国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
Rev. Head (defaced) and portions of drapery of Sakti (?). Flesh pink, drapery bright green. Necklet. Over R. shoulder an arm is thrown, of which colour is dark grey. Held between thumb and fingers a fruit. Another arm of same dark colour appears to extend upwards on same side. Hair of Sakti is dressed rather high and is black, adorned with light lotus orn. Nimbus grey green. Behind and above green nimbus is red bordered by green with dividing lines of black. Whole badly defaced. Fairly hard. xoix 1 "x r.
Kha. i.. 6o. Fr. of painted wood, with portion of fig. in dark red robe on green cloud. Very rough. Hard.
8r x xj" x ".
Kha. i. 87. Piece of painted silk (in frs.), found sticking to board. Shows five lotus leaves (green, with pink central vein edged with black) springing round pink flower-centre, with pink background ; part of Padmâsana. Very brittle. Also scrap of pinkish-brown silk (?) damask. Painted silk (largest fr.), Ii" x 16". Damask, I" x r.
Kha. i. 186. L. hand of wood statuette. Second finger bent over to meet thumb. Other fingers slightly bent. Cut off slanting at wrist where projecting dowel, and traces of glue. Covered with whitish slip to take paint. Between first, second, and third fingers a network of light red lines, to represent webbing. Length 31"; across knuckles x8".
Kha. 1.194. Fr. of painted panel. Obv. To R., fig. in dark red robe seated on bolster-shaped cushion. Light green and yellow drapery seems to hang from neck and shoulders. Hands and feet not visible. Cushion cover, chessboard pattern, white with alternate green and red spots. To L., fig. in dark grey dhbli and green stole, otherwise nude ; seated, R. leg in the usual cross-legged position, but L. raised in curious attitude bringing foot on level with head. Body is inclined strongly to L., and arms with elbows well out are bent, bringing hands towards face. A bangle on R. wrist. Flesh pink. All outlines (including flesh) black. Background white. Head and upper part of each fig. missing. Surface much destroyed. Rev. blank. A small hole for peg near lower edge. Wood hard. 6" x 21" x g".
Kha. i. 194. a. Fr. of painted panel. Parts of two original edges ; broken away on other edges. Obv. Discoloured and fragmentary remains of borders of nimbus and long vesica of prob. a standing fig. in green robe. Nearly all other paint completely perished from fire. Surface of wood charred and soft. Rev. Blank. Chamfered on the long edge. Soft. 10" x 21" x ".
Kha. i:. igs. Fr. of painted wood, split from thicker piece. L. edge chamfered. Broken away at upper and lower ends, and at R. side. R. side of fig. seated or
kneeling, prob. in attitude of adoration. Hair, black,
hangs behind shoulder, and is dressed on top with white bands and leaves. Flesh dull yellow. Loin-cloth dark red. Scarf pale green. Neck and arm ornaments white.
Nimbus outlined black and white. Flesh contour lines black (unusual). Cloud-like support pale green and pink. Hard. 17" X 3" x".
Kha. i. 211. a. Fr. of painted wood, flaked from larger piece. Face and neck of seated Buddha, 1 to R. p., same treatment as Kha. i. C. 0017. Lower edge of fr. shows chamfered surface on which the paint is continued. Much of painted surface flaked off. 21" x
Kha. i. 3xx. Painted panel. Small irregular oblong, roughly tapering at upper and lower ends. Seated Buddha
in bright red robe. Head to L. ; hands in lap. Top-
knot and eyebrows (which meet over bridge of nose) black. Tilaka and all outlines red. Flesh a strong rose pink. Padmäsana roughly indicated, and below a roughly sketched grotesque (?) fig., in black outline only. Main fig. has nimbus and vesica indicated by red lines only. Traces of priming all over panel. Rev. Top and one side roughly chamfered, on the side chamfer some scribbling in ink. Hard and well preserved. 5V x 21" x 1". Pl. XIV.
Kha. i. 312. Fr. of pottery ; rim of large stone jar ; rim turned out at right angles to neck and squarely moulded. On flat upper surface of rim are two Sanskrit Aksaras WK. Slightly gritty brick-red ware ; wheel-made. 9" x 2".
*Kha. i. oox. Stucco relief fr. One of many from series of small figs. of Buddha, prob. from large vesica ; cf. Anc. Kholan, Fig. 64, R. xiii. Fig. stood upright on lotus pedestal, L. hand by side, R. hand raised in attitude of protection. Body and arms wrapped in mantle, clinging closely to body and rendered with close narrow grooves ; under-garment shows by feet. Plain nimbus, green ; hair black ; flesh white with red and black markings (Kha. i. C. 0042) ; mantle red ; under-garment green or black. H. without pedestal 6". All of white stucco.
From same mould : Kha. i. ooz, oo6, 0010 ; i. C. oo6, ooz, oo8 (Pl. XV), 0042, 0047-50 ; i. E. ooz, 0010, 0052, 0013, 0015 ; i. W. 004, 005, oo6, oox 1, 0021, 0022 ; ii. S.W. ooz, ix. oo6.
Kha. i. oo3. Fr. of turned wooden baluster, c. â of circumference. Plain rings, sq. wedge and curved in section. H. 5E
Kha. i. 003. a, b. Stucco relief frs. of bead and lotus-petal border. Traces of red paint. Ig" x
Kha. i. 004. Stucco relief fr. of standing Buddha. R. hand raised in attitude of protection. Only R. shoulder and breast remain. Scale as Kha. i. W. 0012. White stucco. 21" x
*Kha. i;. 005. Stucco relief fr. of human hair. One of many. Hair represented by small snail-shell' spirals in low relief. Made on linen ground with backing of clay mixed with straw. Painted dark blue with strips of gold leaf V wide. All of white stucco. Kha. i. 005. Five curls, dark blue with gold strip. 2" X 2".
From same mould : Kha. i. C. 0044 ; i. E. 007, 0021,
0022, 0023, 0024-27, 0029, 0030; i. W. 003; ii. 0072.
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