国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
Yo. oo16x. Bronze fr. as Yo. 00148. Much corroded. Length I r.
Yo. 00162. Fr. of bone comb with round top. Teeth broken off just below start. Above, on each side, runs row of five sunk rings, each with inner sunk ring and central dot. The row is bounded above and below by two incised grooves. Hole pierced near middle of top. H. 04" ; length I 1 0".
Yo. 00163. Small disc of bone. Just inside edge three incised circles, but edge has been cut down, so that for half circumference there is only one. In centre, a dot sunk with three concentric rings round it. In centre of back, lathe-hole. Diam. c. 1".
Yo. 00164. Bronze orn. in shape of lotus bud, bound together near bottom. Hollowed out behind with projecting stud. Poor condition. H. I8" ; width c. r.
Yo. 00165. Figurine of sheep in white soapstone.
Collar round neck. Very fine naturalistic work. II.
11" PI. V I.
Yo. 00166. Soapstone fig. of monkey, human type, on flat base. Kneels on R. knee, L. bent up. L. elbow rests on L. knee, and hand supports R. elbow. R. hand supports cheek. Halo. Greyish-white soapstone. H. ir" PI. VI.
Yo. 00167. Grey soapstone fr. Back half of fig. of bird, showing folded wings and large upright tail. Good style. H. a ".
Yo. 00168. Grey slate fr. Surface convex, showing part of decorated band in relief, and of raised band with groove down middle. Gr. M. s".
Yo. 0017o. Round iron button (?) without shank. Very bad condition. Diam. a".
Yo. oo171. Fr. of glass bead, dark blue, translucent (?). Gr. M. 3"
Yo. 00172. Round flat stone with traces of colour on face. Diam. c. i".
Yo. 00173. Cast bronze object, plated with gold and engraved. Prob. leg of small stand. General form reminiscent of lion or bull leg common in Persian art. Lower end hoof-shaped with raised cincture round its upper edge. From this proceeds upwards a ridge (the shin) broadening out at upper and lower ends. The crowning member is two flat bands slightly overhanging each other. Plan of foot semi-circular, of upper member approx. rectang. Whole well designed and executed. Much of the gold rubbed off. H. 5$" ; gr. diam. r r. Pl. VII.
Yo. 00174. Bronze Janus head, solid. Flat cap with peaks over foreheads and ears. Faces somewhat worn. Beneath neck large loop for suspension. Use ?. Length 215x" ; forehead to forehead I '. Pl. VII.
Yo. 00175. Hexagonal cut-glass bead. H. C. r ; gr. diam.
Yo. 00176. Crescent-shaped bronze pendant ; stylized development of two-headed bird design. Cf. Khot. oo7 for further degeneration. In middle of concave side, projection formed by small thick crescent lying on its back represents two birds' heads. In middle of convex, another, formed of two out-curling leaves with third (straight) between, represents feet and tails. In each projection, hole for suspension. Gr. M. r$".
Yo. 00177. Pottery jug, prob. resembling Anc. Kholan, PI. XLIII, Y. 0024, when complete. From fiat bottom swells out to wide shoulder, then curves over quickly to slender neck. Latter lost and broken edge cut smooth. On shoulder, mark of base of single handle ; opposite, on other side of neck, remains of appliqué orn. Reddish-drab clay. H. 3a"; to shoulder 2k" ; diam. of base 2 "; at shoulder c. 41" ; diam. of neck orifice
Yo. 00178. Pottery vessel, wheel-made. Flat bottom ; sides rising in somewhat convex line to turn of shoulder, where they slope out to form upper member, now broken away. Within this, from shoulder of vessel, walls close in with slightly concave slope to plain round mouth with thickened edge. In this concave shoulder four holes are pierced, opposite one another, varying from 19g" to k" in diam. Use doubtful. Perhaps for incense ; or possibly a flower-vase. H. 31" ; to shoulder 2; a" ; diam. of base 24" ; shoulder c. 3e". Pl. Iv.
Yo. 00179. Terra-cotta fig. of squatting monkey (modelled). R. leg, R. arm, and L. hand lost ; but last was apparently at chin. H. N.
Yo. 00180. Terra-cotta monkey, naturalistic type, sitting with knees drawn up. Cf. Yo. o6. c, 0032. d, and 0018 r. Both arms lost. Fine miniature modelling. H.16".
Yo. 00181. Terra-cotta monkey, naturalistic type, seated in meditation. Knees drawn up, and elbows resting on them. Hands evidently supporting head, but R. hand gone and L. arm below elbow. Very finely finished by hand ; features life-like ; fur rendered by rows of small incisions. H. ?e". PI. III.
Yo. 00182. Terra-cotta appliqué head. Turban high, with large round jewel orn. in front. From centre of latter come two folds which are drawn down as bandeaux on each side of face. Mouth straight. Ears broken. H. I â". Pl. III.
Yo. 00183. Terra-cotta fr., perhaps foot of cradle. Cf. Yo. oo Io. a. Only folds of bed-clothes round feet. Length (broken) 4.; width (broken) I é".
Yo. 00184. Pottery fr., neck of vessel, ribbed, with appliqué orn. On lotus base human fig. kneeling on R. knee with hands raised together as in prayer. Flat headdress with band and jewel in front, ear-rings, long stole, bracelets. Reddish-drab clay. Gr. M. 2" x Ir. Pl. I.
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