国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
green washes :on white ground. (a) shows part of a red
background. Rough work. 5â" x 6;E"; 4i" x 6-"; 4"
x 5.".
Kha. i. C. 0056. a, b. Fresco fr., showing rows of seated Buddha figs. on straight Padmasanas. Robes are red, white, and grey, and their order, both horizontally and vertically, is red between white and grey. Colour of vesica and nimbus always counterchanged to contrast with robe. Pale blue used also for backgrounds. 1' 3" x r
Kha. i. C. 0056. c. Fr. of painted panel, broken at top, L. side, and lower part of R. side. Portion of bark remains on orig. edge to R. Shows seated Buddha in green robe and red upper garment, hands resting together in lap ; on Padmasana of green petals with pink centres, brown outer ray (sepals) and yellow seed vessel. Upper part of fig. much abraded and almost indistinguishable. Below Padma-sana, on buff ground, a relatively large L. human eye and inner angle of its fellow (broken away). Connexion of this feature with upper subject not clear. All paint below eye absent. Work good. i4 " x 3k'
Kha. i. C. 0057. a, b. Two frs. of painted wooden panels. On (a) traces of drapery, red and white ; on (b) very small head, red outline on yellow ; hair and eyes black, with vesica (?) of yellow with red lines. (a) 7" x Ia"; (b) 4D X E.
Kha. i. C. 0057. c. Fresco fr., similar to Kha. i. C. 0056. a, b and prob. part of it. 8" x 7"
Kha. i. C. 0058. Fresco fr. Part of seated Buddha, looking * L. Cf. Kha. i. C. co56. a, b. Flesh white. 3E x 3E.
Kha. i. C. oo59. Fresco fr. Part of seated Buddha, looking L. Cf. Kha. i. C. 0056. a, b. Flesh white. 3 â" x
Kha. i. C. oo6o. Fresco fr., showing rows of seated Buddha figs. similar to Kha. i. C. 0056. a, b, but less carefully painted. r 2-" X 9i".
Kha. i. C. oo6i. Fresco fr., showing diaper of seated Buddha figs. arranged in horizontal and vertical rows. Each rectangular space allotted to a fig. is outlined dark
. red and white. Colours of backgrounds are red between blue and green. Figs. robed in blue and red, blue with red background, red with blue and green. Nimbus always pink. Curved Padmasana pink with red robe, green with blue. Vesica white, grey-bordered, with blue robe ; green, red-bordered, or blue, brown-bordered, with red robe. Flesh, discoloured pink. Fingers webbed. Good work. IO"X14".
Kha. i. C. 0062. Fresco fr, of seated Buddha fig. diaper from wall. Similar to Kha. i. C. oo6i, but less carefully painted. 10" x 7e".
Kha. i. C. 0063. Fresco fr. Seated Buddha fig. diaper. Similar to Kha. i. C. oo6i. 1o" x ro".
Kha. i. C. 0064. Fresco fr. Parts of five rows of seated
Buddha fig. diaper, looking L. Flesh white, Work
rather poor. 1' 8" x I x".
Kha. i. C. 0065. Fresco fr., seated Buddha fig. diaper. Similar to Kha. i. C. 0064. 6r .6".
Kha. i. C. 0066-0073. Fresco frs., showing diaper of seated Buddha figs. 007 1 shows prolongation of outer angles of eyes, a style much used in thirteenth-cent. Persian pottery. Largest fr. (0066) 6" x 5".
Kha. i. C. 0074. Eight frs. of a wall painting. Two bands of ornament are seen, above which on one fr. is lower part of large lotus throne. Upper band has series of trumpet-shaped blossoms red and green alternately facing upwards and downwards, on a maroon ground, this bounded above and below by broad white line, on part of which runs Brahmi inscription. Lower band imitates drapery in series of hanging vandykes, red ovcrlapping grey, which show between. Circles of white dots and three maroon hearts on the red ; the dots only on grey. Maroon ground with hanging pieces of white streamers. Painted over both bands is standing fig. facing L. Brown robe leaving R. shoulder bare. Flesh red. L. hand holds flower ; R. hand censer. Traces of band decoration seen where paint of fig. is worn.
In lower band showing where paint of hanging drapery has worn off is squatting a grey fig. with ass's head, black shoes (hoofs), loin-cloth and stole. In L. hand he appears to hold some indistinguishable object. Other traces of earlier painting appear on the same fr. Early painting good. Later, rather coarse, and some of the paint badly mixed. For inscr. see Appendix F. 4' 4" x
Kha. i. C. 0075. Fresco fr. R. shoulder of seated Buddha, and part of vesica. Robe maroon outlined black. Vesica orange, yellow, and green. 7" x 32".
Kha. i. C. 0076. Fresco fr. To R. seated Buddha. Brown robe, green vesica, yellow nimbus. Maroon and brown background, divided horizontally by white lines. To L., part of arm or leg of large fig., the upper part covered with greenish-white transparent drapery. 4" x 5"
Kha. i. C. 0077. Fresco fr. Above, lower part of Buddha seated on lotus with feet crossed. Brown robe. R. shoulder bare. Vesica brown, pink, and green. Below, one line of Brahmi chars. Below, Buddha seated (upper
part) looking L. Green, red, and black vesica. Red
robe. For inscr. see Appendix F. r4" x 8".
Kha. i. C. 0078. Fresco fr., showing portion of grey-petalled Padmasana with dull pink centre. Apparently seated on it cross-legged a fig., of which R. thigh and upper part of lower leg only remain. Flesh of these is undraped, pale pink decorated with patterns applied directly on to the skin. On lower leg, a tree-like meander with branches each bearing a round berry (?). On thigh, three concentric circles. All patterns dull yellow, outlined red. Abraded. 7" x 4".
Kha. i. C. 0079. Fresco fr. Part of two seated Buddhas forming portion of Buddha diaper. 41"x 6".
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