were a natural consequence. I myself escaped with frequent and, to confess the truth, often welcome offerings of fresh vegetables, with which the ` Lao-ye ' was kept supplied by his friends at Karghalik, and which it was easy to return with little presents of my own.
While day after day passed in busy work the fruit was ripening even at my ` hill-station.' Delicious little apricots began to drop around my tent, and their glow of yellowish pink among the leafage was a joy for the eye. In my egotistic seclusion I never realized that I was keeping my host's children from a perpetual feast, until one evening, returning earlier than expected, I found the garden invaded by a swarm of boys who were busy gorging themselves on the trees. After that I arranged that there should be a daily shaking ; yet ripe apricots were ever falling as the wind rose, and I soon grew accustomed to hear them drop on my tent fly and to see them roll down gently among the lucerne growing around me. I wonder whether I did not appear to the parties most interested like the snake of Indian legend, guarding jealously a treasure which he himself refrains from enjoying.
My days at Kök-yar were, however, not wholly devoted to desk-work. After a few days' wait I had the satisfaction to see little troops of Pakhpu folk arrive, those hill-men from the Tiznaf head-waters in whose racial type and origin I had long been interested (Fig. 45). Their small semi-nomadic settlements scattered in five grazing valleys lie far away from all main routes and had never been examined. It had cost special efforts on the part of the Darogha sent to their Beg residing in Chukshü to make these hill people come down for examination. At first they fought terribly shy of leaving their high valleys, just as if real live heads were to have been taken instead of mere measurements and photographs with perfectly harmless instruments. But my authority seemed great under the orders from Karghalik ; and the Pakhpus sent down by their Beg faced the swollen streams, the relative heat of the lower valleys, and the fearsome mysteries of
anthropological measurement. Of course, I took care
to relieve their feelings by arranging for hospitable