National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Ancient Khotan : vol.1 |
N. xv.
sides and angles rounded, in which a cavity about r" sq. has been made, with 3 coarse saw-cuts passing across it for string grooves. Portions of string remain beneath the seal. Probably attached to some document or other consignment ; cf. N. xv. 74. See Pl. LXXII.
N. xv. 138. b. Clay seal, grey, roughly circular, having fragments of woollen string embedded in it. Device, in low relief, within a circle, a gryphon, rampant, regardant,
with bifurcate reflexed tail. In general proportion it
more resembles a hippogryph, but tail and feet seem to be those of the gryphon. Neck very long and slender, and long sweep of line from back of head to end of belly bold and good. The one visible wing is well placed, springing accurately from shoulder. Head broken away, only end of beak being visible. Clay extremely fine and dense ; perhaps mixed with a wax or mucilage to bind it. Diameter 1r. (Cf. N. 006.) See PI. LXXII.
N. xv. 134. Rectang. under-tablet ; two long cracks. Obv. 7 11. Khar., very cursive, clear. Rev. blank. 8*" x 3". Hard.
N. xv. 135. Wedge under-tablet hole at point. Obv. 4 11. Khar., generally illegible because of incrustations of sand, clay, an straw ; initial form. Rev. 1 1. Khar. from sq. end. Condition similar to Obv. 9 "x zâ". Hard.
N. xv. 136. Wedge under•tablet; hole at point. Obv. 3 11. Khar., very finely written ; initial form. Rev. r 1. from sq. •end, very cursive. I I" x 18". Hard ; well-preserved.
N. xv. 187. Double-wedge tablet, complete. Seal (see PI. LXXI), in good condition, shows Pallas Athene, deep sunk, with elliptical mouldings surrounding. Cov: tablet. Obv. z i s" from sq. end, seal cay. r short 1. Khar. at sq. end. Usual char. at hole. Rev. blank.
Under-tablet. Obv. 5 II. Khar., very clear and black. Rev. I i. Khar. from sq. end. 4 1 in different hand, very scratchy. I I" x i". Perfectly preserved. See PI. XCVIII.
N. xv. 138. Rectang. cov.-tablet chipped at corners. Obv. Seal cay. 2„1" ri". r 1. Khar. at L. p. edge, transversely, incomplete. Rev. 3 11. Khar., very cursive, black, faded in parts, incomplete. 6" x 38" x i é". Hard, discoloured, encrusted with sand and refuse.
N. xv. 139. Slip of wood, Chinese char. ; fragment. 3r x". Well-preserved. See Pl. CXIII.
N. xv. 140. Double-wedge tablet, complete ; hole at point. Cov.-tablet. Obv. Seal cay. r" from sq. end. 11. Khar. at sq.. end. Usual char. at hole. Rev. z 11. Khar., very cursive, black and clear.
Under-tablet. Obv. 3 11. Khar., very cursive, clear, except near sq. end and centre. Initial form. Rev. r 1. Khar. from sq. end. 9" x rrx g. Hard, well-preserved, wood dark.
N. xv. 141. Oblong tablet, round-pointed at one end, obtuse-pointed at other. Obv. 3 11. Khar., very cursive and faded. Rev. blank. 51" x $". Well-preserved.
N. xv. 142 + 147 + 148. Tablet ; fragment in 3 pieces Obv. z 11. Khar., cursive, black. Rev. blank. 5r x Imo" Wood well-preserved.
N. xv. 148. Wedge cov.•tablet ; hole at point. Obv. Seal cay. 4" from sq. end. 11. Khar., very cursive and coarse, on both sides of cay. Usual char. at hole. Rev. 11. Khar., very cursive and black. g" x 2" x iv. Well-preserved. Most of the string remains, showing method of fastening.
N. xv. 145. Slip of wood, Chinese char.; fragment. 6$" x r. Perfectly preserved. See Pl. CXIV.
N. xv. 146. Oblong tablet. Obv. 3 11. Khar., cursive, faded. Rev. blank. 46" x ri•". Hard, well-preserved, but sand-encrusted.
N. xv. 149. Document on leather ; fragment. Obv. 8 11. Khar., cursive, black, incomplete. Rev. 11. Khar., faint. 3$" x 3k". Much stained and rotted at edge. Found 3 ft. above floor.
N. xv. 151. Rectang. double tablet, complete, retaining original fastening and unopened. Obv. Seals (2) much damaged. That to R. p. appears to contain more than one figure. To L. p. apparently a head to L. p., but doubtful. Seal cay. 21" x IA". To L. p. 3 11. Khar., very cursive, transversely. To R. p. 2 11. Khar., transversely. Rev. blank. String complete, broken in one place only. Tablets damaged at one end, and under-tablet much cracked. 7$" x 3k". Susceptible to damp.
N. xv. 152. Slip of wood, Chinese char. on Obv. ; broken at upper end. 6" x i". Perfectly preserved. See Pl. CXIII.
N. xv. 153. Rectang. cov.-tablet ; broken at one corner and along one edge. Obv. Seal cay. r" x 4'. At L. p. end, transversely, 1 1. Khar., very cursive ; also end of a znd 1. (?). Rev. blank. 6h" x 2-i96-" x A". Hard.
N. xv. 154. Rectang. cov.•tablet ; seal cay. I i" sq. Obv. 4 11. Khar. transv. at L. p. end ; 3 11. Khar. transv. reverse way at R. p. end, very cursive. Rev. 9 lI. Khar., very cursive ; blotted but clear. 7-" x 4-". Well-preserved. See Pl. XCVII.
N. xv. 154. a +157. Rectang. under-tablet ; fragment. in 3 pieces. Obv. 6 11. Khar., very imperfect. Rev. blank. 5ï" x 2H".. Perished, much abraded. Found 1 ft. above floor.
N. xv. 155. Rectang. double tablet, complete, found intact with fastening and seals; opened at British Museum. Cov. tablet. Obv. Seal cay. za" x 14", with two seals (see Pl.. LXXII), upper, circular, broken, showing hair of male head tied in topknot. Lower, elliptical, showing female bust, turned to L. p., holding in raised R. p. hand flower or mirror (?), wearing tiara, and surrounded by elliptical mouldings.. On L. p. edge 2 11. Khar. transversely, R. pr. blank. Rev. 1 short 1. Khar., black,
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