国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
arms raised to hold wreath ; body nude. Much worn. Cf. Anc. Khotan, PI. XLV, B. oor. d, and Yo. 0018, 0040. H. 3".
Yo. 0042. b. Terra-cotta fr. of appliqué male fig., to L. p., wearing diadem. Both arms apparently uplifted to L. p. H. I é". Pl. i.
Yo. 0043. a. Terra-cotta appliqué, Gorgoneion. Set in circle with short radiating spikes ; outside this another circle of round beads (i. e. conventional curls) ; wears bristly moustache. Orig. diam. 2". Pl. IV.
Yo. 0043. b. Terra-cotta appliqué lion mask. Same mould as Yo. 0027. b, q. v. H.
Yo. 0043. c. Terra-cotta fr. of appliqué lion mask. Eyes and brow lost. Same mould as Yo. 0025. a, q. v. H. ii"
Yo. 0043. d. " Terra-cotta fr. of appliqué lion mask. All below nostrils, and edge of whole lost. Same mould as a, q. v. H. s".
Yo. 0043. e. Terra-cotta appliqué lioness's mask in high relief. Summary but very naturalistic and individual work. H. (of relief) â". PI. I.
Yo. 0043. f. Terra-cotta fr. of appliqué lion mask, from base of handle of vase. From R. side half palmette on short stalk curves upwards ; prob. balanced by another on L. 2-1"x qr.
Yo. 0044. a-f. Terra-cotta appliqué masks from vases ; grotesque human faces. See Yo. oor. Yo. 0044. a, b. Apparently replicas ; dimples on cheeks ; imperfect. Length xl" and ii". Yo. 0044. c. Nostrils bored ; eyes unusually large ; big ear-rings. H. IA". Yo. 0044. d. Mouth straight without dimples. Type of Yo. oor. d. H. I$ ". Yo. 0044. e. Replica of Yo. 0024. h, oor. f. H. 8". Yo. 0044.f. Lower part broken away. Type of Yo. 0044. a. H. x ". Yo. 0044. g.• Mouth turned down at corners ; small ring eyes. H.
Yo. 0045. a. Terra-cotta fig. horse with rider. Of rider one leg and seat left ; horse heavily proportioned and has lost all legs. Much worn. Length 2V.
Yo. 0045. b. Terra-cotta handle. See Yo. 0015. f, type (b). Head, neck, fore- and hind-legs missing. Variant. Hind quarters decorated with whorl rosette and crescent fur markings ; end in hoof-shaped mass. Length 21a".
Yo. 0045. c, d. Terra-cotta handles. See Yo. 0015. f, type (a). All below fore-legs missing. Fore-legs show attachment to vase. Length ai".
Yo. 0045. e. Terra-cotta fr. of handle, in form of two grotesque animals side by side. Cf. Yo. 0015. f, type (a). Length 2". PI. II.
Yo. 0045. f. Terra-cotta fr. L. side cast of horse's head and neck. Cf. Yo. 0030. a. Length xi".
Yo. 0045. g. Terra-cotta fr. L. side cast of horse's head. See Yo. 0015. f, type (b). Length r r.
Yo: 0046. a. Terra-cotta fig. of female monkey ; nude and squatting on heels; ' pudica' attitude. Hair not marked. Bracelets on wrists. Fairly careful work. H. r i". Pl. III.
Yo. 0046. b. Terra-cotta female monkey ; nude, seated on ground. Legs short stumps. R. arm outstretched but broken ; L. arm wholly gone. Hair incised on loins and arms. Breasts prominent, marked with stamped circle and dots ; pudenda emphasized. Features roughly rendered. H. 2 y.
Yo. 0046. c. Terra-cotta fr. statuette of pregnant woman (or female monkey ?). Head, L. arm, and lower part of body with legs lost. Breasts small but prominent ; belly very large ; navel marked by incised circle with surrounding dots. Cf. Yo. 0013. b. H. r I". Pl. II.
Yo. 0047. a. Terra-cotta head and bust of monkey; miniature, naturalistic type ; playing guitar. Cf. Anc. Kliotan, Pl. XI.VI, Y. oo9. i. H. -k".
Yo. 0047. b. Terra-cotta monkey, playing guitar. Arms and all below hips missing. Crude, naturalistic type. Cf. Yo. 003. 1, and Ant-. Khotan, Pl. XLVI, Y. 009. i. H. e".
Yo. 0048. a-f. Terra-cotta pairs of miniature figs., nude, in symplegma. Monkeys (faces in a and b carefully rendered) ; sex shown by pigtails (e and f). Both figs. in a and b have tails. See Yo. ooa. a-n ; Anc. Kholan, Pl. XLVII, Y. 0012. a. ii, etc. Yo. 0048. a. Naturalistic type, good careful work. Hair incised, features lifelike. Both have tails. Legs of one fig. broken. H. i". Pl. III. Yo. 0048. b. Naturalistic type. Hair marked by incisions. Face carefully worked. Bodies good. Both have tails. One fig. has lost head. H. â". Yo. 0048. C. Both heads lost. H. ". Yo. 0048. d. Heads and extremities of legs missing. H. r. Yo. 0048. e. One has pigtail. Rough work. H. x". Pl. III. Yo. 0048. f. Head of one fig. and lower legs of both lost. Face rude. Pigtail. H.
Yo. 0049. a. Terra-cotta camel, with two bales bound by broad strap between humps. Hair scored. Very rude work. H.1ie". PI. III.
Yo. 0049. b. Terra-cotta camel, bearing load (of water-skins ?). Head of camel and great part of load lost. Only mane indicated. Cf. Anc. Kholan, PI. XLVII, Y. 009. 1. H. aj'TM.
Yo. 0049. c. Terra-cotta fr. of camel. All fore-part from hump, and legs, lost. Hair scored. Length a".
Yo. 0050. Terra-cotta monkey, naturalistic type. Large phallus curls from behind and is held to breast. See Anc. Khotan, Pl. XLVII, Y. 009. q. i. H. i". Pl. III.
Yo. 0051. a. Terra-cotta monkey. R. arm raised and hand placed on L. side of face. L. arm and lower part of fig. lost. Rough work. Perhaps of type of Yo. 003. a, q. v. H. 18". Pl. III.
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