National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Ancient Khotan : vol.1 |
The a is almost identical with the Eg.-Ar. v, and identical with the form on a papyrus (sixth century) in the Bodleian.
The closed `t is the form found in inscriptions of the first to third centuries, and hardly distinguishable from t1, which does not occur. It is later than the form in the Nash papyrus.
The b is also later than that of the Nash papyrus.
The D, with its tail sometimes nearly straight, is very archaic, and approaches the forms used before final and initial letters were differentiated.
The Y is unusually large and clumsy. It is nearer to the form used in inscriptions (fourth to fifth century B. C.) r than to the later Y.
The p has a small head and is like the Eg.-Ar. form P or r, but its long tail is later.
Taking the character of the writing generally, there seems no reason to doubt, and much reason to believe, that it dates from about the eighth century. If it were on anything but paper it might be even a little earlier. It stands midway between the eleventh-century Persian deed and the remains of the third and fourth centuries.'
DK 2b' '11 D211D rim11h '2 `ibY
cA.,}]41 rv,-? g,011
nb`i 21 111 T'Yl D215 '2 `i'D
t='.,usb 14)64, 14.)"&' Ls3,K;(4: ~
Np 7 b1121 1'bl In Kb it '12 11Y LAU' j4. CA) v~t~:i l~ cyo '~'11it! ml 1nNvi '2 1b '2 1N'11 11D
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Kn 11'1b N11b 'N'1D TK 1201a ~
~ ~S~ j1 0:+w,„~L;w.[.w
1'b 'nola 11112 (i6)
L.541 us Ls^itrviv-a1
b<j) L)10.1 0)4i
1b `i1 Krn `1b 1b `1b 111 (7)
),o Th.) V w° ),o wd u
(IO) 11? 12' '2 `111b `l'T' (1)
w'D MTV `ib21 `i1 (2)
[)41::,,64 r0.; u.;:.,9 5.4U z:v
ni1 2£1 1D1 'Y tit 1b '2 7b2Y 1~7 1 (3)
0—) css
D 21b '14 Tib (4)
tyv L5:11vvlvcSuo)$.4~v~~
'bl`ibK 111h 'b111DD 1112 it N11 '1D rill (5)
(15) '2 "Mt Crib `111D 1'T' N11n ti15 '2 1 (6)
vksbv] LSvyo (.40-4 10-&- v)4i l y
1n r 1b '2 'lb TN 211 )V cy/9 c:Sy. j1 1,[3
n5b `111D 1'1' 1115 nblbl 11D '] 119b (8)
1v~ v~1 v;~ ".~..~,> v~ ~ v.1/4.~,T
(i8) 11Y 1111 2b ... mer 12 D7 'Y 1211b (9)
. . . vlal4 ji c.,AS vl.t,v
D`1 11b1 1N'T n5b1 (17) v,].,usb
I A considerable amount is lost at both ends of the lines.
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