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Ancient Khotan : vol.1 |
Mafijugri, picture of, 26o, 28o sq. ; mentioned in Sanskrit MS. from Endere, 439 (Note xxiii).
Manuscript leaves as votive offerings, (Dandan-Uiliq), 261 sq. ; (Endere),
Manuscripts, found at Dandan-Uiliq,
256 sqq., 263, 265 sqq., 274 sqq., 294 sqq.; found at Endere, 424 sqq., 438 sq. See also P6this, tablets.
Mara, his temptation of Buddha represented, 209, 219.
MARGOLIOUTH, Professor D. S., on Judaeo-Persian document, xiii, 307
sq., 57o sqq.
Marinus of Tyre, account of the land
of the Seres, 53 sq.
Martin, J., traveller, 184 n.
masks, terra-cotta, from YGtkan, 2x 5 ;
from Khotan town, 218.
Mastoudj, see Mastüj.
Mastüj, route followed by Chinese ex-
pedition, 9 ; the ancient Shang-mi,
15 n., 16 n.
matting, tamarisk (Niya Site), 323, 333,
336, 342.
Maues, clay seal resembling head of
(N. xxiii. I), 856, 380.
Mauri-Tim, Stüpa, 81 sq., 105 ; oblong mound, 84 ; smaller ruins, 85 ; ruin
of Kaptar-Khana, a.Maya, relief in slate (Kh. 005), 222.
Mazar-oili-Sai (` the sai of the Mazar lands'), 472.
Mazar-tagh, ' the hill of the sacred shrine,' 314 n.
Mazars, or graves of Muhammadan saints, Murtagh-Ata, said by the
Kirghiz to be a Mazar, 45 ; Kara-
kul Mazar, Ica ; Kum-rabat-Pad-
:hahim, 119 ; in Khotan, 140 ; at
Kohmari, 187 ; at Somiya, 224 sq.;
of the Three Ghazis near Aiding-Kul,
229; of Imam-Musa-Qasim, 233 ; of
Sayyid Burhanuddin Padshahim, 31 o, 445, 452 ; of Imam Ja`far Sadiq,_313 ; of Shitala Padshahim, 444 ; ArishMazar, 453 ; of Lachin-Ata, 457, 464 ; Supuji Mazar, 459 ; UlüghMazar, 461 sqq. See also Ziarats.
Memoir on the ancient Geography of Kashmir, referred to, 1, 4, 159, 16o.
Mêng-chin, river, see Hsi-to.
Merghen, ' hunter,' 445.
Ming ' (' a thousand') or canton, 131. Mirdschai, mentioned in the Hsi yil wen chien lu, 44.
mirrors, see bronze objects, mirrors. Mirza Haidar, see Haidar.
Misgar, in Hunza, 21.
Mo, town, mentioned by Sung Yün, 456 ; site of, probably near ' old Domoko ', 463 n.
Mo-chin-mang, king of Little P'o-lü, 7 ; defeats the Tibetans, 7, 13.
Mo-cho, see Kapagan Kagan.
Moji, oasis, ancient remains at, Ito. Mokuila oasis, too ; débris area near, I 03.
monastic buildings, ruins of, at KichikDebe, 78 ; T6pa-Tim, 8o ; DandanUiliq, 258, 275 sqq. ; Endere, 430 sq. See also Sangharamas.
Mongol supremacy over Eastern Turkestan, 183.
Mongolian, quasi-, types of face, in Khotan art, 165, 166 n.
monkeys, gold figure (YGtkan), 194,
210 ; terra-cotta (YGtkan), embracing
amorously, 208, 2 13, 2 15, 217 ; ithy-
phallic, zo8, 212, 214, 215, 217, 482 ;
playing a rabab, 208, 213 ; a sitar,
208, 212, 213, 214 ; a syrinx,
212, 213, 215 ; sitting in meditation, praying, laughing or feasting, 208, 213, 215, 219 ; grotesques (YGtkan), 211 sqq. (Khotan town), 218
sqq., (Tam-Öghil), 473•
Mount Cow's Head, 187. See GoSrnga. `mountain of the Ox-head ', now Koh-
mad Hill, 179. See Goirrnga. mouse-trap, wooden (N. xix. 2), 876,
Mu-li-yen, chief of the T'u-yii-hun, invades Khotan, 170.
