Assistant-Keepers and Assistants, Messrs. J. Allan, R. L. Binyon, L. Giles, R. L. Hobson, T. A. Joyce, R. A. Smith, I may be allowed to express here my sincere thanks.
A number of distinguished savants have helped me towards producing the present work by collaborating on the materials brought back from my journey. On the artistic and technical side my hearty thanks are due, in the first place, to my old friend Monsieur A. Foucher, Professor at the Paris University, the leading authority on all that relates to Graeco-Buddhist art. To his exceptional knowledge of Buddhist iconography I owe the correct interpretation of some of my most interesting frescoes and paintings. Professor Percy Gardner has generously allowed me to draw upon his wide archaeological knowledge for the elucidation of objects of classical art. Professor J. Strzygowski, of the Imperial University of Vienna, has been good enough to afford similar guidance as regards the links which connect the ancient art of innermost Asia with that of the late classical world. In respect of Tibetan art remains my friend Colonel L. A. Waddell, C.B., C.I.E., gave me welcome assistance from his wide experience of Tibetan Buddhism. Sir Arthur Church, F.R.S., allowed me to profit from his life-long researches for an analysis of the materials used in the ancient paintings, frescoes, and relievos. To Professor J. von Wiesner, of the Imperial Academy of Vienna, a great authority on plant-physiology, I owe illuminating investigations on the substance and technical character of my ancient papers and textiles. My old friend, Professor L. de Lôczy, head of the Hungarian Geological Survey, did his best to help me in the elucidation of interesting geological questions suggested by my desert explorations.
Among my philological collaborators my heaviest debt is due to M. lid. Chavannes, Membre de l'Institut, the eminent Sinologist and the leading authority on Chinese sources of information concerning early Central - Asian