国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
Yo. 0025. b. Terra-cotta appliqué lion's head mask with moustache ; naturalistic ; less circular and less flat than Yo. 0025. a. Brows, eyes, and moustache show development on preceding example. H. 28". PI. II.
Yo. 0025. c. Terra-cotta appliqué lion's head mask, framed by flat formal circle of curls ; has no moustache. H. i$".
Yo. 0025. d. Terra-cotta appliqué lion's head mask. Circle of curls here formed of small solid knobs like rivet heads, within which border of scored hair. (This series a-d shows gradual degeneration and increasing artificiality.) H. r"
Yo. 0025. e-h. Terra-cotta small appliqué lion's head masks ; formal type ; but good. Mouth slightly open ; brow puckered ; eyes full and prominent. Set in circle of formal curls. All much worn except (h). H. 4". Pl. III.
Yo. 0025. L Terra-cotta appliqué lion mask in high relief. Features well represented but without detail. Eyes deep-set ; heavy roll of flesh over mouth (not rendered as hair). Corners of mouth pierced right through. A little incised hair below ears. H. 2". Pl. II.
Yo. 0026. Terra-cotta fr. of female head, front part. Head-dress of double string-like fillet from which rise three large loops of same. On either side of face long hair falling outwards to shoulders and then curled inwards to cheeks. Round ear-rings with central boss. Classical features. Small but fine example of Gandhâra type. H. H". Pl. III.
Yo. 0027. a. Terra-cotta appliqué mask, ' frowning demon ' type, approaching nearly to lion of Yo. 0043. b. Low relief; lower L. hand corner and edges generally lost. From same mould is Yo. 0043. d. Cf. Anc. Kholan, Pl. XLIV, Y. 0016, similar though differing in detail. H.II".
Yo. 0027. b. Terra-cotta appliqué mask. Lion, much humanized ; brows drawn down V-wise between eyes; straight set mouth; knobby cheeks, framed by formal curls. From same mould, Yo. 0012. b. H.
Yo. 0028. a. Terra-cotta fr. of pot, with grotesque face modelled on it. Eyebrows very high ridges with hair indicated by incised lines. Eyes narrow slits. Point of nose grotesquely curled up ; mouth small. Formal curled moustache rendered in outline by incision. H. ir; breadth 2r. Pl. II.
Yo. 0028. b. Terra-cotta fr. of human head (male ?), with hair marked by series of stamped curves. 2" x ri".
Yo. 0028. c. Terra-cotta head of monkey in cradle. Cf. Yo. 0038. c. No modelling or detail. H. r. PI. III.
Yo. 0029. Terra-cotta fore-part of camel, well worked. Saddle-cloth indicated by incised markings. Mane incised ; hair scored. H. i. ".. Pl. III.
Yo. 0030. a. Terra-cotta fig. horse and rider. Rider (all above waist lost) wears baggy breeches fastened at knee, and ankle shoes. Back legs of horse lost. Saddle and harness in relief. Horse's head bad ; body heavy ; legs not distinguished. Cf. Yo. 04. a. H. (horse's head) 2". Pl. I.
Yo. 0030. b. Terra-cotta handle of vase. See Yo. 00r5. f, type (b). Fore-legs and hind quarters missing. Fine example. Length 2W. PI. H.
Yo. 0030. c. Terra-cotta fr. head of peacock. Beak and crest broken. Bird has ears, whence hang tassels ; also string collar with stud behind. Plumage rendered by stamped crescents and incised lines. Cf. Yo. oo6r. Length 28".
Yo. 0030. d-i. Terra-cotta handles of vase. Yo. 0030. d. See Yo. 0015. f, type (a). Lower fore-legs and hind-legs missing. Hairy tail coiled on R. flank. No
whiskers. Length 312 ". Yo. 0030. e. See Yo. 0015. f,
type (a). fore-part alone remains ; fore-legs and muzzle gone. Length 2i". Yo. 0030. f. See Yo. 0015. f, type (a). Hind quarters missing. Hair shown on flanks by diagonal incisions. Length 3a". Yo. 0030. g. See Yo. 0015. f, type (a). Head only. Very good work. Length 21". Yo. 0030. h. Head only. See Yo. 0015. f, type (b).
H. I8". Yo. 0030. See Yo. oo15. f, type (a). Head
only. Small scale. Length 1A".
Yo. 0030. k. Terra-cotta fr. head of horse ; reins, etc., incised. Cf. Yo. 0030. a. H. r".
Yo. 0031. a. Terra-cotta monkey, naturalistic type ; hands clasped before face. Body below waist takes form of large phallus. Good detailed work. H. fa".
Yo. 0031. b. Terra-cotta monkey, owl type, squatting on heels. Arms (broken) apparently raised in attitude of prayer. Hair incised back of shoulders down centre of chest and back. Wears loin-cloth. Cf. Yo. 003. a, b, etc. H. ITV.
Yo. 0032. c. Terra-cotta monkey. Resembles Yo. 003r. b, save for absence of hair. R. leg missing. H.i". Pl. III.
Yo. 0032. d. Terra-cotta monkey, naturalistic type. Hands clasped ; legs twisted up behind back in attitude of swimming on skin. Cf. Yo. 0031. e. Length is". Pl. III.
Yo. 0031. e. Terra-cotta monkey, naturalistic type. Hands clasped ; legs stretched behind in attitude of swimming on skin. Pierced for suspension. Good work. Cf. Yo. oo3r. d. H. â". PI. In.
Yo. 0032. f. Terra-cotta monkey, owl type. Seated. IIands clasped; legs lost. Cf. Anc. Kholan, Pl. XLVII, Y. oox 1. g, ool3. e. H. f". P1. III.
Yo. 0032. a. Terra-cotta monkey, crude naturalistic type, playing guitar. All below waist lost. Cf. Anc. Khotan, Pl. XLVI, Yo. oog. i. H. I".
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