Mu-to-pi, see Muktapida.
Muhammad Arslan Khan, coins, from Togujai, 111, 575 ; YGtkan, 206, 575, 576 ; Uzun-Tati, 461, 577 ; Ak-sipil, 476, 578 ; reign of, 461.
Muhammad Shah, guide, 445.
Muhammad Sharif, treasure-seeker, 482 sq.
Muhammad Siddïq, accomplice of Islam Akhün, 509.
Muhammad Tari, accomplice of Islam Akhün, 509.
Muhammadan coins, uncertain, found or purchased, 575, 576, 578.
Muhammadanism, see Islam.
Muhibb Khwaja (Kh6ja Mahéb KhGjam), Muhammadan saint, his Mazar at Kohmari, 187 ; on a site formerly sacred to a Buddhist saint, 189.
Muktapida (Mu-to-pi), king of Kashmir, assists Chinese, 13.
mulberry, introduced into Khotan, 229. See also üjme.
Mulla Shah, guide, 445.
°mumtra, in Kharosthi documents, 368. mural paintings, see frescoes.
music, in Khotan, 141.
musical instruments in terra-cotta figurines (YGtkan), 208, 212, 2 13, 216. See also rabab.
Murtagh-Ata, position of, 23, 45 ; author's route past M.-A., 4o ; legend of, 45.
Na-fo-po or Lou-lan, identified with the vicinity of Lop-Nor, 435.
Nagari characters, on paper MS. (D. III.
9), 295-
Nagas, a poisonous Naga, mentioned
by Sung Yün, 29, 3o n. ; Nagas convert Li-yul into a lake, 159; at Kohmari, 190 ; of ' the drum-lake', 227 ; king, Hu-lor, 232 ; in fresco (Dandan-Uiliq), 248 ; in Endere sgraffito, 568.
Naghara-khana, mound near YGtkan,
Naghara-khànah, ' the house of the kettle-drum,' mound near Aiding-Kul, identified with convent mentioned by Hsüan-tsang, 227 sq.
Nagini, of the drum-lake ', legend narrated by Hsüan-tsang, 227 ; represented in fresco at Dandan-Uiliq, 253 sq.
namadis, ' felt-rugs,' mentioned in Kharosthi document, 367.
Nan-ni, king of Little P`o-lü, 7. Nan-tsung-ch'ang, king of Khotan, 180. Nandasena, name, in Kharosthi docu-
ments, 365 n., 366.
Naushirwan, said to have placed his
daughter in Kiz-kurghan, 35. Nestorian Christianity, see Christianity. Ngan-si, Protectorate, identified with
Kucha, 534.
Ni fang, visited by Hsüan-tsang, identified with Niya, 311, 435, 444, 456 ; with Lan, 522 n.
Ni-mo, false reading for Chü-mo, 435 n. Niaz Hakim Beg, governor of Khotan,
excavations at Yôtkan, 192, 193 n.;
at Dandan-Uiliq, 281.
Nigudar, route of, from Badakhshan towards Kashmir, 14 n., 15 n.
nimbus, in frescoes, 424, 431, 440; on painted panels, 278, 279, 291 sqq., 298 sq.; in stucco reliefs, 288 sqq.; at Kighillik, 478, 48o sq.; at Rawak,
486, 491-9, 503 sqq•
Nina, mentioned in Kharosthi tablet N. i. 16, perhaps identical with Niya, 311, 326.
Ning-mi, 167. See Yül-ml
Niu-t'ou, Mount, see GoSrnga.
Niya, oasis, identified with Hsüan-tsang's Ni fang, 31 I ; and (?) with Niya, ib. ; route from Endere, 443-
Niya river, 313 ; shrinkage of, 383,
384 sq.
Niya Site (ancient site beyond the Niya river), wooden pens found, 173, 335 ; clay seals, 210, 318, 320, 338, 400; wind erosion at, 242, 327 sq.; Stüpa at, 315, 339 ; finds of Kharosthi tablets, 3 t6 sqq. ; construction of houses, 317, 322 ; description of tablets, 318 sqq., 347 sqq., 357 sqq. ; excavation of office rooms, 325 sq. ; ancient ice-pit, 329 ; excavation of kitchen and store-room, 331 sq. ; arrangement of houses, 332, 335,
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