国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
Mazar of Imam Ja`far Sadiq, seen from south-east 157
Remains of ruined dwelling Kha. iv, v, Khadalik, seen from north-west, after excavation • 157
Interior of room Kha. iv, Khâdalik, showing fire-place and sitting-platform . . 157
South rooms of ruined dwelling N. XIII, Niya Site, after excavation . . 2 i 6
Ruined dwelling N. xx, Niya Site, seen from east, in course of excavation . 216
Remains of hall of ruin N. xiv, Niya Site, seen from S.W. . 217
5o. Eastern portion of ruined dwelling N. xIx, Niya Site, before excavation, seen from south . 217
5I. Dead mulberry trees in ancient orchard, S.E. of ruin N. xviii, Niya Site 217
Remains of household furniture and implements excavated in ruins N. XIII, xv, Niya Site . 217
Ruined dwelling N. xx, Niya Site, seen from south, before excavation . 224
Rooms iii, iv of ruin N. xx, Niya Site, seen from east, after excavation 224
Remains of ancient tank to south of ruin N. xxIi, Niya Site . • 224
Ornamented wooden door frame from ruined house, N. XII, Niya Site . 224
Ancient cupboard excavated in room viii of ruined house, N. xxvi 224
Room viii of ruined residence N. xxiv, in course of excavation . 224
Ruin of ancient residence, N. xxiv, Niya Site, after partial excavation, seen from remains of dead
arbour on east . 225
6o. Western rooms of ancient house, N. xxvi, Niya Site, in course of excavation . 225
Central hall, vii, and office room, viii, in ruin N. xxiv, Niya Site, after excavation 226
Central hall, vii, of ruined residence N. xxiv, seen from south-east . 226
Hall iii of ruined house N. xxvi, Niya Site, after excavation, with decorated double bracket in wood,
raised on pillar . . . . . . 227
Hall iii of ruin N. xxvi, Niya Site, after excavation, with double window opening into passage iv 227
Ruined Stupa, Niya Site, seen from south-east . 236
View from south-west towards ruin N. xxvIiI, Niya Site 236
Remains of ancient cattle-shed, N. xxxrir, Niya Site . . 236
Ruined dwelling N. xxxvr, Niya Site, in course of clearing, seen from south . 236
Wooden pillar excavated in ruin N. xxxvirr, Niya Site . . 237
7o. Wooden pillars excavated in structure E. III, Tang Fort, Endere Site 237
Fire-place and bench in room vi of ruined dwelling, N. xxvr, Niya Site 237
Interior of underground room, E. viii, Tang Fort, Endere Site . . . 237
Panoramic view of interior of fortified village at Bilel-Konghan, from circumvallation on north-east . 240
Panoramic view of ruin L.B. iv, Lou-lan, seen from east . . 240
Panoramic view taken from sandy ridge to west of ruined dwelling N. XLI, Niya Site, showing remains of N. XLI after excavation, ancient tank with surrounding arbour, footbridge
stretched across dry river-bed, and dead orchards beyond . . 240
Ruined dwellings within circumvallation of Bilel-Konghan, near gate, partially cleared 278
South segment of circumvallation of Tang Fort, Endere Site, with gate, seen from outside 278
Interior of ruined Tang Fort, Endere Site, seen from north-east . . . 279
Ruined tower, E. vii, with remains of wind-eroded dwelling in foreground, Endere Site 279
Erosion ' witness ' with masonry remains on top, Endere Site . . 282
Remains of rampart at N.W. corner of ancient walled enclosure, Endere Site . 282
Ancient fortified post at S. end of Endere Site, seen from south . . 282
Fragment of east rampart of ancient walled enclosure, Endere Site 282
Gate in S.E. segment of fortified village enclosure, Bilé1-konghan, seen from outside 283
Ancient orchard at Vash-shahri Site. . . . 283
Tamarisk-cone with old Muhammadan graves at Yalghuz-dong, Charchan River . 283
Large earthenware jars and basket excavated in quarters of Tibetan Fort, Miran 283
Small ruined mound to north-east of L.A. Station, Lou-lan Site . . 35o
Remains of Merdek-tim seen from south of circumvallation . 35o
9o. Lopliks and immigrants anthropometrically examined at Charkhlik 350
91. Lopliks anthropometrically examined at Abdal . 35o
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