国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
Portion of scroll ornament and three horizontal lines, all in black, to L. Flesh very red. Contours red. Hair grey. 61" x 4a". PI. XI.
Kha. 0028. Fresco fr. Bodhisattva seated on red lotus, cross-legged; body above hips turned a to R. p. R. arm upraised from elbow. Hand broken away. L. arm rests on L. thigh ; hand out-turned, pendent, holds between fingers long-necked flask with ovoid body enriched with horizontal bands and vertical petals. Flask hangs exactly between crossed feet which are exposed. Part of body above hips nude. Rich necklet and bracelets (yellow). Dhôfi enveloping legs, bright blue, with black contour lines over red. Red stole depends from R. shoulder and is draped over right thigh. Portion of other end visible at extreme broken edge of fr., falling inwards over L. forearm. Body long and slender, with well-defined waist. Head and L. elbow broken away. Behind fig., a light green vesica bordered with bands of brown and red. Outside vesica the ground appears light blue.
To extreme R. p. of fr., head and shoulders of small fig.
turned face towards R. p., and with eyes in same
direction. Black short hair. Red-brown garment covers L. side. Background of fig. grey, bordered with vertical band of red. A dark brown object in foreground to L. p. of small fig., and above, a loop of white drapery.
All flesh pale pink. Flesh contour lines red. Drawing very good, although rapid. Colours fresh but abraded. 6" x 5". Pl. xi.
Kha. 0029. Fresco fr., showing R. hand holding brush, shoulder and part of breast of female (?) fig. wearing rope of pearls round neck, and large pendent pearl. A thin, close-fitting grey vest is worn, with tight sleeve-band at armpit. Below this the sleeve is white decorated with four-petalled green flowers with pink centres. Rope of pearls is painted red with white spots. Brush handle broadens at the butt, is cut askew, and probably forms a burnisher. It is held in the present day Chinese manner—between thumb and first finger, middle fingers closed down on to
palm, little finger outstretched. Forearm is directed
upward and hand is practically vertical. Whole action of painting with fingers and wrist, arm being held almost rigid.
Form of hand and fingers very refined. Whole outlined black, with black background, broken by ornamental frs. Abraded. 6" x 3". Pl. xi.
Kha. 0030. Fresco fr., prob. part of upper portion of leaf-and-berry pattern at top of Kha. i. E. 0047. To L. p. outstretched wing and part of breast and foot of green bird (? goose). Frs. of ornamental details to R. p. and above. Much abraded. 4" x 3". Pl. XI.
Kha. 0031. Fresco fr., prob. portion of arm of fig., with yellow armlet, decorated with rolled-over leaves of a type common in Romanesque work in Europe and in Gothic stained glass. The treatment line for line, and the rounding
of points show absolute similarity with Gothic glass painting. The second motif on this piece, a band of circles and V-shaped spandrel fillings, is equally Gothic. Condition good. 24" x 3k". Pl. u .
Kha. 0032. Fresco fr., showing two rolled-over ' Gothic' leaves, green on one side, pink on other, outlines black and white. From between leaves a flower springs with roughly pear-shaped base, dark red with yellow edge, from which petals seem to radiate. Broken away all round. Painting in fresh condition. 2" X
Kha. 0033. Fresco fr., with upper half of standing fig. holding in R. hand, upraised to shoulder level, a blue globular object. In L. a long slender staff with a ring at upper end. Evidently Kshitigarbha with jewel and beggar's staff ; see Ch. 002x. Long robe divided up into a brick pattern, with length of bricks in the vertical direction, by bold red bands. Red centre occupies each brick, the outer part being dark grey. Border of robe grey and bright green. Over head and hanging on shoulders a dark brown drapery. Head a to R. p. Flesh dark brown, nimbus red with yellow spots, vesica bright green, with double border divided by red and yellow lines. The inner border is corn-posed of upward sharp-pointed imbricated sections, green and red. The outer, on green ground, is composed of equal-spaced red spots, outlined yellow and red, attached to inner margin, with three small yellow spots grouped on the outer side of each. General ground outside vesica border light blue with delicate white pattern.
Quality of work good. Style unusual. Vehicle used with colour seems to have been a heavy mucilage. 5" x 51'.
Kha. 0034. Fresco fr., showing R. elbow and portion of standing fig. (Kshitigarbha ?) in red-brown robe with thin black staff across body. At chest a dark grey object (broken away) with narrow plaited bands at bottom in yellow. Flesh pink. Vesica light green spotted with yellow, bordered with pattern similar to outer band of Kha. 0033, but on dark ground. Work and technique also similar. Surface rather chipped. 3"x 3r".
Kha. 0035. Fresco fr., showing two of a series of seated Buddha figs. Lower part missing. Colouring of fig. to L. p. : red robe ; grey vesica bordered red with white outlines; pale green background ; nimbus dark green, bordered with shaded pink. R. p. fig. : fine blue robe; buff vesica with dark green border outlined red and buff ; nimbus similar to first; background red. Moderately well executed. Fair preservation. 9" X 4k".
Kha. 0036. Fresco fr., showing portions of two Buddha figs., one above the other ; part of series. Upper fig. in red robe, turquoise vesica, straight Padmâsana. Lower (head only), red vesica, turquoise nimbus. 41" x 4 ".
Kha. 0037. Fresco fr. of seated Buddha fig., prob. one of series. R. side only. Red robe, buff vesica. 3â" X 2r".
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