国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
[Chap. V
Kha. i. 007. Stucco relief. Circular plaque with seated Buddha on cushion ; hands in lap. Surface much corroded. Same mould as Kha. ii. 0067. Diam. 2k".
Kha. i. oo8. Stucco relief fr. of lotus. To its seed vessel is attached the base of a pod (coloured blue) from which would spring further growth. A frequently used motif in Roman, Mediaeval Italian, and Indian art. White stucco. 21" 2". Pl. XVI.
Kha. i. oog. i. C. 0012 (joined). Stucco relief fr. of lotus wreath round vesica ; painted crimson and dark blue ; colour well preserved. Cf. Kha. ii. 002, but with single plain fillets and two rows of petals between them. Cf. Kha. i. W. oo8. White stucco. 6" x
Kha. i. 0on. Stucco relief fr. of background showing between two projecting ridges now broken away. Gilded, with red lines over gilding. Of colouring little remains. White stucco. 2" x 2r".
Kha. i. oon. a. Stucco relief fr. of jewel orn. On background are alternately one large and two small applied studs. White stucco. 2" X I ".
Kha. i. 0012. Stucco relief fr. with one large and two small studs, as Kha. i. oor I, to which it has been re-joined.
White stucco. IV" x I ".
Kha. i. 0013. Stucco relief fr. of ' bead and lotus-petal' border. Cf. Kha. i. E. oo3; i. S.W. 005 (similar but different moulds). White stucco. 3" x Ii".
*Kha. i. 0014. Stucco relief fr. of ' bead and lotus-petal' border orn. Leaves curve slightly outwards to front. Traces of crimson colouring on leaves. Cf. Kha. i. E. 003; i. S.W. 005. White stucco. 1l "x
From same mould : Kha. i. W. 0016.
*Kha. i. 0015. Fr. of plaster mould for vesica with flame-pattern border. Hard white plaster of Paris. 3i" x
From this mould are taken Kha. ii. 001, 003, 0015, ooi6, 0024, 0025, 0026, 0043-51. Replica of Kha. ii. 0075.
Kha. i. 0016. Fr. of mould, for band of crescent-shaped locks of hair, Cf. A.T. i. 0030. Hard white plaster of Paris. 5" x 2". Pl. xVI.
Kha. ii. 0017. Wooden modelling spatula, flat, thin. The handle end is pierced for a cord. The working end is broadened and worked to a sharp edge; the ends of blade rounded. Looks like pear-wood. Hard and well preserved. 61" x I a" (blade end) to I" (handle end) ; 1" thick,
Kha i 0018. Fr. of painted wood, showing representation of pendent triangles joined apex to base (cf. Kha. 002). Soft. 21" x l" x IXg".
Kha. i. 0019. Fr. of painted wood, with traces of painting representing a dome-shaped canopy with pendent
triangles (cf. Kha. 002). Hard. 81" x x r.
Kha. i. 0020. Fr. of painted wood, showing R. elbow, thigh, portion of nimbus and of cloud-like Padmâsana. Black outlines, with traces of pink, yellow, and white. Very rough execution. One edge chamfered. Lower edge cut, other edges broken. Hard. 7" x 21" x
Kha. i. 0022. Stucco relief fr. Head of Buddha, like Kha. i. C. 0040. Top of vesica only preserved. This red with black outer edge. Hair black. White stucco.
In 1n
2~ X 28 .
Kha. ii. 0023. Sheet of canvas backing to stucco, ig" thick. Part which still adheres is gilt. 61" x 3 ".
Kha. i. 0024. Fr. of plain gilt stucco with piece of backing, as Kha. i. 29. Stucco, I" x A" X;;" ; backing, greatest length 3"; greatest width 2".
Kha. i. 0025. a, b. Two frs. of cloth from W. of S. platform. (a) Loosely-woven light buff ' Khâm ', showing part of design (leaves ?), painted in black, and remains of pink paint over background. One edge turned over and sewn. 3" x 2". (b) Strip of pale buff fabric of same kind, finer but strong. Plain. 31" xi".
Kha. i. 0026. Two frs. of painted silk, unusually fine texture ; one showing R. hand apparently uplifted, reddish-
pink outlined black. Adjoining it part of light blue
flower or ornament with leaves, one blue outlined black, one buff outlined red. Other fr. painted buff, red, and black, but too small to show subject. Gr. M. 2" x Ii". With this, piece of brown woollen fabric, ` braid ' texture, rather fine. Gr. M. 61".
Kha. i. 0027. Stucco relief fr. Tip of very large lotus petal ; lobes and central rib prominent. Rev. backed with canvas on which thin coat of plaster, painted pink. White stucco. 41" x 41" X i".
*Kha. i. 0028. Stucco relief fr., flame pattern, arranged in triangular mass prob. from shoulder of large fig. Clay red and friable. Cf. A.T. 0016. 61" x 31" x 1".
From same mould : Kha. i. S.W. 0012.
Kha. i. 0029. Stucco relief fr. First and second fingers of colossal R. hand. Cf. Kha. i. C. 0046. Mark of canvas backing behind. White stucco ; traces of gilding. Gr. length 4".
Kha. i. 003o. Stucco relief fr. of lotus wreath ; two petals, stamen and binding. Traces of green. Same mould as Kha. i. C. 0045. White stucco. 2" x 11" x ".
Kha. i. oo31. Stucco relief fr. of head of Buddha, R. Part of halo to R. Features defaced. No colour. White stucco. H. of head c. II".
Kha. i. 0032. Stucco relief head of Buddha. Features defaced. Traces of black on hair. White stucco. H. of head I".
Kha. i;. 0033. Stucco fr., painted with rectangular pattern of gold lines on black ground. Paint applied to stucco A"
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