国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
[Chap. V
In centre of lunette a six-branched lamp with green flames rising from each chirâgh. Small Buddha figs. seated in rows fill the remaining space. General background rich red. Outlines red and black. The work is rather rough but skilful. Colour generally weak, excepting the red. Condition : broken and abraded. Very friable. 2' 5" X I' 14". Pl. XI.
Kha. i. C. 0098. Fresco fr. Part of border with floral design. 3r" x 1/".
Kha. i. C. 0099. Fresco fr. On light red ground, white and pale green floral scroll design outlined in black. On one side, part of vesica edge (?) with green leaves on white. 6" X 5".
Kha. i. C. ooioo. Fresco fr., showing head and shoulders of Buddha fig., head a to R. p. Flesh dark (prob. discoloured) ; hair, etc., black ; nimbus blue ; halo pale green ; robe saffron. Broken and abraded. 2" x 2r".
Kha. i. C. 000xox. Fresco fr., painted very rich crimson, with black lines. Prob. drapery. I1" x Ii".
Kha. i. C. 00102. Fresco fr. of border. Two seated Buddha figs. a to R. p., hands in lap on which black bowl; straight Padmasana. Red robes, pink background. Pale green nimbus with white vesica ; white nimbus with pale green vesica. Black hair brought to downward point over forehead, Usni§a showing above narrow Chinese cap-shaped head-dress. Necklet black with white spots. Rapid work. 9" x 4".
Kha. i. C. 00103. Fresco fr., showing portion of R. upper arm of nearly life-size fig., wearing armlet (yellow) of same pattern as in Kha. 0031 (see Pl. XII). Flesh pink shaded. Dark green stole winds round arms. Folds of white drapery on dark red ground (figured with white pattern) to R. p. Indication of body of fig. to L. p. Small portion of armlet of similar pattern appears to R. p. 41" X 4E.
Kha i. C. 00104. Fresco fr., showing head of Buddha fig. a to R. p. Long ears. Flesh very pale pink. Robe red-brown. Background dark grey. Hair, etc., black. Flesh contours red. Rapid execution. 4i" X 2 ".
Kha. i. C. 00105. Fresco fr., showing floral scroll detail in green with white and black outlines. Pink ground. Blue to L. p. Prob. part of Kha. 0039. Condition : broken and abraded. 1" x 1".
Kha. i. C. ooio6. Fresco fr., in two pieces, showing conventional floral scroll consisting of main stem, green and pink, out of which grows large flower composed of green and grey petals outlined white and black, veined black; seed vessel brown with white spots ; sepals white. Background pink. To R. p. red border band. Rough but well designed and free in treatment. 4*° x 2*".
Kha. i. C. ooxory. Fresco fr., showing detail of conventional floral ornament. Complete pattern prob. of circular form, of which part of outer border only visible. Chief element of this is a lily-like bud, springing from
between two curled blue sepals four pairs of which form inner border of circle. Sepals spring from green leaf and open suddenly. Bud enclosed between two elongated green leaves which spring from centre of upper edge of sepal, and meet at points forming an ogee shape. Outer curled tips of sepals meet those of adjoining pairs and support bud and leaves similar to first, the bases of leaves meeting those of leaves on each side, thus forming a connected series of ogee curves as outer line of pattern. In spandrels between ogees are inserted small trefoil petals, black with yellow centre, white and black outlines. Spaces between circular pattern seem to have been furnished with green and black quatrefoils. Ground brick-red. Outlines of ornament white and black. To one side, band of a dark brown colour with black lines (drapery?). 3" x Ii".
Kha. i. C. ooxo8. a, b. Two fresco frs. Portion of pink background with four-petalled flowers in dark red; semé. (a) has a blue patch at one side. Faded. (a)
4r" x 3E; (b) 3j"
Kha. i. C. ooiog. Fresco fr., trellis-pattern floor in red lines on white ground on which rest forefeet of horse (pink). Behind the legs and at upper end of trellis, a dice-patterned cushion. Abraded. 4i" x 21".
Kha. i. C. 00110. Fresco fr., showing white and blue drapery on rich crimson ground. Abraded. 34" X 2°.
Kha. i. C. own. Fresco fr. of ornamental detail, prob. armlet of large fig. To L. of ornament a white band (stole ?) then a black band, and to L. of this bright turquoise. Ornament outlined red in semicircular bands round blue semicircular centre. Bands contain outlined seeds and bear traces of gilding. In three of the seeds the surface is raised and partly detached, probably due to use of some kind of gold size or heavy gum as the vehicle for gilding. In the blue centre where are traces of gold same condition exists. Cracked in places. 2r" x
Kha. i. C. oo112. Fresco fr., showing dark green-grey drapery, prob. part of L. leg of seated fig. White Padmâsana. Dark red-brown background. White halo. Rough work. 3E x 2E".
Kha. i. C. oox13. Fresco fr., showing portion of red-brown Padmasana. Pale pink background. Outlines black and coarse. 2" X xi".
Kha. i. C. 00114. Fresco fr. ; roughly painted ornamental detail. Pink ground with dark brown bands and white spots in lines and circles. 2*" x Ii".
Kha. i. C. oohs. Fresco fr., showing part of head of Buddha fig. â to R. p. Eyes heavy and dreamy. Flesh pink. Contours red. Hair, eyebrows, etc., black. Tilaka. Nimbus green to white. Rapid work. 34" x 3k".
Kha. i. C. ooI16. Fresco fr., showing portion of R. eye, face, and head of Buddha fig. Flesh dark pink. Hair with Usnisa, black. Nimbus dark red, bordered with broad white band, outside which a thin white line. Vesica red, bordered with white and broad band of black. Background
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