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Ancient Khotan : vol.1 |
Darél (Ta-h=1o), see Ta-1z-lo.
Darköt Pass, called Mount Tan-chic by
the Chinese, 9 sq.
Darogha, `messenger, agent,' see Ibrahim
Akhan, Islam Beg.
dasht, waste plain, stony desert,' 89 n.,
94, loo, 103 sqq. passim.
dates, in Kharosthi documents (Niya
Site), 325 ; in Chinese document
(N. xv. 326), 370, 537.
dawans (ridges of sand), 240, 242, 309,
4r8, 419, 420, 444. See also dunes. dead eye ' (N. xviii. ox. a), 376, 412.
DEASY, Captain H. H. P., and Islam Akhiin, Ioz, 509.
debe, döbe, Turki for mound, 77 n.,
379 n.
deposits, subaerial and silt, in Khotan,
Designs, acanthus leaf (J. ooi), 503, 506 ; Amalaka ornament, 257 ; animals (Y. 005, oo6), 2Io ; (Y. oo8. a), 211 ; (Ker. 003), 469 ; (A. oo6. a), 476, 482; bird, flying (M. oo1. d), 112, I 13 ; (H.M. i), I 15 ; chrysanthemum leaves (D. r. 012), 245, 291;
(D. r. 42), 289 ; (A. 030), 480 ;
classical designs, see s.v. ; cloud-scroll
(R. ii, iv), 491 ; (R. ii. 2), 503 ; duck (Y. 002. b), 210; (R. xi. I), 492, 503; fire-altar (A. oo6. a), 476, 482; five-petalled flowers (Niya Site), 333; fleur-de-lis (R. ii. 3. c), 491 ; (R.
lxxii), 498 ; (R. lxxix, &c.), 499 ; (R. ii. 2), 503 ; four-petalled flower
(M. oor. b), 113 ; (T.M. 004. a), I 14 ; (N. vii. 4), 334; (N. xx. 02),
378, 413 ; (N. xx. 03), 413 ; frog (?) (Y. 002. b), 210; human figures and
heads (Y. oo8. f), 211 ; (I. ooi), 220 ; (Ker. 003), 469 ; (H. 002, 003), 473 ; Kingri pattern (N. xii),
380 ; (N. xx. 02), 413 ; leaf-like ornament (M. ooi. i), 113 ; lotus, with snakes (G. ooi), 109 ; lotus
leaves (D. r. 6o, 74), 245, 289 ; (D. ii), 249; lotus-petals (D. 1. 42),
245, 289; (D. u. 34), 245, 292 ; (D.(T.) out), 245; (D. H. 34), 250, 292; (D. xIi), 263; (D. I. 72),
289 ; D. I. 94, 95), 290 ; (D. II. 13), 291 ; (A. 030, 031), 48o ; (A.
035-037, 057), 481 : (R. ii. 3. c), 491; (R. lxxxiv. 2. a), 505 ; peacock
(Ker. ooi), 469; scroll-ornament (Niya Site), 333 ; Svastika (M. oot. c), 113 ; (Y. 002. c), 210 ; (N. vii. 3), 334, 397 ; tongues of flame (D. x.
87), 245, 290 ; (D. 11. 55), 245, 250, 292 ; (D. u. 89), 245, 250, 293 ; (D. H. 24), 292 ; (A. 039, 040), 478, 481 ; tortoise (?) (Y. 002. b), 210 ;
vine, conventional (M. ooi. c), 113 ; (D. i. 53), 245, 289; vine scrolls and
grapes (D. 1. 114), 245, 290. See also terra-cotta, pottery (patterns on).
deva pulra, title, in Kharosthi documents, 366.
Dharani class, MS. of the, 425, 439. dharmacakra-mudrâ pose (Kh. 003. i),
Dharmacandra, an Indian monk, visits Kashgar, 71.
Dharmagupta, Indian pilgrim, calls Kashgar Sha-lê, 48, 69.
dhyâna-mudrâ attitude, stone relief (Y. 007. b), 211 ; Buddha figure (Y.0029), 217 ; Bodhisattva (Kh. 003. h), 221 ; at Dandân-Uiliq, 248; (D. x. 3), 261, 300 ; (D. iv), 273 ; (D. vi. 4), 274; (R. xi), 492 ; (R. xxv. 3), 494.
dice, from Niya Site, 374, 411 ; from Endere (E. ooi), 374, 438, 442.
divira, ' clerk,' 366.
divorce, in Khotan, 140, 142.
Dizabul, see Istämi.
döbe, see debe.
Documents sur les Tou-k`iue occidentaux,
published by M. Chavannes, x, 5. dömbel (bank of earth in the centre of
a tank), 379.
