国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
[Chap. V
In upper part, two portions of flowing stole. Below, part of domed object, decorated with centre band of imbrications outlined in black, with a spot of red or black in each scale. Beneath this band, divided from it by two parallel black lines, is a band of dark red. , Depending from lower edge of dome, a series of pennon-like banners, of which the upper part consists of two triangular pieces, the lower (painted green) hanging by its apex to the base of the upper (orange). From base ()flower depend two streamers, green and orange. [For examples of such pennons in silk, cf. Anc. Khotan, Pl. LXXVII, E. i. or7 and E. i. 016.] All outlines black, with frequently a white line within the black and on one edge of coloured space. Remaining portion of edge of panel chamfered. Rough work. Wood well preserved. 131" X 2-" X
Kha. 003. Fr. of painted panel, faint traces of colour. Prob. part of a head with crimson nimbus. Outlines black. Much defaced. Wood rather soft. 4g" x g" x ".
Kha. 004. Fr. of painted panel, convex in cross-section. Roughly painted red robe with black lines, on green background. Much damaged. 7y x I"
Kha. 004. a. Fr. of painted wood, painted convex side. Roughly split on all other sides. Brick-red lotus with yellow centre, surrounded by ring of white spots. Overlapping this a dull blue lotus. Outlines black. Hard wood. 4" X
Kha. 005. Fr. of painted panel, split from larger piece. Upper part of Buddha head showing hair, eyebrows, upper eyelids outlined in black ; flesh and Tilaka in red. Flesh yellowish. Halo pale pink with red outline. Vesica pale pink, shaded, outlined red. Much defaced. Wood soft. 41" X I" X".
Kha. 006. Flake from painted panel. Obv. Remains of painted head indicated by L. eye and portions of face and hair (black). Flesh yellow. Halo dark to light pink. Much of paint fallen away. Rev. Rough. Fairly hard. 5"X2"X ".
Kha. 007. Fr. of painted wood, with light green, red, and pink paint on one side only. Soft. 2" X 1"
Kha. 008. Fr. of painted wood, flaked from panel. Traces of red, green, and white paint on one side only. Hard. 3i" x Ii" x
Kha. oog. Fr. of painted panel, showing clasped hands and parts of red robe of seated Buddha fig. Much damaged. Fairly hard. 4" x Ii" X h".
Kha. ooio. Fr. of painted wood with traces of paint on one side. Fairly hard. 4i" x -g" X A".
Kha. ooi6. (Purchased from Mullah Khwâja.) Fr. of painted wood. Part of upper edge broken away. R. end sawn off. Four seated Bodhisattvas, each in pose of meditation, hands in lap. Vesicas green bordered with maroon. First (from L.), head j to L. p. Simple red robe. Topknot. Padmasana green with yellow centre. Flesh yellow ochre. Second, head j to R. p. Tight-fitting upper
garment, prob. red, with yellow band at neck. Loin-cloth dark red. Stole dark green. Flesh dark pink. Padmâsana green ray, yellow centre. Third, head â to R. p. Otherwise as first. Fourth, as second. Bangles visible. Long hair. Dark red ground between vesicas, powdered with flowers. Badly damaged. 20$" x 6j" x T".
Kha. 0017. Fr. of carved wood. At top end projecting tenon. Back flat and rudely finished. In front at top a square mortice. Below this wood is cut away in three step-like mouldings in front and on R. side. L. side flat but with upper edge bevelled. Below, flat plain surface. Bottom edge broken. 5â" x 214" X 2". Pl. XVII.
Kha. ooi8. Part of wooden baluster, turned. Only about 80° of surface preserved. Quite rotten. Length 74" ; diam. Orig. c. 5".
Kha. oomg. Bronze seal. Intaglio design. Double-ended Y with dot in each space made by arms. Cylindrical pierced handle behind. Square, with two sides indented. " X X
Kha. 0023. Stucco relief fr. of flame pattern ; (1) two rows of flames. From mould similar to Kha. i. 0028. Traces of white slip. Clay red, friable. 3" x 21".
Kha. 0024. Piece of wooden baluster, exact match with Kha. ii. 0083. 8" x 2i" X I â". PI. XVII.
Kha. 0025. a, b. Two frs. of painted wooden panels. On (a) drapery, red and white against a brown ground; on (b) traces of black and red lines on white ground.
(a) 3â" X 4"; (b) 4" X 2".
Kha. 0026. Fresco fr., much broken. R. forearm and hand and part of torso of Buddha, in pose of argument. Style of work is strongly marked and is unusually PersoChinese. Fingers long, excessively tapering and recurved at tips, with very definitely marked web extending in graceful loops between top joints (articulations) of thumb and first two fingers. Between second and third it is not shown, perhaps because of the small space. The fourth finger is missing and painting defaced close up to third. In palm, sacred mark shown as a ring surrounded by small spots. At neck, necklace painted in outline, consisting of beads with larger circular ornaments at intervals. Bangle on wrist ; on forearm, occupying its',whole length, is represented in outline a long Vajra, from which sprout three simple leaf forms at the visible end (other end missing) and four similar forms from the centre—two on each side. Pink and light green robe has border passing from L. shoulder (missing) to R. armpit, consisting of a delicately outlined leaf pattern, tinted with blue and pink. All outlines red except those of drapery which are black. Remaining surface in good state. 5 " x 3k". Pl. M.
Kha. 0027. Fresco fr. To R. the figure of a man dressed in white robe with sleeves, stooping forward to L. L. arm extended downward (hand missing) ; R. hand grasps object which looks like a black-handled flaying-knife, or razor, and which he holds on level with face. Behind him a second figure partly visible.
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