国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
Ki. on. Stucco relief fr. Circular nimbus. Border marked by broad groove. White stucco, fired. Diam.
Iig .
Ki. 018. Terra-cotta fr. from half cast of handle in form of winged horse ; only hindermost part remains. Length 3.I".
Ki. omg. Stucco relief fr. Spiral curl like Ki. 04. Diam. r".
Ki. oor. Fr. of pottery, hard red clay with leaf-green glaze mottled with black spots formed under glaze, prob. owing to presence of metallic oxide in body. Perhaps Chinese; resembles green-glazed ware made from Han to Tang times; but very prob. local fabric. 2*" x x .
Ki. 004, oo6, 008, oog. Stucco relief fr. Flame. See Ki. 03. (b). 3" x
Ki. 005. Stucco fr. Part of background (?) of fig. Traces of pale blue. White stucco, burnt. 2" X r*" x i".
Ki. 0010. Cylindrical bead of white stone. Length ; diam.".
Ki. oou. Stucco relief fr. Waved edge of a piece of
drapery. Traces of green in grooves. On inside part of socket for core. White stucco, burnt. 3" x 2".
Ki. 0012. Hexagonal bead of yellow glass. Sides bevelled from both ends to a central edge. Here at widest point, diam. 1§6". End to end i".
Ki. 0013. Glass fr. of bowl. Carinated wall curving out and down to base. Pale green glass. Om. in applied thread of same glass. Gr. M. 1*"; thickness " to h".
Ki. 0014. Pottery fr. of hand-made vase. Hard light red clay, fairly fine. Surface shows pattern of circles stamped irregularly. Gr. M. I" ; thickness i".
Ki. 0017. Glass vessel, part of; rim of pale yellow-green translucent glass decorated outside with large festoons hanging from horizontal band and separated by pear-shaped tassel ornament; this design in cut glass; band moulded. H. 1*"; diam. was c. 4"; thickness " to i".
Ki. 0026. Wooden hair-comb; cf. L.A. viii. oor. One end broken, but other has strip 8" broad shielding the teeth. Above teeth five incised lines on each side. H. 3" ; width c. 3" ; h. of teeth 1 a-".
Ki. 0027. Wooden strip off piece of furniture with foliage carved in relief. 8" X i" X i-".
Ki. 002. Terra-cotta monkey squatting on heels; arms
outstretched, hands joined as in prayer. Head lost.
H. V.
Ki. 003. Terra-cotta monkey, squatting on heels, attitude as in Ki. 002, but arms and head lost. H. v.
Ki. 007. Steatite (?) seal having upper part bevelled away to form smaller, flattened handle, pierced for suspension. Face, -" sq., contains single undetermined Chin. char. not in normal Seal writing (L. C. Hopkins). H. i".
Ki. oo16. Fr. of white stucco, prob. background to relief. No colour. 2*' x Ii" x 8".
Ki. 0018. Oblong flat bronze seal, with flat pierced handle behind. Intaglio linear design. if" x i".
Ki. 0020. Oblong flat brass amulet. Intaglios on each side, prob. inlaid. On one side a stag on his knees, to L. looking back R. Other side much defaced; design possibly
of two fronting birds, of degenerate type. " x ig" x i".
Ki. 0021. Black opaque paste seal, rectangular, pierced through ends. On one narrow, and on one broad side are five conical holes arranged as on a cubical die. cif"x "x r.
Ki. 0022. Green soapstone, sq., flat piece of. Edges bevelled on one side. A" sq. ; thickness ias".
Ki. 0023. Half bronze ring, with round bezel containing cornelian, cracked. Diam. of ring c. i" ; diam. of stone i".
Ki. 0024. Bronze handle. Knob projecting over joint of two arms. Space between arms heart-shaped. Prob. handle of seal. r" x ".
Ki. 0025. Bronze pendant, consisting of two balls bound round with wire. Below and between them a cluster of five small balls. The whole suspended by a ring. I" x
r x
Ki. 0028. Bronze fr. of mirror (?). Much corroded.
Irregular shape; slightly curved surface. 1 " x xi";
thickness A".
On the morning of September 18 I started due south in order to visit the site of Ak-terek, from March to
which Rôze and his ` treasure-seeking ' companions had brought me interesting terra-cotta relievos Hanguya
unmistakably derived from the wall decoration of some Buddhist shrine. Marching first for about three miles along the edge of the old river bed, and for another eight or nine across a barren expanse
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