at one end. Hard and well-preserved. Length 2' 9", thickness 1" .
N. ix. x. Wedge under-tablet. Hole near point. Obv. 3 I1. Khar., well-written, black, and clear ; initial form. Rev. Few char. at sq. end. I4" x 2g". Well-preserved. See PI. C.
N. ix. 2. Oblong tablet, clumsy hole at one end. Obv. 5 11. Khar. with numerals (?) in column at L. p. end; 2 11. at middle. Rev. blank. 8g" x 2 r. Wood well-preserved.
N. ix. 3. Oblong tablet. Obv. 7 11. Khar., very cursive ; quite clear. Rev. blank. 6" x 2i". Well-preserved.
N. x. N. x. I. Fragments of woollen carpet, 4 or 5 small pieces as shown in sketch.
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A. Fret pattern in narrow bands at intervals dividing the larger bands from each other. These narrow bands are always blue on light yellow, and light yellow on blue, the ground and pattern counterchanging as shown in sketch. B and C occur alternately. The warp of the fabric is of undyed wool, and varies in colour from dark brown to dirty white.
N. X. 2. Rectang. under-tablet, fragment ; broken diagonally. Upper part missing. Obv. 5 11. Khar., very cursive, part deleted. Rev. blank. 5 " x 1f". Wood well-preserved.
N. X. 2. b. Tablet, fragment, warped and twisted. Obv. 3 il. Khar., fragmentary. Rev. blank. 5" x I" (approx.). Very spongy.
N. x. 2. C. Takhti-shaped tablet ; trapezium handle, with hole. Obv. 3 11. Khar., well written, part faded. Rev. 1 1., very clear. 6" x 1~". Well-preserved. See PI. XCVII.
N. x. 3. Takhti-shaped tablet; trapezium handle, with hole. Obv. (handle in L. hand). I long 1. at top edge, well-written but rather coarse. Short 1. at sq. end. Short 1. in R. p. half. I long 1. at lower edge, but reverse way to that at top, so that to read, hold handle in R. hand. 2 columns of five 11. each, with interval between columns ; read transversely, from sq. end downwards. All fairly clear. Characters round hole. Rev. (handle in R. hand). 5 columns (beginning at handle) having 6 or 7 11. in each,
and reading longitudinally. r 1. from about centre towards sq. end. 1 long column extending from sq. end to about centre, reading transversely. 13â" x 2". Well-preserved. See Pl. CI.
N. x. 4. Oblong tablet, rounded at small end, and pierced, with small twig sharpened at one end, serving as pin. Obv. 2 columns Khar. and I short 1. Rev. blank. 6" x 2r. Pin 4-A" long. Well-preserved. See PI. CIII.
N. x. 5 + 6. Rectang. double-tablet, complete. Coy.- tablet. Obv. Seal cay. I " x Ig". a 11. Khar. transversely at top. Rev. 7 11. Khar., very cursive ; much encrusted with sand. 4g" x 2,".
Under-tablet. Obv. 7 11. Khar., black, clear, cursive. Rev. blank. 6*" x 2r. Well-preserved.
N. x. 7. Rectang. cov.-tablet, much broken. Obv. 1 1. Khar. transversely at L. p. edge. 2 11. transv. at R. p.
Rev. 5 11., cursive, well-written. Many numerals (?).
6r" x 21". Much perished and damaged.
N. x. 8. Rectang. cov.-tablet. Seal cay. r " x r Obv. 2 11. Khar., fine, black, cursive. Remains of seal clay and string. Rev. blank. 6r x 2g". Wood well-preserved.
N. x. 9. a, b. Oblong tablets. Handle at each end. Blank. 6 " x I".
N. x. g. c. Stick-like tablet ; at one end small handle in which hole ; hole also at opposite end. Blank. I o" x Well-preserved ; unused (cf. above, p. 36o). See Pl. CV.
N. x. 01. Spindle, made of a light wood; broken at thicker end. Length 8~". At thin end -6" thick, the point being round. It thickens to " at 3" from thin end, and thins again to rather less than 1," where it is broken. There is an X mark on thick part. Hard and well-preserved.
N. x. 02, Spindle, similar in all respects to N. x. o 1, but not broken at end. A hole is pierced through end farthest from thickened portion.
N. x. 03, 04. Pens. Two roughly-cut wooden styles, consisting of twigs sharpened at one end and at the other rough. Length 51" and 5r, respectively. Hard. See Pl. CV.
N. x. 05. Pens. Two twigs sharpened at one end. The wood is very hard, and colour of bark a dark rich brown. Length about 9". See PI. CV.
Blue and Light Yellow.
Blue and Dark Yellow.
Red and Light Yellow.
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