National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Ancient Khotan : vol.1 |
N. xv.
N. xv. 56. Rectang. cov.-tablet ; fragment. Obv. Traces of 3 11. Khar. below seal cay.; very cursive. Rev. i 1.
Khar., incomplete. 3$" x x r" x 1". Well-preserved ;
wood dark.
N. xv. 57. Oblong tablet ; broken at one end, hole at other. Obv. 4 11. Khar., much faded. Rev. Traces of 2 or more 11. undecipherable. 5k" x i4". Soft.
N. xv. 58. Oblong tablet ; hole at each end. Faint traces of characters on one side only. 6r x x". Soft; sand-abraded.
N. xv. 59. Slip of wood, blank. 7" x I".
N. xv. 59. b. Slip of wood, Chinese char. on Obv. 44"x-,'7n". Well-preserved.
N. xv. 6o. Rectang. tablet, probably seal cover. Obv. Notched with 3 notches on each of two opposite edges as though for string. Rev. Roughly cut circular depression, about 2" deep. gig" x ir x 4". Rather soft. See PI. CV.
N. xv. 6i + 62. Slip of wood, Chinese char. on Obv. ; broken in 2 pieces. 51"xiv. Well-preserved. See PI. CXIII.
N. xv. 63. Rectang. under-tablet ; fragment. Obv. 5 11. Khar., fine, cursive, and fairly clear. Rev. blank. 8Z" x 1". Wood well-preserved.
N. xv. 64. Wedge cov.-tablet ; fragment. Obv. Seal cay. 11" from sq. end. 1 1. Khar. between sq. end and cay. Portions of bark remaining. Rev. 2 11. Khar., cursive, well-written, black. 71" x 21" x 1". Well-preserved. Surface perished on Obv.
N. xv. 65. Rectang. cov.-tablet ; much broken. Obv. Seal cay. xg" square. At L. p. edge x 1. Khar., very cursive and faint, transversely ; at R. p. traces of Khar. char. Rev. Traces of 6 11. Khar., very cursive and faint. 53" X 24" x ir. Rather soft ; much split, and surface perished.
N. xv. 66. Double-wedge tablet, complete ; hole at point. Cov: tablet. Obv. Seal cay. 14" from sq. end ; remains of clay. i I. Khar. between sq. end and cay., cursive ; usual char. at hole. Rev. Traces of char. in centre ; sand-encrusted.
Under-tablet. Obv. 3 11. Khar., cursive, well-written, generally very black, with initial form. Sand-encrusted. Rev. Few characters at sq. end. 91" x r4" x i". Hard, but chipped and insect-eaten, especially Rev. of under-tablet.
N. xv. 67. Wedge cov.-tablet ; broken at point. Obv. Seal cay. 4" from sq. end. Khar. char. on each side of cay. Usual char. near hole. Rev. Traces of 2 11. Khar., very cursive and faint. 8$" x x " x 1". Fairly preserved. Found IA ft. above floor.
N. xv. 68. Wedge-shaped tablet ; broken and curled at point. Obv. Column of 7 11. and beyond that a single 1. Khar., cursive, clearly written. Rev. blank ; bleached and peeling. 14"x 24". Fairly hard except on surface. Found xi ft. above floor.
xv. 6g. Slip of wood, Chinese char. on Obv. ; fragment. 3" x ". Well-preserved. Found xi ft. above floor. See Pl. CXIII.
xv. 71. Double-wedge tablet, complete ; connected by string passing through holes at pointed ends with attached pendent clay seal. Seal (see PI. LXXII) is in hard red clay, and contains the ends of the short string loop. The device is, in a circle, a somewhat coarsely cut male head to L. p. with bushy hair extending to nape of neck, moustache, heavy chin, straight and rather prominent nose, full eye (cf. seals B. D. oox. d, g, and h, Pl. IL). Obv. of covering-tab. Usual seal cavity 2" from sq. end measures i4" x i4", and contains some of original string. A few Khar. characters at square end, and others on opposite side of cavity. Usual formula at hole. Rev. x 1. Khar., very cursive but well-preserved.
Under-tablet. Obv. 4 11. Khar. very coarsely written ; a smudge at square end. Well-preserved. Rev. A few Khar. characters at sq. end. x scratched in wood near centre. x34" x 2g" x i" (covering-tab.), 4" (under-tab.). See PI. C. Found 3 ft. above floor.
xv. 72. Slip of wood. Chinese char. on Obv. ; fragment. x4" x A". Well-preserved. See Pl. CXIV. Found i ft. above floor.
xv. 73. Slip of wood. Chinese char. on Obv.; fragment. 5" x i". Well-preserved, writing faded towards broken end. See Pl. CXII. Found x ft. above floor.
xv. 74. Wooden seal case. Has deep string-grooves
at sides of cay. There is a hole through bottom of cay. which appears to have been made by burning. No inscription. ii" x xi' x i". See PI. CV.
xv. 76 + 181. Tablet formed of small bough, flattened on two sides by cutting ; broken in 2 pieces. Obv. 2 11. Khar., arranged in separate items, mostly terminating in numerals. Rev. 4 items Khar., in 2 pairs ; clear, cursive. i8" x I" (approximately). Perfectly preserved. See Pl. CII.
. xv. 77. Wedge cov.-tablet ; fragment ; point end missing. Obv. Seal cay. i 1" from sq. end. Few Khar. char. from sq. end. Rev. x 1. Khar. (incompl.), cursive, faint. 4k" x I " x 1". Perished and warped. Surface bleached and soft.
xv. 78. Slip of wood, Chinese char. on Obv.; fragment. 3k" x A". Well-preserved. See Pl. CXII.
xv. 79. Wedge under-tablet ; hole near point. Obv. 4 11. Khar., very cursive, black. Rev. i 1. Khar., from sq. end, very cursive and incomplete. 9h" x r ". Hard, but stained and much encrusted with sand. Found x ft. above floor.
xv. 80. Oblong tablet ; fragment. Obv. Traces of
coarsely written Khar. char., very faint. Rev. Traces
of 3 11. Khar., very cursive, fine, and faded. 34" x x". Soft ; much encrusted with sand. Found x ft. above floor.
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