国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
Kha. i. C. o018. Fr. of painted panel, in bad state, similar to Kha. i. N. of c. base. oor. 6" x Iâ" x /".
Kha. i. C. 0019. Fr. of painted panel similar to Kha. i. N. of c. base. oor. Portions of two figs. Colour well preserved. 61"x I" x â".
Kha. i. C. 0020-25. Frs. of painted wood, similar to Kha. i. N. of c. base. oox. Badly defaced. Sizes varying from 58-" x I" X I" to 21" X Imo" x
Kha. i.. C. 0026. Fr. of painted wood, similar to Kha. i. N. of c. base. ooi. Part of head of one fig. with upper part of vesica, and parts of a vesica on either side. Split on all sides. 8k" x 2" x
Kha. i. C. 0027. Fr. of painted panel broken on all sides. Obv. Towards lower end head of coroneted fig. of Persian type (cf. D. x. 4, Anc. Kholan, Pl. LXIII, four-armed deity). Halo, oval with pointed top, is green with white line. Above, fore-part of black horse with white markings, trotting to R. p. Thighs of rider clad in white-spotted red breeches (or dhôi), tucked into black top-boots which cover the lower leg. Much defaced. Rev. Head and shoulders of roughly executed fig., badly defaced. Wood very soft. 41"x 2f"xi".
Kha. i. C. 0028. Fr. of painted wood flaked off thicker piece. Traces of paint on one side. Prob. part of row of seated Bodhisattvas. Mark of adze at one end. Hard. 5h"x2f"xI".
Kha. i. C. 0029-31. Frs. of painted wood, painted on one side. Defaced. 6" x r $" x" to 41- X I," x â ".
Kha. i. C. 0032. Fr. of painted wood, painted on one side. Lower part of face. Flesh yellow, red contours. Halo red. Background light green. Much defaced. Soft. 3f"x x?".
Kha. i. C. 0033. Fr. of painted wood from angle, showing dark paint on two contiguous sides ; on one, white petal-like dabs which may represent embroidery on a robe, of which the folds are faintly visible in white. Broken and
split. 5$."X x ".
Kha. i. C. 0034. Fr. of painted wood, in two pieces (now joined), showing draperies in pink, brown, and light green. Black outlines. Roughly painted. Fairly preserved. 4'x I4„Xâ".
Kha. i. C. 0035. Fr. of painted wood, with representation of cloud scroll shaded pink and pale green. Part of one edge intact, chamfered. Other edges broken. Painting very rough. Wood hard. Roughly triangular. 8k" x 28” x A".
Kha. i. C. 0036 + 0036. a. Fr. of painted wood, in two pieces. Head of fig. with brown nimbus, and above a flame-like pennon hanging down. Hair black. Coronet dull yellow, outlined black. Flesh contours black (unusual). Flesh yellow-pink. (0036) 12" X 2". (0036. a) 4" x ". Pl. XIV.
Kha. i. C. 0037. Fr. of painted wood with traces of flame-like scroll. Hard. rot x r ".
Kha. i. C. 0038. Tangle of cord made of twisted withies and fabric, faded red.
*Kha. i. C. 0039. Stucco relief fr. of Gandharvi flying L. Nude except for mantle over shoulder. Hands extended hold garland of drapery and flowers (?). Corresponds to Kha. i. E. 0028, q. v. Wings of conventional Persian type blue, garland red, body white with red markings ; beyond wing, fr. of cloud (?) pink. Head, R. arm and breast, and legs below knees missing. Hard white stucco. 4*" x 4".
From same mould : Kha. i. E. oo6, 0038, 0039 ; ii. 0019.
Kha. i. C. 0040. Stucco relief fr. Head of Buddha. Features much worn. Part of halo only preserved to R. This green with red border. Hair black, top of robe red. White stucco. 2*" x 21".
Kha. i. C. 0041. Stucco relief, head of Gandharvi, like Kha. ii. N.W. 005. Traces of red on halo. Hair black. White stucco. ri" x
Kha. i. C. 0046. Stucco relief fr., first and second fingers of R. hand from colossal fig. Gilding over red, on white slip. Traces only of each. Cf. Kha. i. 0029. White stucco. Gr. length 3". Width of finger at nail i".
Kha. i. C. 0051, 0052. Stucco relief frs., gilded. oo51 shows also lines in red. Both show canvas lining, and 0052 shows traces of coarse clay stucco within. White stucco. 2" X Ii". 21" X Ii".
Kha. i. C. 0053. Stucco relief fr. Flame; three-ribbed flattened S-curve. Traces of red. 2" x s".
Kha. i. C. oo54. Fresco fr., in several pieces, of large composition. Upper half of Bodhisattva, narrow waist, long ears, diadem with Dhyani-Buddha plaque in front. Hair black and long in knob visible at side of plaque, white taenia with long end pendent down R. shoulder and arm. R. hand upraised to breast, palm out. Fingers webbed (?). Two massive necklets (yellow). Longer rope-like necklet (green) with pearl and gold (yellow) ornament. Bangles at wrist, large circular armlets. Body nude as far as it exists in fragment, yellow stole round upper R. arm. Face very round. Mouth and nose small. Eyes long and dreamy. Tilaka. Pear-shaped nimbus dark green bordered with pink shaded outwards to white. L. side of head, L. shoulder, and nearly all L. arm broken away. Vesica green bordered with two bands of red-brown, the outer the darker, edged with thin white lines. Green and inner border divided by white dots. Two red-brown bands extend vertically above on L., and beyond is blue band on which are placed oval vesica panels, containing seated Buddha figs. in red-brown robes, red-brown haloes, and light green vesicas with yellow borders surrounded by white dots, outside which is border of red petals. In spandrels between these vesicas, two leaves curling, respectively, up and down. Contours red. Black for hair, etc. Colouring rich. The use of white very effective. 17 ." x 15". Pl. XII.
Kha. i. C. 0055. a-c. Three fresco frs. showing parts of loose floral design outlined in black with red, yellow, and pale
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