国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
A.T. iv. 3. Fr. of handmade pottery vessel, with band of scratched ` saw-tooth ' orn. 3" x 2".
A.T. iv. oog. Stucco relief fr. R. side of brow, and R. eye of demon. The eye projects strongly, the lid jutting almost horizontally and beyond the eyebrow. The eyebrows are rounded ridges united over nose by inverted V-shaped furrow with abrupt depression on either side of apex. Slight ridge of flesh over spring of nose which is abnormally distant from the inner corner of eye. Light red clay. 2k-" x 2r.
A.T. iv. 0012. Stucco relief fr. Human finger. Nail apparently painted dark red. Hard light red clay. 2i" x i".
A.T. iv. 002o. Stucco relief fr. of circular plaque. Red clay. Prob. part of A.T. v. 0050. 2f" x r$".
A.T. iv. 0021. Stucco relief fr., slightly convex with horizontal string of bead orn. Light red clay, creamy slip.
Pr x Ir.
*A.T. iv. 0024. Stucco relief fr. Quatrefoil with large round centre and angular petals, the whole practically square. Light red clay. I" x I". From same mould: A.T. iv. 0095, 00152.
A.T. iv. 0032. Stucco relief fr. Above, projecting fillet I" wide; below to R., triangle with bead border enclosing half-rosette, two leaves, and three balls (cf. A.T. iv. 0099); to L., half of open lotus, boldly conventionalized with deep incisions for petal markings. Brick-red clay. 3i" X 4". Pl. IX.
A.T. iv. 0034. Stucco relief fr. of triangle with bead pattern edge; inside is small trace of beaded circular orn., single stud in angle. Mud-coloured clay. 2f" x r ".
A.T. iv. 0087. Stucco relief fr. of drapery. In centre broad flat perpendicular fold ; on either side series of looped folds. Cf. A.T. i. 0028. Light red clay, grey in section. 2k-" x 4".
A.T. iv. 0041. Stucco relief fr. of cord tassel (?). Two cords with central incision and knotted ends. Reddish-drab clay, surface decayed. 21" x
A.T. iv. 0044. Stucco relief fr. of drapery. Style of A.T. v. 0022, but coarser. Mud-coloured clay. r*" x
A.T. iv. 0048. Stucco relief fr. Circular orn. having convex surface ; within plain ring border. Mud-coloured clay, white wash. 1" diam.
A.T. iv. 0049. Stucco relief fr. of drapery, border falling in heavy zigzag folds. Cf. A.T. ii. 0026. Light red clay. 2*" X 2".
A.T. iv. 0051. Stucco relief fr. of finger or toe (?); un-modelled and no nail indicated. Hard light red clay. Length ze.
A.T. iv. 0064. Stucco relief fr. Human finger, long and thin ; no modelling, Hard light reddish clay. 3i" X r.
A.T. iv. 0066. Stucco relief fr. Youthful female head
turned very slightly to R. Hair long and wavy and divided over forehead, mostly lost. Eyes narrow and level with general surface of face, cheeks and chin very heavy and fleshy. Round neck is a plain torque. Ears are very long, with ornaments in lobes. Face, neck, and hair moulded separately. Hard light red clay. 2*" x 24". Pl. IX.
A.T. iv. 0077. Stucco relief fr. Lower part of human nose. Light red clay, core grey. IA" X riu".
A.T. iv. 0086. Stucco relief fr. Inner border of lotus-fringed plaque, as in A.T. v. oo8. Drab clay, 2r" x r-i".
A.T. iv. oogz. Stucco relief fr. Curved double band decorated with bead orn. End curled upwards and over to R. Cf. A.T. 0043. Light red clay. z" x I".
A.T. iv. 0096. Stucco relief fr. Topknot with nimbus. See *A.T. 0087. Red clay. 3" x 2r". Pl. VIII.
A.T. iv. 0099. Stucco relief fr. Triangle, complete. See *A.T. 0033. Buff clay. 3" x 4k". PI. VIII.
A.T. iv. 00102. Stucco fr. of hair ; locks indicated by irregular bands of stamped crescent-shaped curves. Hard red clay. I t" X I ".
A.T. iv. 00117. Stucco relief fr. Foot of seated Buddha against lotus leaf ; from border of plaque. Light red clay.
A.T. iv. 00X27. Stucco relief fr. of human head with nose, mouth, chin, and part of L. cheek. Modelling good but conventional (cf. A.T. v. ooz), with heavy chin sloping away into throat. Light red clay with impress of reed core. 2k"x r ".
A.T. iv. ooX28. Stucco relief fr. R. eye with part of brow of human fig. Eye is narrow, half-closed and in projection ; brow mere ridge between two planes of forehead and space below brow. Red clay with traces of creamy wash. 2-"X 2*".
A.T. iv. 00132. Stucco fr. Part of wrist over life-size with single bracelet. Hard mud-coloured clay ; the core burned to a darker colour. 3g"x I*".
A.T. iv. 00X36. Stucco relief fr. of drapery. Reddish-drab clay with small globules of melted gold on surface. See A.T. 0063. 48" x
A.T. iv. 00X46. Stucco relief fr. Lozenge-shaped orn., on flat field. Half-round moulded border. Light red clay. I *" x 1i".
A.T. iv. 00148. Stucco relief fr. Two diminishing bands of Vandyke, divided by tapering central rib. Light red clay. 1 g" x
A.T. iv. o0159. Stucco relief fr. of drapery, slightly fan-shaped ; folds ending in elaborate zigzagged points. Mud-coloured clay, 2r" x 2".
A.T. iv. 0016o. Stucco relief fr. of drapery; vertical folds incised; edge undulating. Reddish mud-coloured clay. 3i" X Ii".
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