国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
A.T. i. oo131. Pottery fr. Hard granular clay, full of calcined grit. On outside is thin white slip burned dark slate-grey in places. Inside also has slip on face, of dark to light smoky red. ii" x
A.T. i. 00132. Frs. of gold leaf.
A.T. I. 00X33. Glass fr., slightly convex ; larger portion light greenish-grey, remainder dark bluish-green. Gr. M.
I" ; thickness ".
A.T. ii. 1. Indeterminate terra•cotta fr., round in section. Length ii".
A.T. ii. 2. Fr. of pottery vessel, with applied orn. imitating rope. Light red clay very finely finished. 2" X Ir.
A.T. ii. 00X3. Stucco relief fr. of drapery, rough zigzag ridge in high relief. Brick-red clay. 4' x 2j"
A.T. ii. 0014. Stucco relief fr., belonging to, but not fitting, A.T. ii. 0013. Brick-red clay. 3" x Iii".
A.T. ii. 0020. Stucco relief fr. of large leaf-shaped design with plain border and inner field divided by curved line ; above, plain lozenge pattern ; below, ribbed lozenges. Technique not plastic, but gives effect of chip-carving in wood. Reddish-drab clay; traces of yellow slip. 3" x 2e".
A.T. ii. 0021. Stucco relief fr. of drapery with close rounded folds spreading out slightly flame-wise. Cf. A.T. v. 0022 (different scale). 2"x
A. T. ii. 0022. Stucco relief fr. Chain ; Vandyke band
between two fillets. . Red clay. Cf. A.T. iii. 0020.
A.T. ii. oo26. Stucco relief fr. of drapery. On L. raised ridge almost sq. in section. On R. looped folds in low relief; cf. A.T. iv. 0049. Light red clay unevenly burned.
a*" X 2k".
*A.T. ii. 0035. Stucco relief fr. of fillet from Buddha fig., rendered by band with narrow horizontal folds giving zigzag ends. Light red clay. Ii"x I".
From similar mould: A.T. iii. 0032, 0046; iv. oo8 I, 0082; v. oo81. Cf. Anc. Kholan, Pl. LXXXVII, R. lxxxiv. I.
A.T. ii. o041. Stucco relief fr. See *A.T. 0020. 3" x I" Pl. VIII.
A.T. ii. 0048. Stucco relief fr. Lower part of human face. Chin disproportionately long and heavy. Light red clay, with remains of creamy wash and of gilding on lips. 2i" X 2".
A.T. ii. 005o. Stucco relief fr. U-shaped band, square in section, on flat ground; perhaps lobe of human ear; cf. A.T. i. oo7o. Reddish-drab clay. ar"x I".
A.T. ii. oo5l. Stucco relief fr. Finger ; poor modelling, no detail. Hard mud-coloured clay. Length 2f".
A.T. ii. 0053. Stucco relief fr. Upper part of triangle. The moulded edges continue outwards and form a pair of volutes. Cf. A.T. 0091, and perhaps A.T. 0087. Drab clay. 2i" x 2h".
A.T. ii. 0054. Stucco relief fr. of moulding, angular in section, with incised lines forming arrow-head pattern. Above, two half-round orns. L. end of fr. rounded, R. fractured. Mud-coloured clay. 31"x I".
A.T. ii. 0056. Stucco relief fr. Part of eight-petalled flower with central boss (cf. A.T. oo6o) from which rises fr. of deeply incised palmette-like foliage ; free rendering of design of A.T. i. ooi 2 q.v. Mud-coloured clay ; surface of flower partly vitrified and with traces of gilding. 2g" x 2". PI. VIII.
A.T. ii. 0058. Stucco relief fr. Human toe. Poor modelling. Mud-coloured clay, white slip. 2k" x a".
A.T. iii. o01. Stucco fr. of human wrist (?), with portion of bracelet ; edges half-round with twisted work of two strands between. Hard light red clay. ri"x x
A.T. iii. 006. Stucco relief fr. R. arm and leg of seated Buddha, hands covered with drapery. See A.T. 0027. Drab clay. xi" x 1".
A.T. iii. oog. Stucco relief fr. Large eight-petalled flower with central boss. Petals pointed with incised central rib. Reddish mud-coloured clay. Cf. A.T. oo6o. 21" diam.
A.T. iii. 0012. Stucco relief fr. of crescent. Light red clay. See A.T. 0033. ii"x
A.T. iii. 00X4. Stucco relief fr. of triangle. Mud-coloured clay. See A.T. 0033. s"x Ii".
A.T. iii. 0018. Stucco relief fr. Curved strip with convex surface, cut up diamond-wise by incised lines. In centre of each 'diamond' puncture made with thin triangular point. Mud-coloured clay. Cf. A.T. i. 00124. 2fg"xIj"
A.T. iii. 0020. Stucco relief fr. Chain ; Vandyke band between two fillets. Hard greyish-yellow stucco. Cf. A.T. ii. 0022. 2" X
A.T. iii. 0021. Stucco relief fr. of plaited necklet. Cf. A.T. 0057. Light red clay. I.42 "x
A.T. iii. 0023. Stucco relief fr. Back of upper part of human ear, front and lower part lost. Hard yellowish-red clay. 2" x xi".
A.T. iii. 0025. Stucco relief fr. Curved closely-ribbed fold of drapery (?). Light red clay. I " x
A.T. iii. 0026. a, b. Stucco fr. Twisted ' corkscrew ' lock of hair in the round and only slightly attached at back ; point is turned upwards. Curls marked with deeply incised central line. Hard light red clay. Two frs. joined. 4". Pl.1X.
A.T. iii. 0029. Stucco relief fr. of drapery(?), forming sharp slightly curved folds. Ash-grey clay. 2*" X z g".
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