Domoko, oasis and river, 454, 4G8 ; spelling of the name, ib. n.
' Domoko, old,' deserted villages, 458 sq. Dong-Öghil, grazing ground, 444. double wedges ', see tablets.
DOUGLAS, Sir R. K., on Chinese docu-
ments from Niya Site, 370. Doumakou, 454 n. See Domoko. Dragon Lake, the great, mentioned by
Hstian-tsang, identified with Lake
Victoria, 30.
dranga, ` frontier watch-station,' mentioned in Kharosthi documents, 367. See also dvâra.
drift-' sand,' see ` sand.'
Drum-lake Convent,' mentioned by Hstian-tsang, 228, 254.
Drupa type ' of Tibetans, in Khotan, 147, 149.
Dudnkhut Pass, 2.
Dugdhaghâta, hill fort of, 2.
dunes, of Dandan-Uiliq, their origin, 242 ; at Niya Site, 34o ; near Endere river, 420 ; at Kara-dong, 446 ; at Rawak, 483.
dukya, ` messenger,' 366.
DUTREUIL DE RHINS, M. J. L., find of Kharosthi MS., v; on find-place of MS., 188 ; visit to Ak-sipil, 474, 476.
dvâra, ` gate,' or dranga, terms for fortified frontier watch-stations, 2.
Dvarapalas or ' Guardians of the Gate,' at Rawak Vihara, 494 sq.
Eastern Iranian unknown language', see Iranian (Eastern).
Eastern Turkestan, see Turkestan. elephant, terra-cotta (Mac. 001), 222.
Endere, general description of site, 421 ;
ruined fort, ib., 431 sqq. ; temple
cella, 422 sqq. ; plaster images in
corners, 247, 422 sq. ; finds of MSS., 424 sqq., 438 sq., 546 sq.; MS. leaves as votive offerings, 262, 425 ; sgraffiti, 428, 432, 546 ; date of abandonment, 429; fresco, 43o sq. ; painted panel, 431, 442 ; underground rooms, 433 ; construction of lort, 434 sq. ; Stûpa, 437. See also Chinese sgraffiti.
Endere river, march to, 417 sqq. ; shifting of its course, 420.
Endere-Tarim, deserted colony, 384, 4 20. envelopes of inscribed tablets, see tablets.
Eros, in antiques from Khotan, see classical designs.
erosion, by wind, at Topa-Tim, 105 ; Kakshal Tati, 107 ; Hasa and Kcpckgholuk Mazär, 112 ; Yurung-kash Valley, 233 ; scoops out hollows, 239 ; at Dandân-Uiliq, 242 sq., 286 ; at Niya Site, 242, 327 sq., 340, 379,
381 sq.; at Endere, 421, 434, 437 ; at Kara-dong, 446 ; forms isolated cones, 460; at Arka-kuduk-Tim Stûpa, 47' ; at Jumbe-kum, 503.
ex-votos, see votive offerings.
Fa-chin, Buddhist monk, 277, 531. Fâ-hien, see Fa-hsien.
Fa-hsien, Chinese Buddhist pilgrim, notice of Sarikol, 28 ; calls Kashgar Chieh-Gila, 48, 67 ; his route to K.,
67 ; description of K., 68 sq. ;
account of relics of Buddha, ib.; account of Tzû-ho, 92 ; account of the Khotanese, 139 ; account of Khotan, 169 ; on use of leaf-gold, 194 ; description of ' the King's New Monastery ' near Khotan, r 94 n., 224.
Fa-yeou, see Fa-yu.
Fa-yu, Buddhist monk, 277, 531.
Fa-yung, Chinese pilgrim, visits Kash-
gar, 48, 69.
fabrics, ancient woven, see carpet, cotton,
rug, silk fabrics, woollen fabrics. ` Fan, Great ' (Ta Fan), i. e. the Tibe-
tans, 428, 546.
fang, ' territory, quarter,' .205.
fang, wooden boards used by the Chinese for writing purposes, 361.
Fang-chien, king of Khotan, 168.
Farghana (Pahan-na, Ta-yuan), identified with ran-han, 27 ; conquered by Qutayba ibn Muslim, 62 ; its king reinstated by the Chinese, ib.; soldiers from F. in the Chinese army, 63 ; pays tribute to the Emperor Wu Ti, 537 ; under the Tsin dynasty, 545.
Farhad, said to have built a canal at Tughlan-shahr, 38.
felt (N. v. 17. b), found at Niya Site, 329, 396 ; (N. xv, 014, 015), 367, 374, 410 ; mentioned in Kharosthi document, 367.
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