国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
Yo. 00109. b. Circular paste intaglio, fiat. Deer with branching horns walking L. Poor work. Diam. ". PI. v.
Yo. ooIIo. Stone, of same kind as Yo. oo88, and with same markings. Irregular shape. Gr. M. rig" x H" x r.
Yo. 00113. Fr. of whitish jade, possibly one side of a rectangular buckle. Surface orn. with two grooves cut parallel to edges, space between them filled in by series of close-set cross-lines. This orn. continued along adjoining sides; but these are broken off. Underneath, at each corner, two holes bored slantwise into the jade, meeting each other in its thickness, and not reaching the other side. Through this, thread passed, sewing buckle to belt (?). Carefully and smoothly finished. III" x 4";
Yo. 00114. Bugle bead of black glass, part of. Has been broken in two lengthways, and one-half lost. Round it, at each end, ran a set of three lines inlaid in white paste ; inside these again a line of red ; and in the centre, a yellow festooned line. Length g"; diam. was r ; thickness of glass r. Pl. Iv.
Yo. oozes. Opaque glass end of polychrome bugle head. Round drum a zigzag line of white on reddish-brown. H. i"; diam. r.
Yo. 00116. Disc of green glass, semi-transparent, fused. Bright blue-green iridescence. Diam. I" X $" ; thickness r.
Yo. 00117. a. Circular intaglio of banded chalcedony, flat. Humped ox walking to L. Fairly good work but with much use of drill. ig" x i". Pl. V.
Yo. 00117. b. Circular garnet intaglio, piano-convex. Uncertain device. From a crescent base rises a short circular stem bearing a crescent whose inner curve shows three upright projections. Behind is object somewhat resembling a large nail. Diam. A". Pl. V.
Yo. oo1I8. Bronze bird, perhaps pigeon, cast solid. Legs thickened into sort of pedestal. Condition bad, but incised lines to show feathers on back, wings, and tail, still visible. Traces of gilding. Tail to tip of beak rig". PI. vII.
Yo. 00119. White soapstone fr., showing human eye R., carved in relief with eyebrow, part of cheek, and remains of large ear. Complete double line round eye. Curious V-shaped groove in cheek below. Flat. r" x iû"; thickness s". Pl. VI.
Yo. 00120. Relief fr. in white soapstone of fig. broken off below waist. Head-dress tied in just above head, then bulging into great rounded topknot ; surface plain. Tresses of hair down sides of face divide into sections showing waves. R. arm hanging down, broken at wrist. Sleeve wide at top. Position of L. arm uncertain, being almost entirely broken off. Back of fr. flat, but lines are cut indicating roughly main lines of fig. Halo behind head, much broken. r" X fig" ; thickness nearly $". PI. vI.
Yo. 00121. Steatite miniature Stûpa, crown of ; in dull purple-grey steatite. Beneath, four-sided base or pedestal, round bottom of which were carved apparently two lines of sunk squares. Above runs line of billet' orn. (possibly meant to suggest brickwork). Then plain band, then another line of billet, and again plain band. Each band overhangs the band beneath.
Round edge of platform thus formed, are carved eight figs.—a Buddha seated cross-legged with hands in lap on each of the sides, and a monster-headed bird standing at each corner. Buddha figs. slope slightly forward ; and breasts and heads of birds also are stretched well upwards and out, thus carrying up outward lines of pedestal. Headdresses of Buddhas possibly differ in two instances, but these are slightly defaced. Wings of birds are curved backwards. The Buddhas are carved out nearly in the round.
Above, the crown of the Stûpa rises in four umbrellas, the lowest and largest resting on the heads of the figs. Round lower edge of each runs a band of bead orn. with incised line above. Work very carefully and skilfully executed. Hole pierced downwards through the centre of the whole, from top to bottom. H. rig'' ; gr. diam. s". Pl. vi.
Yo. 00122. Part of pendant lead orn. (?) in openwork. 4" x H".
Yo. 00125. Round bead of red-yellow carnelian, orn. with design of circles, etc., in white. Cf. also Khotan, 02. q, r. Diam. "; h. g". Pl. IV.
Yo. 00126. a, b. Agate beads. (a) Long barrel-shaped bead. Upper half dark brown with blue line round widest part, lower semi-transparent grey. Length
r ; gr. diam. ?g". (b) Lentoid bead, smaller. Chiefly white ; bright brown round one end. Length g" ; gr. diam.
Yo. 00127. Fourteen small gold frs., (a) Ball of solid gold with ring attached at top. From end to end -tuff. (b) Claw setting for jewel. Gr. M. ig". (c, d) Two thin discs with loops for suspension. Diams. g" and -g". (e) Circular piece of gold foil, battered and broken. Prob. also a disc orn. Diam. ig". (f) Another piece of gold foil, disc shape. Prob. part of larger disc orn. Radius c. r. (g) A small strip of gold foil edged on each side with granulated wire, and with small ring projecting in the middle for suspension, perhaps, of jewel or disc orn. r x
?"• (h) A small bit of granulated wire, prob. broken off
the last. g"x~". (j) Small strip of gold foil bent into
hook. r x 31g". (k) Half a hollow gold bead, with two holes pierced in it. 8" x $lz". (1) Tiny fr. of gold foil, c. ig" sq. (in, n, o) Three pieces of rough gold; fig" sq. ; "xi1"; and â"x ". Pl. VI.
Yo. 00129. Bronze miniature model of jug (?), neck, beak, and handle of. Handle runs out level with rim, and then down at right angles. From length of downward part, jug was obviously high and narrow. Beak short ; solid. Length of downward part of handle ?g" ; length of level part of handle i" ; diam. of neck c. g".
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