国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
red with white sprig. Horizontal white line divides this from upper panel (broken away). Below white line a few Brâhmi chars. in black. See Appendix F. Work rather rough. 5-" x 3".
Kha. L C. ooII7. Fresco fr., showing lower part of fig. seated on shaded pink lotus with yellow centre. DhÖIi red. R. hand resting in lap has bangle and appears to grasp some unintelligible object. Fine work. Abraded. z" x 2".
Kha. i. C. 00118. Fresco fr. of large composition. R. hand of Buddha fig., life-size, fingers missing. Extended to R. palm out, fingers down. Web extending from thumb. Sacred mark in palm formed by three concentric circles surrounded by dots. Thumb-nail short. Bangle with turquoise jewel on wrist. Triangle and circle (yellow) seem to be painted on wrist. Flesh pink.
Behind hand and prob. part of border of vesica, standing Buddha fig. in red-brown robe, head slightly bent and 4 to R. p. R. hand palm out at breast. Long pointed flame-shape nimbus grey and buff. Vesica pale grey-blue, background red. Fragments of colour on general background, green, red, pink (drapery), and chocolate. Abraded. 9" x 7".
Kha. i. C. oo11g. a-g. Fresco frs. of ornamental detail painted on red ground. On (a) a pattern of circular form composed of a central pink four-petalled rose on turquoise ground, encircled by a stem-like line looped to form eight equidistant outward projecting points. At alternate points the meeting stems continue in scrolled ends, from between which proceed four-petalled buds. The intermediate points bear each a buttercup-shape flower (green inside, blue out, red centre, black shading). Other frs. are variations of this and similar schemes. Abraded. (a) 74" x 3f". Others smaller.
Kha. i. C. 00120. Fresco fr., showing borders of vesica, brown, red, green centre. Part of nimbus, pink. Background red. Small portion of detail within vesica, indeterminate. 5i" x 21".
Kha. i. C. 00121. Fresco fr. on red ground showing R. p. portions of panels containing three seated Buddha figs., with green, white, or red nimbus. Padmâsana straight. To R. p. on background, boldly painted curled lily pattern, rather disjointed. 71" x 4".
Kha. i.. C. 00122. Fresco fr. showing portions of two fishes on green (water) background. The red dolphin-like head of one points to R. p. The green, white, and blue scaled back, and portions of red fins, of a larger fish appear at lower edge. A mass of bright red shows at upper edge. Work rough. Abraded. z"
Kha. i. C. 00123. Stucco fr. coated on a fiat tail of cotton (?) fabric, folded round a core of coarse fibre. The stucco of hard plaster shows traces of red paint with gilding over. It probably formed part of elongated pierced earlobe of a large fig. Much broken. 7" x 1" x ".
Kha. i. C. 00124. Fresco fr., showing R. ear and side of head of Buddha fig. to L. p. Long ear. Long hair, black. Mukuta yellow with half anthemion ornament in red outline. Knotted taenia, white. Nimbus pink. Flesh pink. Rapid work. Condition good. 4" X 2".
Kha. i. C. 00125. Stucco relief fr., painted with crossed red lines upon gold ground. White stucco. 1"
Kha. i. C. 00126. Terra-cotta fr., decorated with plaited braid coiled in spiral, starting from central knob. Surface slightly convex. Appliqué ornament to vase. 3" X 2" X to A-".
Kha. i. E. 002 a, b. Stucco relief. Two frs. of ' bead and lotus-petal ' moulding ; cf. Kha. vii. oo5. (a) shows reddish-yellow colour. Cf. Kha. ix. ooio. White stucco. Length (together) 4s" x
*Kha. i. E. 003 (joined with Kha. ii. 008). Stucco relief fr. of ' bead and lotus-petal ' border, made from mould of which Kha. ii. 0074 is part. Straight edging of beads from which lotus petals with boldly marked lobes and light central rib curve away like foliage; pointed
leaves visible between petals. Petals originally pink.
5" x 3".
From same mould : Kha. ii. oo8, 009, 0012, 0052, 0053, 0054, 0055, 0056, 0057, 0058 ; ii. C. 004. All of white stucco. Cf. (smaller scale) Kha. i. S.W. 005. Also cf. Kha. vii. oor.
Kha. i. E. oo8. Stucco relief fr. of two overlapping bands of flame pattern from vesica ; inner painted red; outer covered with white slip. Cf. Kha. i. C. 0o1 r. White stucco. 3" X 2k".
Kha. i. E. oog. Stucco relief fr. Head of Gandharvi in high relief, much of face destroyed. Hair black ; two bands of vermilion round throat. White stucco. i-" x 1".
Kha. i. E. Don. Stucco relief fr. of bead and lotus-petal' border. Cf. Kha. i. E. 003 (similar but different mould). zk"X 2k"
Kha. i. E. 0014. Stucco relief fr. Lotus pedestal with feet and ankles of Buddha. White stucco. Cf. Kha. 1. oo1 (slightly different mould). 2" x
Kha. i. E. 0017. Stucco relief fr. Upper part (head to breast) of a Buddha in attitude of protection. Hair modelled and painted black ; drapery dark red. Flesh and nimbus orig. gilded. On L. side of fr. is slight trace of blue background. Fig. similar to Kha. i. W. oor 2. White stucco. 3" x 31-".
Kha. i. E. oww8. Stucco relief fr. Flame work in high relief. Back shows impress of scored plaster to which this was applied. White stucco. 4" X 3r".
Kha. i. E. oomg. Stucco relief fr. L. foot of small
human fig. Nails, divisions between toes, etc., outlined
in reddish-brown; ivory-coloured slip. White stucco. 2" X Ii".
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