National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Ancient Khotan : vol.1 |
[Appendix B
. . 177.1'741'5z' I
5. . . ae l'~~1'~I(~ l'5~1'~~t' I ~~ . . .
6. . . 5Z775N' I a'aIrr1t.&k . . . .
. Zt?'[• I 7Wt ►' . .
8. . Z'5Z1il'T.n.54 7I.~. . .
3. Z5 has lken added afterwards.-5. Perhaps ~.-6. After the writer has inserted the letters
Two small fragments of a slip of coarse brownish paper daubed with red paint, about two inches in height, which seems to have originally contained two lines of writing in a very coarse half-cursive hand (E. i. 31 b, 29).
(a) v l 7/1741' . . •
NZ7'$' 'UT... .
33 in. wide, i in. high. The letter after 47,:y is either or N.
(b) | . . . fa'g'tT1~t1'49'0=1'1 . . . . . |
61 in. wide, 2k high. In line i al is preceded by an illegible letter. At the end of the line are traces of
a letter not unlike -IT .
In line 2 the vowel of V. is uncertain ; it may be i.
Two fragments of a page of white paper, written in a small and somewhat affected cursive hand (E. i. 25).
(a) aaN.
i-~5'6lRaS- I 5'7Ic' .. R5("W II
'a' . .
. . . .
41 in. wide, i in. high. It is difficult to distinguish between b and c.
Over is a horizontal line, perhaps intended for the vowel e. After the following al is an N, which
the writer has struck out. The in the last line is uncertain, and after it are traces of another letter.
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