国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
LAUFER, Chinese Clay Figures .
LEDGE, Fd-hien
MARQUART, Eran.fahr
PETRUCCI, Peintres chinois
PETRUCCI, Peintures bouddhiques de Touen-houang.
RAPSON, Specimens
RAVERTY, Notes on Afghanistan RtMUSAT, Ville de Khotan
RITTER, Asien .
ROCKHILL, L fe of the Buddha .
Shôsoin Catalogue .
STEIN, Ancient Khotan
STEIN, Archaeological Survey, N. W. Frontier Province.
STEIN, Archaeological Survey, Frontier Circle.
STEIN, Archaeological tour with the Buner Field Force.
STEIN, Desert Cathay
STEIN, Excavations at Sahri-bahlôl . STEIN, Exhibition of Stein Collection .
Histoire de la vie de Hiouen-Thsanget de ses voyages dans l'Inde, depuis l'an 629 jusqu'en 645, par Hoei-li Yen-Thsong ; suivie de documents et d'éclaircissements géographiques tirés de la relation originale de Hiouen-Thsang ; traduite du chinois par Stanislas Julien. Paris, Imprimerie Impériale, 1853.
Chinese clay figures, Pt. I. Prolegomena on the history of defensive armour. By Berthold Laufer. Field Museum of Natural History, Anthropological Series, vol. 13, No. 2. Chicago, 1914.
A record of Buddhistic kingdoms, being an account by the Chinese monk FA-hien of his travels in India and Ceylon (A. D. 399-414) in search of the Buddhist books of discipline. Translated and annotated, with a Corean recension of the Chinese text, by James Legge, M.A., LL.D. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1886.
Ériin3ahr nach der Geographie des PS. Moses Xorenac`i. Mit historisch-kritischem Kommentar und historischen und topographischen Excursen von Dr. J. Marquart. Abhandlungen der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, philologisch-historische Klasse, Neue Folge, Band iii, Nro. 2. Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1901.
Les peintres chinois. Par Raphael Petrucci. Paris, Henri Laurens, 1912.
Les peintures bouddhiques de Touen-houang, Mission Stein. Annales du Musée Guimet, vol. xli. (Conférences faites au Musée Guimet en 1914.) Paris, 1916.
Specimens of the Kharosthi inscriptions discovered by Dr. Stein at Niya in Chinese Turkestan. Tentative transcriptions by E. J. Rapson, M.A. [Printed for presentation at the XIVth Congress of Orientalists, 1905.]
Notes on Afghânistân and part of Baluchistan, geographical, ethnographical, and historical. By Major H. G. Raverty. London, 1888.
Histoire de la ville (le Khotan, tirée des annales de la Chine et traduite du chinois ; suivie de recherches sur la substance minérale appelée par les Chinois PIERRE DE IU, et sur le Jaspe des anciens. Par M. Abel Rémusat. Paris, Imprimerie de Doublet, 1820.
China. Ergebnisse eigener Reisen und darauf gegrfindeter Studien. Von Ferdinand Freiherrn von Richthofen. Erster Band. Berlin, Verlag von Dietrich Reimer,
Die Erdkunde von Asien, von Carl Ritter. Band ii, v. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1833, 1837.
The Life of the Buddha and the early history of his order. Derived from Tibetan works in the Bkah-llgyur and Bstan-hgyur. Followed by notices on the early history of Tibet and Khotan. Translated by W. Woodville Rockhill. London, Triibner & Co., 1884.
Toyei Shuko. An illustrated Catalogue of the Ancient Imperial Treasury called Shosoin. Revised edition. Compiled by the Imperial Household. Three vols. fol. Tokyo, The Shimbi Shoin, 1909.
Ancient Khotan. Detailed Report of archaeological explorations in Chinese Turkestan carried out and described under the orders of H.M. Indian Government by M. Aurel Stein. Vols. I, II. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1907.
Annual Report of the Archaeological Survey of India, N.W. Frontier Province and Baluchistan, 1904-5. By M. Aurel Stein. Peshawar, Government Press, 1905.
Annual Report of the Archaeological Survey of India, Frontier Circle, 1911—I 2. By Sir Aurel Stein. Peshawar, Government Press, 1912.
Detailed report of an archaeological tour with the Buner Field Force. By M. A. Stein. Lahore, Government Press, 1898.
Ruins of Desert Cathay. Personal Narrative of explorations in Central Asia and Westernmost China. By M. Aurel Stein. Vols. I, II. London, Macmillan & Co., 1912.
Excavations at Sahri-bahlôl. By Aurel Stein. In Archaeological Survey of India, Annual Report, 191I—I2, pp. 95-119. Calcutta, 1915.
Guide to an exhibition of paintings, manuscripts, and other archaeological objects collected by Sir Aurel Stein in Chinese Turkestan. Printed by order of the. Trustees of the British Museum. London, 1914.
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