国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
d. 6. Small head and bust. Pigtail missing. Elaborate ear-rings. Round neck narrow strip of fur (?) tied at back ; two ends hanging down. Drapery only suggested. Poor work ; worn. H. I.". Yo. 009. d. 7. Small and rude. Body preserved to waist. Front coiffure, and pigtail. Narrow belt over R. shoulder and diagonally across body. Drapery only suggested. H. I$".
Yo. oog. e. Terra-cotta female head in round. Hair in fringe and sq. topknot ; pigtail behind looped up to crown. Cf. Yo. 009. h. Very rude work. H. I2".
Yo. oog. e. 1. Terra-cotta female head, as Yo. 009. d. r, q. v. Most of hair and back of head missing. Eyebrows punctured, features strongly incised. H. Ii".
Yo. oog. f. Small female head. See Yo. cog. d. r-t. Coiffure mostly broken ; back of head missing. Prominent curls on cheeks. Features rudely worked. H. I".
Yo. oog. g. Terra-cotta grotesque monkey head in round ; eyes, ears, and cheeks in one plane, from which nose sharply projects. From each side of muzzle, moustache runs back to cheeks. Wears conical cap with short tail hanging from apex. H. i". Pl. I.
Yo. oog. h. Series of terra-cotta female heads, prob. from figs. resembling Yo. z. Cf. Anc. Kholan, Pl. XLV, Y. 0035. Heads have much in common but are of three or four sizes, and owing to appliqué parts being taken from different moulds, and to tool-working on finished casts, show much individuality. In general, hair curves in front of ears to point not far from corners of mouth ; on forehead either descends to point (009. h) or is cut away in a point (009. h. 9). Eyebrows are denoted by a slight ridge, generally with incised line, sometimes (009. h. I) scored for hair. Eyes slanting, marked merely by slits (009. h. 52), or by slits with punctured hole, or compass-drawn circle (009. h. 8). or in high relief with puncture (009. h. I o). Noses small but rather broad; nostrils drilled. Mouths small, often with punctures at corners. Chins very full. Great variety in dressing of back hair (see separate numbers); but generallya topknot with short pigtail hanging from it and second main pigtail from back of head looped up again to crown. Jewelled band generally worn round this, and sometimes over top ; or braid of hair takes its place. oo9. h. so wears a cushion under the pigtail. For finest example see Yo. 0045. e; also Yo. o1I. b, 0045. a-d.
Yo. oog. h. Over brows hair is in short pointed fringe; from centre of head it rises vertically in a plaited mass which is thrown backwards over a cushion. At base this tuft is bound with circlet of beads. Returning loop lost. Much worn. H. z/".
Yo. oog. h. i. Eyebrows ridged and scored ; eyes prominent. Fringe cut away in point. Topknot bound by broad braid of hair above circlet of jewels. Where main tuft touches back of head it breaks up into three plaits, one broad, two narrow. Coarse work. H. z". Pl. I.
Yo. oog. h. 2. Eyes very prominent. Pointed fringe ; side-locks almost reach corners of mouth. Poor work. Back of head missing. H. Iâ".
Yo. oog. h. 3. Eyebrows and vertical mark on forehead incised ; eyelids ridged and incised. Pointed fringe, topknot (missing) bound with braid of hair. Back of head missing. Careful modelling. H. Ir.
Yo. oog. h. 4, 4. a, 4. b. Similar. Eyebrows ridged, eyes incised. Side-hair comes very far forward. Topknots and backs of heads missing. H. I ".
Yo. oog. h. 5. Eyebrows incised and scored, eyes incised. Pointed fringe, jewelled circlet, topknot; hair at back brushed from central parting towards shoulders. H. zi".
Yo. oog. h. 6. Eyebrows and eyelids incised, pupils punctured. Pointed fringe ; jewelled circlet and jewels on topknot. Back of head missing. H. zg".
Yo. oog. h. 7. Low forehead. Eyebrows scored, eyeballs compass-drawn circles (no lids). Straight fringe; side-hair curves up along cheek-bones. Bead circlet, topknot, and looped-up pigtail. Rough work. H. 2".
Yo. oog. h. 8. Eyes with incised outlines and compass-drawn pupils. Pointed fringe ; jewelled circlet ; topknot and back of head missing. H. 23".
Yo. oog. h. g. Eyelids and eyebrows ridged. Fringe cut away in point. Bead circlet round topknot ; hair brushed back from behind ears to nape of neck. Pigtail missing. H. z*".
Yo. oog. h. so. Eyes pear-shaped and prominent (appliqué). Eyebrows ridged. Fan-like topknot, flatter than usual, and cushion supporting it. Traces of pigtail which is caught up. H. 28". Pl. I.
Yo. oog. h. II. Small ; much worn. Eyes prominent ; eyebrows scored. Pointed fringe. Round head, jewelled (?) chaplet with tassel ends falling over ears. Topknot (missing) bound at base with braid of hair. Behind, hair falls in broad flat mass (unless this be meant for veil). Traces of necklace. H. 131".
Yo. oog. h. 12. Eyes closed (slits only). Straight fringe. Topknot and back of head missing. Mouth straight, not punctured. H.
Yo. oog. h. 13. Eyes very prominent, with incised circles. Pointed fringe. Traces of bead circlet. Tail at back shows on upper part small bow, fastening it to smaller pigtail. H. zi".
Yo. oog. h. 14. Head and bust. Pointed fringe ; bead circlet and topknot ; returning loop of pigtail missing. Wears tight necklace and chain or stole crossed on breast. Very rude work. H. z*".
Yo. °o10. a. Terra-cotta monkey lying as baby in low cradle, wrapped in swaddling bands ; cradle has high perpendicular head with rounded top. Cf. Yo. 0038. a-d. Length I *". PI. III.
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